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Posts posted by Steiner

  1. Anyone been able to source the type of damp proof course often used in the UK.

    Need to fix another Thai c**k up.

    I've called and had my staff call a number of local branches of international companies who sell it, they don't even know what it is, standard I know.

    Anyway, anyone ever sourced it here before I order it online from abroad?







  2. On 6/14/2017 at 7:02 AM, r136dg said:

    I was going to get him a bottle of good whiskey to rid the quilt (<deleted> was I thinking).


    Buy him presents for doing a sub standard job, then moping about it!
    Stick your foot in his ass and tell him to do one!

    I have no issue telling them what to do, which was p*ss off on the 2 occasions that a Thai did any sort of work for me.
    I wouldn't let a Thai change a light bulb, untrained idiots that have zero respect for the work they purport to do.
    After the last time I told one to clear off, I went and bought a full tool kit, best thing I every did, I add to it regularly and it rivals any western tradesman's kit now.

    There are some great western builders in Thailand now, that's the way to go, finished on time, knowledgeable and done properly.
    I see guys posting pics of their Thai house with costs like they got a bargain, pah!
    They got a jerry built single walled shed!


    I work in property, I see and survey houses every day, it's a joke, poor design, ridiculous electrics, placement and instillation. Looking at a 4.5 kw shower instillation an hour ago with 1.5mm wire!  They had cemented it into the wall, didn't even use conduit, that's getting ripped out tomorrow.

    When they run out  of a colour of wire (a lot have their own colour code anyway) they just join another colour and carry on!

    I've seen parts of houses wired completely in green because they ran out of other wire and wouldn't go buy some, live, neutral and light ring ALL IN GREEN EARTH WIRE!

    Ridiculous plumbing, they have zero understanding of gas flow or pressures in drainage systems. Never cover pipe ends so pipes are always getting blocked with the dirt they force in as they push them through, it's pure stupidity and laziness.

    No DPC's and so much rising damp.

    I saw one using a vibrating plate about 6 months ago, nearly crashed the car I was so surprised! 1st one I've seen on 10 years, they usually do the walk up and down like Peruvians making Nazca lines.

    None of them know what they're doing!

  3. On 5/20/2017 at 6:29 AM, simoh1490 said:

    The governement gateway option to renew a UK license has been around for years, I used it to renew my UK license over six years ago whilst living in Thailand (which is illegal by the way but hey).

    Isn't your UK license null and void if you've lived outside the UK for 3rys?

    Once they sync all of the passport entry/exits etc to driving licenses, those options will be lost to many. 

  4. I watched this in Jomtien on one of the big Thai holidays, jet skis jinking through swimmers as if  they were traffic cones. 

    I couldn't believe no one died that afternoon, although there were a few that were hair close!

    Thais didn't seem to care, just waded into the water with their kids. 

    I have to say that Somchai blasting up and down the shallow water vs having someone walk along the beach nd sell a jetski trip, doesn't seem to be a good use of fuel... 

  5. I've found it's pot luck as to whether a sleeper will fit that description. 

    I've been in one where the bogies bounced around due to lack of maintenance, the noise and vibration  meant that sleep was not possible for a second. 

    Been on one with icy cold air con that couldn't be adjusted, far from pleasurable. 

    Been on one sleeper with healthy cock roaches already occupying the berth. 

    I've had one OK  experience  with a good 1st  class cabin that was quiet and reasonably comfortable. 

    Still I can never sleep on them, the constant stops at brightly light stations and slamming doors aren't really  conducive to sleep. 

  6. I've also been told that lightning comes out of the TV and kills everyone in the room. 

    This is apparently gospel because 'it happened'  and the ghost of one of the victims came back to verify this. 


    And then there was the time a Thai girl told me that America just wants all of Thailand's rice and that the British stole their cats!?! 

    My protestations that oil vs rice wasn't an argument and that they were pretty safe on that front,   had the usual effect (when a Thai is presented with the truth)  of making one of the people in the room invisible. 

    A quick check on Google revealed that a Brit had taken 2 Siamese cats back to Britain for his sister, who founded the Siamese cat club, apparently this slight from 1884 was not easily forgiven nor forgotten... 

  7. 3 hours ago, catman20 said:

    better to either not come here with your partner or find a new partner that would respect you and not flirt with the thai hookers.

    How can one separate hookers from the rest? Seems most of the office workers who go out also do a bit of 'freelance'  work. 

    Seems normal here for a large percentage of girls with a job to expect to be paid for the privilege. 

  8. The hilarious blinkered Thai ethics. 

    I was once making a trip up north on one of the holidays. One of our staff was getting a lift with us and asked if her friend could also cadge a lift. 

    When we collected her friend it was obvious she had just finished a night working in cowboy, spray painted on satin one piece cut to the naval,and hooker boots with 8" heels.

    Although we stopped at a couple of big gas stations for food on the way, she didn't feel inclined to change.

    We reached her home and were invited to use the loo or have a drink before we carried on.

    And there it was, the blinkered ethics of society here: while having a drink and passing pleasantries I crossed my legs and made the cardinal sin of having a foot higher than the 12" high table with the collection of greenery strimmed from the roadside and offered as food, this immediately drew looks of disdain and shaking heads.

    I couldn't help thinking that me crossing my legs vs their daughter in full hooked garb, puppies falling out, with the cream of Sum Yung Guy not even dry yet should have been a bigger fopar in any culture! 

