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5 minutes ago, amvet said:

Good for you.  I have passed out a few times due to heart problems and have to be close to a hospital and carry a device that my family can easily locate.  A smart phone with emergency apps is the logical choice for most people.

You certainly have the right to your opinion, and I respect that. You are correct, most people do choose smart phones, whether that choice is based on 'logic' is another matter of opinion. I learned a long time ago that I am not like 'most people', and I'm thankful for that.

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From the Pew Research study cited above:

Who is smartphone dependent?

Reliance on smartphones for online access is especially common among younger adults, non-whites and lower-income Americans.

17 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


And the smart phone makes ALL of the above more readily accessible... instantaneous information...  unless of course we are carrying our computers around with us. 



I won't use a "smartphone" because I don't like the tiny screen. I will even go to the cinema over watching a movie on the tv.

Bigger is better and watching things on a tiny screen diminishes everything. I have a standard mobile phone to talk to people, and a computer to look at stuff on. I don't need anything that comes on an expensive machine.

My ex has a "smartphone". She used it to talk to people, go on facebook and play some game obsessively, instead of interacting with other people. Sad way to live, IMO. It certainly didn't make her smarter, just isolated.

1 hour ago, amvet said:

Walking alone in the desert with no smart phone seems to me in the same category as skin diving or mountain climbing alone - not something a rational older person would do.  I'm never more than 20 minutes away from a hospital but that's just me and knowing my limitations. 

Many people live/ work in dangerous places where they know if they have a bad accident they will die because there are no hospitals and no access to such, and they are entirely rational.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't live safe lives if they prefer, but not everyone wishes to do so.

I only came on this thread in the first place because I disagree that phones make people smarter. Had the topic been "'smart phones' are worth US$1,000 because they are so useful" I wouldn't have bothered.

1 hour ago, amvet said:



People with college degrees earning above 75 grand a year 90% smart phone ownership.  High school drop outs earning less than 30 grand a year 50% .  Approx numbers. 


Are you saying that high school dropouts earning less than 30 grand a year are smarter than college grads earning above 75 per year?

Really clutching at straws there.

People drop out of school/ don't go to uni for millions of reasons. To equate university education with intelligence is IMO an abomination, when people can take courses in pointless subjects and other suchlike stupidities of modern universities. These days, we can see uni students demonstrating and destroying university property in the US because they are too stupid to understand the concept of free speech.


BTW, a truck driver in an Australian mine can earn more than someone with a degree. Does that make him more or less intelligent?

2 hours ago, amvet said:

No, not eat all.  I do simple activities better, faster and with less effort with a smart phone, therefore I get more done better than a person who does not use a smart phone.  Kind of like using your hands or a harvester to get in crops.  The world would starve without mechanized farming.  

Oh dear. Mechanised farming can happen without any computerization at all. Computers are however essential to deal with all the BS bureaucracy that has only happened because of computerization.


BTW, the world is overpopulated because computers design drugs to keep people alive. Unfortunately, they aren't using them to design better contraception.

39 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I won't use a "smartphone" because I don't like the tiny screen. I will even go to the cinema over watching a movie on the tv.

Bigger is better and watching things on a tiny screen diminishes everything. I have a standard mobile phone to talk to people, and a computer to look at stuff on. I don't need anything that comes on an expensive machine.

My ex has a "smartphone". She used it to talk to people, go on facebook and play some game obsessively, instead of interacting with other people. Sad way to live, IMO. It certainly didn't make her smarter, just isolated.

Reading a book is simply better on a Galaxy Note 8.  The type is easier to read, the illustrations and photos are better and you can make notes or save or send parts of the book to yourself or another.  Try it.  If you try it you will agree.  Close your mind and don't try and you will have missed a great literary experience. 

Note 8 book.jpg

12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh dear. Mechanised farming can happen without any computerization at all. Computers are however essential to deal with all the BS bureaucracy that has only happened because of computerization.


BTW, the world is overpopulated because computers design drugs to keep people alive. Unfortunately, they aren't using them to design better contraception.

MicroCHIPS, an IT start-up company with links to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is developing a radical new contraceptive - a tiny microchip implanted under the skin that can be operated wirelessly by remote control

52 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Many people live/ work in dangerous places where they know if they have a bad accident they will die because there are no hospitals and no access to such, and they are entirely rational.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't live safe lives if they prefer, but not everyone wishes to do so.

I only came on this thread in the first place because I disagree that phones make people smarter. Had the topic been "'smart phones' are worth US$1,000 because they are so useful" I wouldn't have bothered.

It is the framework which changes with each new technology and not just the picture within the frame. One of my old teachers said that.


That's why people will get smarter.


Last week I upgraded my computer to run Augmented Reality.  It will eventually take over the market.  The key to making students smarter is using technology they like, for example smart phones to assist learning and critical thinking.   One begins to understand that if you concentrate on the framework and not what is in the frame. 


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I won't use a "smartphone" because I don't like the tiny screen. I will even go to the cinema over watching a movie on the tv.

