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Thai Pig Farmers Complain Trump Is Porking Them


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On 2-10-2017 at 3:05 PM, snoop1130 said:


Such banners framed a Bangkok stage upon which speaker after speaker denounced the 71-year-old leader as a stone-hearted and greedy businessman out to destroy Thai people’s livelihoods.



Actually, Thailand does already import pork. So why do they even bother to protest. No livelyhoods are at stake at all.

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On 3/10/2017 at 2:40 AM, wakeupplease said:


Look closer to home for those who are doing this, then let the USA bang 200% on rice imports and other goods that arrive from here, then they can complain about who is being porked


The USA is being porked with the local import tax on goods from the states and all other countries. 300% on Aus wine which you can buy cheaper in the EU than here and its been transported across the globe.


Porked yes but done here only

The huge import tariffs are to protect their locals,  Thailand doesn't have wheat farms, an actual wine industry or processes kangaroo meat along with other things but the tariffs on these are huge to protect the local product.

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12 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

They have already banned shrimp from Vietnam, surprised they allow Thai shrimp to be imported.


They can't eat that shit they get from the Gulf of Mexico since BP poisoned the place and the farmers are sending poison down the rivers from their farms so Thai shrimp is looking pretty good!

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17 minutes ago, farq said:


They can't eat that shit they get from the Gulf of Mexico since BP poisoned the place and the farmers are sending poison down the rivers from their farms so Thai shrimp is looking pretty good!

almost forgot about that lil pollution episode of the Gulf thingy...........tks

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