    Go figure... 

  9. 2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    I am beginning to think Thailand would be a lot better without drunken or perverted   tourists behaving badly. 

    Oh yes, bad farang, because Thai people don't whore out their daughters, beat pensioners and don't have a deserved world renowned rep for being dishonest. 

    They are truly a nation with morals and a social conscience we should all aspire to. 

  10. 1 hour ago, jaymbkk said:


    If they're too dumb to understand the value and importance of religion in Thailand and generally in asia and to respect the country's culture .. then yeah they can go elsewhere in my opinion.

    Depending on tourism doesn't mean forgetting your history and culture.

    Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk


    Just to be clear, you're saying that all Thais revere the religious days so much that they abstain completely? 

    It's not even difficult to buy booze on a religious day and the steady stream of Thais buying boxes of booze would indicate that your glasses are overly rosy in comparison to the facts. 

    Are you going to tell Thais who drink on religious days to leave the country as well? 

  11. 39 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:


    Religion is a bigger deal. That's why you often see households where the mother + father + kids + family live together, as opposed to Europe where half of kids are born out of wedlock and having married parents is becoming taboo.

    Wait, you're saying Thais don't have kids out of wedlock!?! 


    Man half of Isaan is made of of 'kid stay with mum' (grandma). 

    That is so blinkered I'm not sure whether to laugh at it. 

  12. 5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    That is an ugly picture and should be cleaned up, but it is also VERY deceptive. It is a 20 meter stretch of a 3 kilometer (?) beach that is stunning. 

    I swim on a daily basis a few hundred meters east of there, and the beach is clean, the sand wonderful, and the water is clean and lovely. It is one of the main reasons that I live here. A sense of perspective is badly needed to this story.

    Off to the beach!


    So you swim a few hundred meters from where that septic tank overfill flows into the ocean? 

    Nice, swimming in  sh1t, maybe it's good for the skin... ? ? ? 

  13. 20 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    I'v had a front and rear one for some years now.....the same problem keeps occuring.....the "sucker" becomes unstuck due to the heat, when it falls it's left hanging by the cable, which can damage the plug in connection.

    I have tried tying it up with a "harness" wire to prevent it from falling all the way down....which had a limited success.

    Best chance for the sucker to stay on is to let both the window and the sucker get as hot as possible before applying it, putting the sucker on when the glass and sucker are cool, will always fall off when it heats and the expanding air in the sucker breaks the seal. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Kabula said:

    I believe most joined because they were ignored by their parents, 'some' were abused physically, mentally, and suffered from abandonment, mental health issues.


    Out of  boredom many spent time on the streets, some in gangs, doing drugs, drinking and committed crimes. The military did not call on them because of their history and many had no where to go.


      The temple became their home, their family and meditation saved many. 

    You have to be smoking something strong and double dipped in fantasy to come out with that utter nonsense. 

    Exactly what would you base that tripe on! 

    It's no secret that criminals go hide in the temples, I've met many monks over the years that set my spider senses tingling, and quite a number that made my skin crawl. 

    You don't need to be psychic to know that they're wrong ones. 

  15. Your question can't be answered, factors include all of the ones Crossey mentioned plus how old is the aircon, serviced, how air tight is the room, does it get direct sun for how long on how many walls, black out curtains or not?
    Really your question has so many variables as to be pointless.

    You should have rented a condo with government electricity, probably cost you the same with that elevated electricity and you could have got a pool and a modern room.


    Penny wise and pound foolish.

  16. Hold on a mo... 


    The family owns several dogs but they were not around when a neighbor's dog got out and attacked his daughter


    So he has a pack of dogs that he allows to roam the sois as they were 'not around' so this story could be about his pack biting another kid?

    I bet his dogs still run free, Thainess at it's self centered purest.

    I hope the little one recovers fully, best wishes to her.
    Her father is an idiot, 3yr old playing unattended where there are cars and allowing his dogs to run free, he's every bit as bad as the idiot trying to justify his dog biting the kid.


  17. If you are looking for a dog, adopt, don't get hung up on the vanity of one of the traditional kennel club breeds with numerous defects from inbreeding. 

    There's a big part TRD living outside my Moo Baan, his bones were protruding so much I had to start feeding him, I couldn't bring him home, we're maxed out. 

    I think the locals don't feed him because he's bigger than they consider 'cute' and of course he needs more food than the smaller ones. 

    If you're interested PM me and I'll get some pics, seems to have a lovely temperament. 

    But he's a big lad and needs a garden, he's not a condo dog. 


    I consider lapdogs to be rodents, so if  that's what your after, I'm sorry you feel that way. 

  18. What is surprising here is the OP's feeling of inferiority, why does he feel that lowering himself to eat bugs and an unhealthy diet, and to 'like' some old woman that sees him as an ATM, is beneficial?
    If it was a middle class Thai family they would not be happy if their daughter showed up with him, if it was a supposed hi so family, they would simply have him whacked.


    I will never understand the Thai apologists who appear to think Thai's have some kind of reverence or are in some way an ideal to be looked up to.

    I eat what I want, I don't eat to placate anyone.


    People being attacked on this post for generalising, is simply stupid, on an online forum one has to generalise when talking about peoples or a region,  there might be a handful of guys feeling aggrieved because their Thai wife is all that, to them, but they are a very small minority,  most up country Thai people are quite similar in their outlook and perception of what is right and wrong.

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