Bigger is better and watching things on a tiny screen diminishes everything. I have a standard mobile phone to talk to people, and a computer to look at stuff on. I don't need anything that comes on an expensive machine.

My ex has a "smartphone". She used it to talk to people, go on facebook and play some game obsessively, instead of interacting with other people. Sad way to live, IMO. It certainly didn't make her smarter, just isolated.

Just another bunch of excuses. Not that any of this matters because even if one just buys a phone to use Line for local communications that will be enough. Nothing to do with going to the movies or even for that matter regular internet stuff. Its the Line app. The deal maker. Nobody wants to spend money making a phone call or sending a text to your phone number.

1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Really clutching at straws there.

People drop out of school/ don't go to uni for millions of reasons. To equate university education with intelligence is IMO an abomination, when people can take courses in pointless subjects and other suchlike stupidities of modern universities. These days, we can see uni students demonstrating and destroying university property in the US because they are too stupid to understand the concept of free speech.


BTW, a truck driver in an Australian mine can earn more than someone with a degree. Does that make him more or less intelligent?

Clearly more intelligent.


7 hours ago, amvet said:

MicroCHIPS, an IT start-up company with links to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is developing a radical new contraceptive - a tiny microchip implanted under the skin that can be operated wirelessly by remote control

Wonderful news. Now all they have to do is implant one in every female ( does it work on men? If it does in every person ) in the entire world, and put the remote on continuous for 50 years.

6 hours ago, amvet said:

It is the framework which changes with each new technology and not just the picture within the frame. One of my old teachers said that.


That's why people will get smarter.


Last week I upgraded my computer to run Augmented Reality.  It will eventually take over the market.  The key to making students smarter is using technology they like, for example smart phones to assist learning and critical thinking.   One begins to understand that if you concentrate on the framework and not what is in the frame. 


You just don't get it. It doesn't matter how great the technology is, it will go wrong eventually.

Even if it doesn't, it's breeding a generation of people that are incapable of relating to real people, or functioning without the electronic machine.

Not a good thing.

There was a Bruce Willis film a while back where everyone was a fat slug that stayed in their room and their personality was transmitted into a remotely controlled good looking android, which is how they existed in the real world. I can see it becoming reality.

1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You just don't get it. It doesn't matter how great the technology is, it will go wrong eventually.

Even if it doesn't, it's breeding a generation of people that are incapable of relating to real people, or functioning without the electronic machine.

Not a good thing.

There was a Bruce Willis film a while back where everyone was a fat slug that stayed in their room and their personality was transmitted into a remotely controlled good looking android, which is how they existed in the real world. I can see it becoming reality.

You wrote, "It doesn't matter how great the technology is, it will go wrong eventually."

1.  Pasteurization.  2.  Polio vaccine.  3.  Small pox vaccine.  4.  Invention of germ theory and penicillin.  5.  Printing press.  6. Writing.  7.  Geometry.  8.  Fire.  9.  Domestication of plants. 


I could go on but if you had your way we would all still be living in caves.  You wrote, "It doesn't matter how great the technology is, it will go wrong eventually."

19 hours ago, SheungWan said:

George, you do not have to be intelligent to use a smartphone, but you do need to be stupid not to use one.


I think I agree, but is doesn't make you any more intelligent, you can use a computer at work and home without needing to do much more than call people or text them when you are out.


I object to the walking dead. I had one today completely blocking the dry bit of the pathway out of the supermarket... I guess she was on Twitface or something like.

That's stupid.






19 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

I think I agree, but is doesn't make you any more intelligent, you can use a computer at work and home without needing to do much more than call people or text them when you are out.


I object to the walking dead. I had one today completely blocking the dry bit of the pathway out of the supermarket... I guess she was on Twitface or something like.

That's stupid.


Having Line and Whatsapp on your phone transforms everything. I really don't care about the Phone Zombies. Just another excuse from the dumb phone holdouts really.

19 hours ago, amvet said:

My delivery guys use smart phones to have me sign for packages and get directions to my house and my repair guy uses it to check error codes for appliances.  Those seem like tech applications that are done 100% by phone and not for morons.  Broadcasting on profitable social media and many games are quite complicated to play and learning experiences.  Games that I purchase for my computer like detective interactive fiction games are also downloadable on my phone.  I believe you are showing your inexperience rather than judging morons.  Try some current Sherlock Homes or Agatha Christie stories now made into interactive computer/phone games it might sharpen your wits.  

Yes just like the moron this afternoon in the rain. She was busy with her "smart phone" blocking the only dry way out of the supermarket... I told her to move...

The more walking dead that are run over the better, and the other morons that try to drive while on the phone, yes they are undoubtedly "highly intelligent".

Your whole premise for this thread is a nonsense...

I play computer games and have done so since "pong" came out, and I have Calibre on my computer.

Delivery people had a receipt book to sign and a map, there is nothing new in that either.

