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Posts posted by JimmyGreaves

  1. England, 2-1 ahead.

    Fantastic. The aussies were talking about a whitewash at the start of the series, how wrong can you get? They can only draw the series now.

    More importantly England need only to draw the final Test at The Oval to win the Ashes for the first time since 1986/7 and they deserve them. They have been by far the better side during this series, should be 3-1 up already!

    BTW got no nails left, hair pulled to pieces and the hearts been racing well ahead of itself for the last 3 hours tonight. Trent Bridge today was a feast of excitement with cricket the winner.


    Can't believe it seeing loads of young kids playing cricket again on the streets. Not seen that since I was a kid late 60's early 70's

  2. Australia 218 All Out. England should enforce follow-on. It's a bit grey overhead at the moment let's hope the rain ain't gonna save Australia.

    I reckon that we are watching the best cricket team in the world at the moment England. Looks like Australia have had their day, long day it was.

    1208: Vaughan chooses to enforce the follow-on, the first time Australia have had to do so since 1988

  3. Great News Aussies 21 for 2. Ponting Out. Follow on me hopes!

    BTW weather is up and down, but forecast is good for the weekend. Let's hope the forcasters have got it right as it would be nice to see the aussies follow on for the first time in I think 18 years. I'll be at Trent Bridge Sunday.

    WOW Great excitement 22-3. Looks like my ticket for Sunday at Trent Bridge may not be fully used :o

  4. I used to frequent the coffee shop in 1979/80 it was full of falangs and as far as I remember never closed. Lots of girls where on speed to enable them to keep going as the place was choc o block with people coming and going all the time. Great times!

  5. Contentment

    A Smile can make short work of any difficulty.

    Just being happy helps others


    When I get angry I lose more than my temper


    The only way to gain respect is firstly to give it

    When one will not, two cannot quarrel


    Past is Past

    What I experience now is a result of the past; what I experience in the future depends on what I do now


    Watch your thoughts, they become words

    Watch your words, they become actions

    Watch your actions, they become habits

    Watch your habits, they become character

    Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

  6. The only flaw that I can find with the flexaccount is that TGF can definetely overdraw on it, could not get the exact amount that they will allow but could be as much as £300.

    I've got two cards I flexaccount cash tgf only and 1 flex debit card (me). That way I can pay into the debit and use it myself in LOS and my gf can use the other. Also this allows me to payin one and move funds via the net into the other.

    Hope this helps.


  7. I got a flight booked down to phuket at the end of the week and was wondering if anyone has got any information on hiring a car for a week. I am planning on leaving phuket after maybe an overnight stay and then want to tour krabi for a week. Any ideas of prices and risks you take when hiring a car. I will fly out of phuket 8 days later.


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