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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. Ketchup on pizza? whistling.gif

    Who the hell puts ketchup on a Pizza ?? blink.png VERY WEIRD and I dont think anyone would expect a Pizzeria to have a bottle of ketchup on the table or even in the shop. LOL

    Well that poster was talking about a Thai run place and yeah, the Thais love their condiments. But for a fellow Westerner to use it does surprise me. But, it was his Dime, so have at it smile.png

    A bit like the "Chinese" food we are usually served in the US, it has been adapted to our tastes. When I actually ate real chinese food in China, it was not even close (to the US version) and VERY delicious smile.png

    I've seen Europeans doing the 'ketchup on pizza' thing too, and mixing a beer with Schweppes.

    My 5 year old son insists on ketchup with his pizza. Hopefully, he'll grow out of it.

    Don't let him drink schweppes......

  2. I was going to take a break from BKK and go to Mae Rim/Chiang Mai next week ... is that still advisable?

    If you plan to visit nature & spend time outdoors during your visit, I'd recommend you put your visit off until after the rains start or next cool season. Starting to get grim up north, visibility in the hills etc. Best to hit the beach this time of the year.

    If you just want to visit the city area & "night life", you should be fine. (Don't forget your n95 standard face mask..... wink.png )

  3. There was a very large fire just south of CAT building near Big C (one with the tunnel under the road) next to the superhighway. I could see it from my house south of San Kamphaeng. Was going strong between 2 & 4 pm when I last drove past. Burning season is well under way angry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gif

    Very smokey in Makro car park.

  4. The original location is Chinatown. Heading on the one way, Chang Moi Rd., away from the moat, left at the Chinese arch about 50 yds. on the left. Sorry don't know how to post maps.

    For those of you who don't have a GPS myself included thank you. All to often we here about them being wrong or useless.

    For those of you who like me need directions Chang Moi Rd.is the one with a Mikes burger joint on the corner by the Eastern moat.

    You don't need a gps. Simply copy & paste the coordinates into google search or google maps. You will then see the location on a map on your screen.

  5. On Thaivisa I learned that you can transfer money via PayPal if you have a Thai Bank. I was able to transfer dollars from my US account to PayPal then to BKK account and PayPal charged me 1%. If you transfer money within the US (bank to bank) there is no charge. My US bank did not charge me for this but would have charged me $2.50 if I used the ATM and will not let me withdraw more than $500 per day unless I telephone them every time if I can get a person. So now to withdraw $500 it will cost me $7.50 (1.5%) I don't know if this way is cheaper but it works. The only downside is the time it takes to transfer the money. The wait time is four days from US bank to PayPal and four days from PayPal to the Thai bank. I hope this helps someone. The banks always gets theirs.

    I believe paypal give exceedingly poor exchange rates. I hope to be corrected.

  6. Being here for 7 months we can't bring that much cash! 12000 baht a time is the most we're allowed to withdraw from an ATM in a day. On the one occasion we went to the teller and asked to withdraw 20000 baht, she just escorted us to the ATM (where we could only withdraw 12000). She just shrugged her shoulders and went back to her desk.

    Sent from my GT-I8552 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Open a thai bank account and transfer required funds as and when.

    Unless you transfer a large sum, the fees for an international transfer are worse than the 150 charge.

    that applies only to poor not so well-off people who consider 4,000 Dollars, 3,000 EURos or 2,400 Pounds a "large" sum.


    Why transfer 8 month's spending money up front? Might decide to go elsewhere w00t.gif

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