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Flying on Vietjet Thai, for the first time.  I have heard horror stories about people denied boarding for not having their middle names on tix, when they were on their passports. Of course, they can buy another ticker at 4x what they already paid.  In Vietnam, their passports read last, middle middle first...they have two middles.  Mine reads last, first middle....the vietjet site ask for last in the first box, then middle and first in the second box.  I entered first then middle in the second box....my printout matches my passport...did I make a mistake?  Should they change their English site?  Will it simply not matter?  And millions out there say middle name doesn't matter, but clearly, the trend is that it does.  Cathay Pacific requires it, and I just went a few rounds with AA, who acknowledged that when they got my Cathay ticket in March, it wasn't necessary, but that has now changed, so they fixed it.  





Vietjet is not a normal airline, its a bottom of the barrel low cost vietnamese airline. If the website asks for surname , middle then first name thats how you input it and you save yourself any worry that they may void your ticket or apply name charges at the airport. 

        With most regular airlines first name and surname should match your passport, middle names are not requirred. If your vietjet booking matches your passport i cant see what they can pull you up on though. 


I inquired at the Viet desk at the airport.  Spelling must be exact and match your passport.  Middle name in your passport; needs to be on your ticket.  Order of given names is not critical.  They actually ask for surname then middle and given.  According to Oxford, your given name is names other than surname.  US Passport same way...it says given name, then displays first middle.  She apologized....Air Asia told me middle was also required.  


kind of interesting because EVA air for years could not handle my simple input of first  last and middle in any format.  They ended up putting my middle initial "attached" to my first name in my miles account.  


Thats the difference between the regular airlines EVA, BA, TG, PG, AF, KLM etc they have interconnected shared booking systems that cant handle middle names so first name and surname matching the passport is good enough for them. 

    The low cost airlines dont use this older reservation system and have thier own individual modern systems that have no restrictions on how many characters are in somebodies name. Middle names , double barrelled surnames will all fit no problem. The shitty low cost airlines Vietjet, Peach, Spirit,  will jump on any spelling mistakes and force you to pay again, rebook, namechange charges, all sorts of bs. 


The old system created a problem, when I booked a ticket with American, that is mostly on Cathay....in March, it didn't matter, and even though my American ticket was fine, when I accessed it through Cathay, it only showed the first name and I couldn't change it, and neither  could the Cathay agent in the US.  So I went back to American, and they said new system, new rules.  Things do change on airlines...Now on my United ticket that also uses Thai, it combined my two given names into one and dropped the capital letter and the space.  Also heard of Air Canada denying boarding over similar issues.  Expect to hear more of this.  Personally, I am getting away from middle initial and going with full names to match passport and banks.

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