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Where Is Thaksin?

John K

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Over the last several days with bombings in Bangkok and possible coup, the name Thaksin has come up as part of the story. There have even been threads started suggesting he is back in Thailand. The truth of the matter is there have been no news stories in recent days that say where he is. The last story that I heard was he was in China to play golf.

So if anyone has a credible news story that reports Thaksin’s whereabouts please post it here. Knowing where he is at any given moment will help see past the fog of rumors and help the x-pats to be on top of possible problems.

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I read all the remours about a possible new coup yesterday. Then, last night, outside the Irish XChange on Soi Convent there were half a dozen soldiers with their rifles sitting eating. I drunkenly asked the leader of the group in broken (read drunken) Thai "Wanne mee coup mai?" (Today have a coup? - or there abouts)...he laughed and said no and then something about keeping franang safe (or something like that).

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Over the last several days with bombings in Bangkok and possible coup, the name Thaksin has come up as part of the story. There have even been threads started suggesting he is back in Thailand. The truth of the matter is there have been no news stories in recent days that say where he is. The last story that I heard was he was in China to play golf.

So if anyone has a credible news story that reports Thaksin’s whereabouts please post it here. Knowing where he is at any given moment will help see past the fog of rumors and help the x-pats to be on top of possible problems.

Aides denies Thaksin plans to sneak into Country through Cambodian border

Noppadol Pattama, legal adviser of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, denied Saturday that the former premier was planning to sneak into the country through Trat's border with Cambodia.

Noppadol dismissed the rumours that Thaksin was now in Koh Kong Cambodia.

He said Thaksin was still in Bejing. He said the former prime minister would enter the country through a normal channel once the Assets Examination Committee summons him to testifiy.

The Nation, today

I'll keep my eye on him and let you know if he moves!

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I appreciate your humor but very simply it seems at the moment he has disappeared from the radar. That alone starts rumors and in particular actions that may be reactive based on unknowns. The closer he is to Thailand the greater the chance of him trying something like a coup. As much as some would like to think he is out of the game, he is still a player.

As far as I can see his whereabouts has been known on a daily basis from the day of the coup. Now suddenly that information is hard to find. This is significant in itself seeing is half of Thailand is looking to get a piece of him.

When he disappears things happen if you look at his track record. It usually means he is planning some self-serving bull when he is out of sight for more than a day. Go back and check the threads if you don’t believe me.

As much as I would like to forget him and just chalk it up as an unpleasant experience in my life, he simply does not give up that easy and there is no doubt in my mind that he is looking to reclaim power and revenge.

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He was drinking in my bar a few evenings ago but get this, after the 8pm happy hour ended he check binned and stormed out muttering something about not paying more than 45 baht for a Heineken to some rip-off Farang!

I offered him a free one if he told me a few juicy political stories. He stayed. But half way through insisted on a free Sang Som to continue. I bit the bullet and gave him a free whiskey and then some. Anyway, he's getting more and more pissed and true to Thai form, wouldn't leave knowing there was free piss on offer.

To cut a long story short he stumbled into his SUV at about 3am and sped away. I couldn't say where he was going or where he is now. So I guess this hasn't been very helpful with regards to the original question.

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He was drinking in my bar a few evenings ago but get this, after the 8pm happy hour ended he check binned and stormed out muttering something about not paying more than 45 baht for a Heineken to some rip-off Farang!

I offered him a free one if he told me a few juicy political stories. He stayed. But half way through insisted on a free Sang Som to continue. I bit the bullet and gave him a free whiskey and then some. Anyway, he's getting more and more pissed and true to Thai form, wouldn't leave knowing there was free piss on offer.

To cut a long story short he stumbled into his SUV at about 3am and sped away. I couldn't say where he was going or where he is now. So I guess this hasn't been very helpful with regards to the original question.

I suggest you go back to Zanzibar for a last nightcap.. :D

I think that John was raising a serious point. :o

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I appreciate your humor but very simply it seems at the moment he has disappeared from the radar. That alone starts rumors and in particular actions that may be reactive based on unknowns. The closer he is to Thailand the greater the chance of him trying something like a coup. As much as some would like to think he is out of the game, he is still a player.

As far as I can see his whereabouts has been known on a daily basis from the day of the coup. Now suddenly that information is hard to find. This is significant in itself seeing is half of Thailand is looking to get a piece of him.

When he disappears things happen if you look at his track record. It usually means he is planning some self-serving bull when he is out of sight for more than a day. Go back and check the threads if you don’t believe me.

As much as I would like to forget him and just chalk it up as an unpleasant experience in my life, he simply does not give up that easy and there is no doubt in my mind that he is looking to reclaim power and revenge.

He has not disappeared and the newspapers have reported his whereabouts consistently as being in China, (see earlier posting). Despite having been told where he is you seem to think that nobody knows where he is and that seems to me to be somewhat paranoid! You maybe need to relax a bit.

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Perhaps but yesterday I did a google search and the latest news was 4 hours old and I saw no news on that. Also with the sudden volley of reports of him being in other places does cast doubt. That is not to mention that newspapers come out once every 24 hours and a lot of distance can be covered in that time.

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He's in Beijing but so what?

