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Neck and shoulder pain syndrome

Jonathan Fairfield

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Neck and shoulder pain syndrome


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Technology has been amazing…cars, computers, smartphones, tv’s and more. They have really changed our life.  Unfortunately, one of the side effects of these incredible machines has been the explosive increase in neck and shoulder pain.  


The forward bending of the head and neck while driving, working on computers, playing on our smartphones and watching tv creates powerful stresses on the bones, discs, muscles, and nerves in the neck and shoulders.  Add to this the overuse of our arm and shoulder while driving, mousing, and fingering screens, and you can see why we call the resultant aches and pains, “neck and shoulder pain syndrome”.  


This is much more than the typical “office syndrome”.  It also includes the additional stress from driving, playing with your phone, propping your head up white reading or watching tv, and so much more!  That gnawing, burning, aching pain can really torture your life!  This condition is exploding all over with more and more people seeking help and relief.  


Even the numbers for neck surgery have been shooting up due to the neck degeneration caused by this condition over time.   


The sad truth is that this is all unnecessary.  If people only knew how to properly treat this condition, and understood how to prevent it in the future, there would be much less pain and anguish in society today.  


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At the natural healing center/thai chiro, our expertly trained and friendly staff can assist you in recovering from the pain and anguish of this condition, without drugs or surgery, and teach you strategies of how to avoid the condition in the future.  


No, our care is not “fancy massage”, but real health care involving the unlocking of tightened spine joints, relieving nerve irritation, and rebalancing muscle tone.  


The treatments are safe, comfortable, and very effective. They are done by licensed, well trained staff, including american trained doctors with over 50 years combined experience!

Had enough of the pain?.... Call us today for blessed relief and true healing!!


The Natural Healing Center/Thaichiro:  094-949-9614 (e)  02-639-7300 (t); www.Thaichiro.Com




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