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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. First, wrong diagnosis.

    Second, try to cover up, although 27 more soldiers have the virus.

    Third wrong message given to the public.

    Should we be worried????????

    I have been trying for days to report the nine people, who have died in Chiang Dao, of the Swine Flu. Eight of them, died within the past five days and the 9th within the past two weeks. Both Chiang Dao Hospital and the local Government are covering it up. It is almost impossible to get this information out to the media. Thank you for posting something about the Soldier that died of the Swine Flu, Rimmer. This gave me the opportunity to get this news out.

    I am posting under my real name and my wife owns and operates a Biker Bar/Restaurant in Chiang Dao, so this is definitely not in our own interest to bring this information to light. We just don't want anyone else to die, so we can't keep our mouth's shut about this. angry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gif

    Seems to be quite a few pig farms in the area, and waste run off into streams - are you aware of any link between the victims?

    Most of them are from a local Chiang Dao district called Tungakhong (not sure about the spelling). As far as I know, they all died in Chiang Dao Hospital. The people from the Cesabaan (local Government) went to check it out, but it is still covered up. The first body, they burned right away, to cover it up. There need to be some autopsies done and the source needs to be found.

    Yes, there are a few pig farms up here.

    Perhaps this needs moving to the main Thaivisa news forum, rather than being hidden away in the CM news forum.

    • Like 1
  2. Yesterday, taking my children to school at 7.30, we passed through one village that was thick with smoke. It was a cold morning after the recent warmer ones. And it probably didn't bother anyone living in that village. They need educating as to the harm they're inflicting on themselves. An hour later, I was east of San Kamphaeng, up against the mountains. Same thing, only the smoke covered a bigger area.

  3. Is it really the third of February? It is stellar blue sky in Mae Taeng with visibility over 40 miles. Not a smoke column in sight. Best weather of the year......

    Perhaps the arrival of warmer weather has stopped any temperature inversion conditions that were trapping pollution?

    Hope it lasts a while.

  4. You can tell the current flight status at the CNX website. You select the time range and it will tell you all all flights departing/arriving. Saturday shows one arrival (China) at 1:50AM and nothing until 6:00AM. Unfortunately, seems no options to select a specific day of the week, just the current day. http://www.chiangmaiairportonline.com/node/10

    Another site - Flightstats

    Then what are all the planes everyone hears every night up until 4am? Are they all delayed?

    As I mentioned, those sites only show the current day, which in this case is Saturday so will need to wait until Monday to check the weekday flights.

    I was being serious Tywais - not being sarcastic - the terminal is shut, but the flights are still going overhead for hours after - maybe they do run cargo planes after commercial passenger slot, that would explain it I guess - and they wouldn't be on schedules either I guess.

    DEA, CIA rendition flights or more boringly, DHL?

  5. Yep, no real biggie; pumping car stereos, tuk-tuks, dogs, cock-a-doodle-doos in the small hours are far more disturbing than a low, steady rumble, but (as convenient as it is) it really is about time the airport was booted out of town.

    Airport is fine where it is. Time to start a company selling double glazing. Where to find a list of phone numbers on the flight path to call around dinner time.....

  6. It never ceases to amaze me how these things happen when there is:

    -Perfect visibility

    -Perfect road conditions

    -Flat terrain

    Total lack of :

    -Any kind of road discipline

    -Any law enforcement of traffic rules, apart from set checkpoints

    -Any kind of forward looking beyond the end of the bonnet (hood)

    -Any anticipation of what other road users may be about to do

    Probably quite a few more whistling.gif

  7. Try the Kodak shop here 18.787621,99.005882

    I had UK passport photos done there. They had a chart on the wall with other countries requirements. If you tell them what size etc, they will print to your specifications.

    • Like 2
  8. It seems Windhorse cannot promote healthy veg/cheese/eggs/fish because of this forum's self-promotion ban.

    Surely the wellbeing of TV members could be placed above commercial interests for once...

    Only forum sponsors may promote their own business. This is a very strict forum rule.

    Totally understandable.

    After all, we can't just allow any hobby farmer to derail the robust ThaiVisa business model, by selling a couple of dozen surplus eggs here.

    Anyone got gps coords for this place to put in google maps?

  9. I see 25 degress now on the internet, and lowest 20, where did you guys see 7 degrees? In mountains?

    Last week was cold. We had 10C out San Kamphaeng way. 7.30 in the morning. The higher places (hills) were warmer - hot air rises. The coldest I saw was 8C just over the border with Chiang rai on highway 118. This was down in the valley bottom - cold air sinks.

  10. Was going to take a peek today but got stuck in the queue for parking, gave up after 20 minutes of sitting and waiting, maybe try again during the week.

    Yeah, it's seems the Huay Kaew entrance (and exit!) is not working out all that well. (Suprise. wink.png )

    Probably better luck from the Superhighway which at least means an easier exit, however on the way in that would still mean having to get past the Rincome intersection.

    Is there a helipad on the roof for VIPs?

    • Like 1
  11. Maya should have been forced to make an underpass under the superhighway as a condition of getting planning permission. The one at Big C south of Makro on the super has one & it works well. But then again TIT. Hope it fails for lack of foresight.

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