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All right you holier than thou locals, can it!

Watching those backpackers dying of heat and thirst, visiting the show villages, is often the most sanook some of the hilltribe kids get! I especially love the looks on the little ones faces as they try to determine if the BPs are really from this planet. :o

yer back packers are a bunch of nobs alright.. was in laos last week, and met a group of them in a bar - we got a few bottles of whiskey and went for a drink round that fountain in vietiene, after about 5 minutes one of them starts holding his hands in the air and making funny noises, after I asked him what he was doing, he sez meditating... After a little more research I found out he had been in SE Asia less than 1 week and had decided he was some sort of spiritual master..

I could sit here all day an regurgitate the <deleted> they were all coming out with..

bunch of muppets :D

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"I especially love the looks on the little ones faces as they try to determine if the BPs are really from this planet"

...And the looks of disappointment and disbelief, after they were waiting in vain for the hairy-legged, dreadlocked creatures to have a wash, so that one might have a peep to determine which were the males and females... :o

All right you holier than thou locals, can it!

Watching those backpackers dying of heat and thirst, visiting the show villages, is often the most sanook some of the hilltribe kids get! I especially love the looks on the little ones faces as they try to determine if the BPs are really from this planet. :o

yer back packers are a bunch of nobs alright.. was in laos last week, and met a group of them in a bar - we got a few bottles of whiskey and went for a drink round that fountain in vietiene, after about 5 minutes one of them starts holding his hands in the air and making funny noises, after I asked him what he was doing, he sez meditating... After a little more research I found out he had been in SE Asia less than 1 week and had decided he was some sort of spiritual master..

I could sit here all day an regurgitate the <deleted> they were all coming out with..

bunch of muppets :D

Did those freaks in Loas take a bath in that fountain?

All right you holier than thou locals, can it!

Watching those backpackers dying of heat and thirst, visiting the show villages, is often the most sanook some of the hilltribe kids get! I especially love the looks on the little ones faces as they try to determine if the BPs are really from this planet. :o

yer back packers are a bunch of nobs alright.. was in laos last week, and met a group of them in a bar - we got a few bottles of whiskey and went for a drink round that fountain in vietiene, after about 5 minutes one of them starts holding his hands in the air and making funny noises, after I asked him what he was doing, he sez meditating... After a little more research I found out he had been in SE Asia less than 1 week and had decided he was some sort of spiritual master..

I could sit here all day an regurgitate the <deleted> they were all coming out with..

bunch of muppets :D

Thats the good thing about pattaya, they don't come here. :D

confine them to a small island where they can smoke siht and talk it. :D


I wouldn't be surprised that they didn't stick their bare feet out at the Monks as well. Ignorant <deleted>... :D

On a constructive note, maybe in the future you see some of them barging in, pull them aside and inform these idiots they ain't in Farangland. Arrogance! :o

Not alll of you, but the majority. What is going through your heads? I'm at Mae Sai yesterday as I am every three months. The idiot next to me has got long hair, dirty clothes that have never known a thing called soap and leather shoes he appears to have constructed himself during his time in the forest somewhere.

At any rate, he's at immigration and the officer tells him politely that he has overstayed one day and will need to pay 200 baht. The idiot goes into a rant, explaining that YOUR buses couldn't get him here on time the day before. Finally he throws the 200 baht at the officer who looks like he's ready to give the idiot a muay thai kick across the neck. The idiot states that he is paying the US$5 in protest.

At this point, my passport is stamped and I walk away, only to be confronted with a girl (who could only be Australian) in her mid twenties who has foregone the shoes altogther (who needs shoes in pristine Mae Sai?) and has somehow come to the conclusion that a sarong wrapped around her mid section will suffice as clothes.

Moral of the story? We don't need farang like these in Thailand. If you can't figure out that shoes and clean clothes may be beneficial to you at an international border and you have the audacity to tell an immigration officer that you are late because HIS buses didn't get you to the border on time, leave now and don't ever come back!

Thanks! You're so right!!!

What about showering them by force with a fire hose?

And thailand should be forbidden for all these big farang girls showing their big belly as well! (when I'm sure they do as much as they can to hide it in their homecountry!)



I would instruct other laypersons such as the women waiting outside to stop the folks before walking in. No speak English or Thai, no problem, young backpackers understand signlanguage pretty well (specially the middle finger idiom).

On another note, since you're having farang visitors frequently, would it be feasible to put up a sign explaining the most important rules in English at the entrance? Financed by donations from visitors.


Thailand doesn't need farangs. Except a few good expats the remainder are a bunch of losers who can neither get wifes nor decent jobs in their own countries.

The Thai have been patient in putting up with their garbage, from sitting in bars with their big fat bellies to creating many ugly scenes in front of children or taking advantage of Thai women. Some might even be paedophiles in disguise or pretend to be good Samaritans. Thailand gets the left-overs. The good stay home.

I personally take the smell of ten backpackers for granted if it helps me to avoid the company of ignorant, fat, beer-stinking so called expats. It gets even worse when they open their mouths to analyse Thai people and the Thai way of living.

Their presence is an insult for Thailand. The backpackers are harmless.

Thailand gets the left-overs. The good stay home.

As an obvious expert can you inform the unenlightened masses as to what country you reside in and you employment details.

So kind, thanking you in anticipation.

usual sh1t from you madfranky I see.

muppet.. U see people pissin and shittin in the street in the middle of the day in laos, so theres absolutly nothing wrong with pissin in a fountain @ 2am ya ignorant chunt!

####, still can't spot it. I must have covered the name with the felt tip... :o


Get a GPS...they're pretty cheap these days... :D

Thailand gets the left-overs. The good stay home.

As an obvious expert can you inform the unenlightened masses as to what country you reside in and you employment details.

So kind, thanking you in anticipation.

Mr. Maerim,

Since many years I reside in Thailand. I work in the public sector.

The last seven or eight years I notice that the 'farang' immigrants start to be of another category.

Lower educated, less aware of the sensibilities related to entering a different culture than one's own and remarcably convinced of their superiority in relation to the Thai people.

They are unaware about the richness of Thai culture. And they behave in a way which is certainly not representative for the culture of the countries they come from.

The horrible thing is, that Thai people more and more start to think that in their behaviour they represent western culture.

Fifteen, twenty years ago Thai people were proud and happy to communicate with foreigners. Now they are much less eager to be seen together with them in public.

The behaviour of these new immigrants reflects on us all.

I overheard an early retired former construction-worker from Australia (yes, big-bellied, dressed in rags, drinking from the bottle) proudly declare that he never made a wai and never will make a wai. He lives here for four years already.

It is as an Arab living for four years in London, proudly declaring that he never shook or will shake hand with a Briton.

I seriously feel sorry for all decent Australians living here.

Americans resort in certain similar situations to the Canadian Maple Leaf.

I hope this answers your question.


If he is an Arab in London, he wouldn't be shaking hands of Britons, he would be tying to blow them up! They don't intigrate when in other countries, are you walking around asleep or what? Go to Australia, UK, USA and see the ghetos they have created, they being Africans, Arabs and Asians. They live their lives completely absorbed by their own culture and will not accept the culture of the country they live in. You only want to see what you want to.

I overheard an early retired former construction-worker from Australia (yes, big-bellied, dressed in rags, drinking from the bottle) proudly declare that he never made a wai and never will make a wai.

Let's hope a rat pissed on the bottle...

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