It's a mark of the infantility of the "Where's Thaksy" posters that they actually need a separate thread, whereas the serious isues of Thailand's current political crisis are ignored or glossed over.Actually in many cases I suspect the poor boobies just don't understand what's going on and find it easier to fixate on Thaksin.

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He's in Beijing but so what?

It's a mark of the infantility of the "Where's Thaksy" posters that they actually need a separate thread, whereas the serious isues of Thailand's current political crisis are ignored or glossed over.Actually in many cases I suspect the poor boobies just don't understand what's going on and find it easier to fixate on Thaksin.

Usual sunday morning dross from the usual suspect.

When I saw the word 'credible' in the post, I was a little confused when I saw younghusband's name responding :o

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I don’t know how long you have been in Thailand but once again go and look at some of the old threads and even some of the more recent ones. Even that officially Thaksin is out of power he stall has a lot of influence. The only way to neutralize him is to freeze his assets and bank accounts. Because that has not happened he can still affect the political landscape in Thailand. The majority of the Thais feel he is behind the bombs in Bangkok, and if you read what Prem said then you will know of how concerning and necessary it is to know where Thaksin is in near real time.

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He's in Beijing but so what?

It's a mark of the infantility of the "Where's Thaksy" posters that they actually need a separate thread, whereas the serious isues of Thailand's current political crisis are ignored or glossed over.Actually in many cases I suspect the poor boobies just don't understand what's going on and find it easier to fixate on Thaksin.

Usual sunday morning dross from the usual suspect.

When I saw the word 'credible' in the post, I was a little confused when I saw younghusband's name responding :o

I suppose it's a compliment to have you following me around the forum.Nothing to do with your recent humiliation on the drugs thread I suppose?

Do you actually have a point to make? Thought not.

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He's in Beijing but so what?

It's a mark of the infantility of the "Where's Thaksy" posters that they actually need a separate thread, whereas the serious isues of Thailand's current political crisis are ignored or glossed over.Actually in many cases I suspect the poor boobies just don't understand what's going on and find it easier to fixate on Thaksin.

Usual sunday morning dross from the usual suspect.

When I saw the word 'credible' in the post, I was a little confused when I saw younghusband's name responding :D

I suppose it's a compliment to have you following me around the forum.Nothing to do with your recent humiliation on the drugs thread I suppose?

Do you actually have a point to make? Thought not.

No, you have made it for me!! :o:D

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I don’t know how long you have been in Thailand but once again go and look at some of the old threads and even some of the more recent ones. Even that officially Thaksin is out of power he stall has a lot of influence. The only way to neutralize him is to freeze his assets and bank accounts. Because that has not happened he can still affect the political landscape in Thailand. The majority of the Thais feel he is behind the bombs in Bangkok, and if you read what Prem said then you will know of how concerning and necessary it is to know where Thaksin is in near real time.

Here we ago again.Some farang is spouting off about what the majority of Thais think, even though the premise you state is in my opinion extremely dubious.

As to Prem I respect him as a distinguished elder statesman and privy councillor, but forgive me if I do not actaually see him as the font of political wisdom at the present time.

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He's in Beijing but so what?

It's a mark of the infantility of the "Where's Thaksy" posters that they actually need a separate thread, whereas the serious isues of Thailand's current political crisis are ignored or glossed over.Actually in many cases I suspect the poor boobies just don't understand what's going on and find it easier to fixate on Thaksin.

Usual sunday morning dross from the usual suspect.

When I saw the word 'credible' in the post, I was a little confused when I saw younghusband's name responding :D

I suppose it's a compliment to have you following me around the forum.Nothing to do with your recent humiliation on the drugs thread I suppose?

Do you actually have a point to make? Thought not.

No, you have made it for me!! :o:D


I didn't think you would be able to go beyond the boo sucks level, but I thought you might have a stab at amusing banter - but you can't even do that.

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John, I appreciate why you have posed this point but I reiterate this may not be the vehicle to get a serious reply. We'll see.

Perhaps focusing on the denials will provide more credible info. e.g. Thaksin has absolutely not sneaked into the country via Trat so says his lawyer.

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He was drinking in my bar a few evenings ago but get this, after the 8pm happy hour ended he check binned and stormed out muttering something about not paying more than 45 baht for a Heineken to some rip-off Farang!

I offered him a free one if he told me a few juicy political stories. He stayed. But half way through insisted on a free Sang Som to continue. I bit the bullet and gave him a free whiskey and then some. Anyway, he's getting more and more pissed and true to Thai form, wouldn't leave knowing there was free piss on offer.

To cut a long story short he stumbled into his SUV at about 3am and sped away. I couldn't say where he was going or where he is now. So I guess this hasn't been very helpful with regards to the original question.

I suggest you go back to Zanzibar for a last nightcap.. :o

At last a suggestion that makes some sense.

I shall heed your advice.


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Where are the paparazzi when you need them ? Geez, I'd love them chasing Thaksin all day long, so we know exactly where he is at all times.

I certainly don't believe anything he says anymore.

Excellent point. However, all journalists and their stories have to be government approved in China. Many journalists have been beaten and imprisoned for printing anything other than the party line.

Why do you think Thaksin chooses to operate from a country like China and not the UK?

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