The point is, I am not against tech, I just think phones make many people look like sheep, act stupidly and even dangerously when they are out.




20 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Having Line and Whatsapp on your phone transforms everything. I really don't care about the Phone Zombies. Just another excuse from the dumb phone holdouts really.

Hey, have fun do what you want, but don't cause accidents to others, if people get run over it's their own fault.

And when they hack into your bank account don't worry, Line etc didn't sell them your details...





3 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Having Line and Whatsapp on your phone transforms everything. I really don't care about the Phone Zombies. Just another excuse from the dumb phone holdouts really.


3 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Hey, have fun do what you want, but don't cause accidents to others, if people get run over it's their own fault.

And when they hack into your bank account don't worry, Line etc didn't sell them your details...



Completely irrelevant George. I am not talking about using the phone for banking and clearly you have no idea what it means to register for a Line account. As I said earlier, once one demolishes each objection to using a smartphone, the dumb phone user retreats to another excuse. In your case we are now into the security nut phase. Why? Because having no practical argument against using WhatsApp or Line, let's burble on a bit more about phone zombies and security issues. I'm swapping Line IDs with friends and girls in Thailand who just really and I mean really, just hear your stuff as old geezer talk. Actually, its not quite just old geezer talk, its scared old geezer talk.

5 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Yes just like the moron this afternoon in the rain. She was busy with her "smart phone" blocking the only dry way out of the supermarket... I told her to move...

The more walking dead that are run over the better, and the other morons that try to drive while on the phone, yes they are undoubtedly "highly intelligent".

Your whole premise for this thread is a nonsense...

I play computer games and have done so since "pong" came out, and I have Calibre on my computer.

Delivery people had a receipt book to sign and a map, there is nothing new in that either.

The point is, I am not against tech, I just think phones make many people look like sheep, act stupidly and even dangerously when they are out.

I see smart people using phones intelligently.  You see dumb people using phones stupidly.  Maybe we are both seeing reality only our paths are different. 

21 hours ago, amvet said:

Both my phone and earpiece are waterproof so it's no problem answering the phone.  It might be an important call from overseas or a bank or my family.  I don't have a secretary at home so I have to answer the phones.  I have a little hook in the shower and it's actually easy to answer the phone.  I have it auto answer after 2 rings.

Back in the good ol' days I hear tell of a contraption called an answering machine. People could leave a message and you could return their call at your convenience. I'm positive your fancy phone has that function. Is every incoming call potentially that urgent that it can't wait 10 minutes for you go get out of the shower? You stated that you had children 40-50 years old. That gives some clue as to your age, so please, please tell me you don't Face-Time while in the shower. That already leaves a mental image I'm struggling to delete.

19 hours ago, amvet said:

Close your mind and don't try and you will have missed a great literary experience. 

I get the impression your mind is closed regarding this entire cell phone discussion. Do you have an open mind that some people are happy and live fulfilling lives without a smart phone and can continue to do so in the future? Or is your mind completely closed to the idea?

12 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

There was a Bruce Willis film a while back where everyone was a fat slug that stayed in their room and their personality was transmitted into a remotely controlled good looking android,

Hard to believe Bruce Willis staring as a fat slug, what movie was that? I might watch it.

2 hours ago, WorriedNoodle said:

I think the thread title is wrong, it should have been "Are people who use smart phones a smart arse?"

better a smart arse than a silly arse?

2 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

I get the impression your mind is closed regarding this entire cell phone discussion. Do you have an open mind that some people are happy and live fulfilling lives without a smart phone and can continue to do so in the future? Or is your mind completely closed to the idea?

This is the happy-clappy play. Oh I don't want to ruin my life! They talk as if the phone is a drug which they do not want to corrupt their wonderful lives, but its still the same old people scratching around for another excuse. There is absolutely no reason for not having Line/WhatsApp on a phone. None.

2 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Back in the good ol' days I hear tell of a contraption called an answering machine. People could leave a message and you could return their call at your convenience. I'm positive your fancy phone has that function. Is every incoming call potentially that urgent that it can't wait 10 minutes for you go get out of the shower? You stated that you had children 40-50 years old. That gives some clue as to your age, so please, please tell me you don't Face-Time while in the shower. That already leaves a mental image I'm struggling to delete.

No camera on the handset. 


2 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

I get the impression your mind is closed regarding this entire cell phone discussion. Do you have an open mind that some people are happy and live fulfilling lives without a smart phone and can continue to do so in the future? Or is your mind completely closed to the idea?

Like savages in the jungle when first presented new technology.  First emotion is fear.  You have to be educated in the proper use of a smart phone for it to make a meaningful contribution to your life.  In a couple of years 80% of the world will use them so it's going to be forced on you the same as bank accounts were forced on people to collect pensions instead of cash.  Women in Thailand used to be topless and men used to wear skirts.  Any fool could have predicted eventually women would wear tops and men would wear pants same as I'm predicting you all will eventually get a smart phone.  Resistance if futile.

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