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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. Why that stupid nets have to be so hight here, in my country they have golfranges as well but no nets at all.

    When for a baseball field OK but this is just golf, if those guys play properly they don't need those silly nets at all. They are so ugly and visual very polluting, even more when getting old. They really have no brains here, can't think 'beyond money' and this will never be a civilized country for sure. Time to leave and let them r*t away togeher with their own kind of maipenraiers. Sad but true.


    Go easy on the hilltribe coffee in the morning  :)

  2. Maybe Thailand needs to burn down more hotels, housing developments and karaoke bars, and plant more rice? :)

    Plant as much rice as they can, wherever they can.  We would love to be able to get hold of some land to grow rice, but unfortunately all land in the valley seems to be priced at redevelopment as residential or industrial property prices  :D

    Nothing wrong with growing rice, but please leave the straw to dry & plough it back in to the soil.  Doesn't cost any extra, & is beneficial in the long run to the soil.

  3. Probably best to buy the plot of land in the middle of a housing development.  That way, you don't have a view to lose, & you'll be surrounded by other houses.  No factory or highrise overshadowing your garden.  Or better still, rent.  I haven't done either of those.  One day it'll be me in for a rude awakening.  Sorry to hear of your misfortune.

  4. what does it cost to have a third party service to plow a rai of land anyway? I thought it was about 150 to 250 baht depending on how many tillage wheels are used. More wheels slows things down while more throughly turning the soil and uses more petrol.

    There was a recent thread in the farming forum on this.  200 to 350 baht, was quoted, the price dependent on how deep the soil was tilled.

  5. Which farmers are not using a tractor to prepare their land for rice cultivation?  All around my part of the valley they use a 4 wheel kubota to till the soil when dry, followed by 2 wheel kubota to till the soil when flooded.  Most don't own the 4 wheel tractor, but pay someone to do this.  But they all do it, prior to flooding the land.  So, where is the additional cost burden on the farmer who doesn't burn his ricestraw?

  6. I don't think you are going to see any govt directives to Thai rice farmers to not burn off their fields.

    Sure, they can plow them under, in 1 or 3 passes. With tractors running on diesel.

    Will the OP volunteer the cost of the diesel, for a million rice farmers, to power their tractors, to accomplish same?

    Just a rhetorical question... :)

    They plough the burned or non burned fields the same, with a tractor running on diesel.  It may be harder to plough unburned fields with a buffalo compared with burned fields, but tractors cut through quite easily. :D

  7.  The burning around Chiang Mai was minimal on the rice fields this year and that was about 6 weeks ago. So much for your theory. Try again. By the way there are blue skies and visibility is about 15 Kilometers in Doi Saket.

    The rice burning south of San Kamphaeng began beginning of December.  It continues.  Clear skies today, but the burning continues, & there's a hel_l of a lot left to burn, which WILL be burned before the rains  :)

  8. I'm looking for tyre sealant, the type you put into tyres to prevent punctures.  All I've found so far is Holts Tyreweld, which is used after a puncture, as a temporary measure to allow you to continue without changing wheel.   It's for a ride on mower, with old well worn tyres.  Not sure whether lawn tyres are available here, but if sealant does the job, money will be saved.  It's not as if I'll be hammering it down the superhwy, so safety of tyre is not a major concern, just want to keep the air in for half an hour or so.

  9. Took a walk around the moat this morning after dropping my truck off for a service.  Hazy, yes, but felt no ill effects that I would normally suffer if working in smog for 90 minutes.  Very pleasant walk, traffic fairly light.  Don't often get into town.  It was a nice reminder of how beautiful Chiang Mai is.  Air around Thaepae Gate felt dusty / dirty, but the rest very nice.  But please, can the city authorities bury all the electrical cables.....

  10. [

    On roads into the Chiang Mai town urban areas police were checking vehicle emissions, basically stopping and testing every older looking pick-up truck.  

    Those are just money making operations.  They totally floor the accelerator for way too long.  And they do it 3 times.  Do a google to see how the test should be done.  My truck, along with all the other stradas built at time, gives out some smoke when under stress, such as climbing a hill.  Did so from new, as did other stradas.  My truck is regularly serviced, passes the annual inspection, but next time those crooks in brown stop me, I'll just volunteer the fine, without their test.  I seriously thought they were going to destroy the engine  :)  These thieves are often located on hwy 11 heading north, under the flyover between Airport & San Kamphaeng.  Take the frontage road to avoid.

  11. A few more 7-11s would be nice  :)

    On a more serious note, CM residents need to STOP THE BURNING and MORE ROAD SAFETY!!!!!

    Not for us moaning expats, but for the local people who don't necessarily realise that they need it.  

    A functioning police force would be nice, but that is unachievable, so let's scratch that request.

    Most of us could leave to live elsewhere, but the CM people deserve better.

  12. Or introduce roundabouts. Folk will get used to them, after "a while",

    How long has it been for the North Pattaya roundabout? Decades, and traffic still piles up there. Too many people drive like old ladies and don't know how to merge in.

    People seemed to manage when the underpasses were under construction, & what we had was effectively large roundabouts.  Traffic kept flowing.  Now you have approx 2 minute wait near Makro for instance waiting to turn into the city or go straight on south.  Short cycle traffic lights at peak times assists those that can't go with the flow.

  13. Okay.. I found 3 places to buy grass seed.. all of it is in a can and is clear marked... MADE IN THE USA

    450 baht, 480 baht and 550 baht were the prices in 3 different stores for the same product..

    Bermuda grass...

    Any idea of the area one can will cover?

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