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Prayut’s trip to Washington confirms US non-interventionist foreign policy


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9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


There is a lot of truth in this article, and that is sad.


If the US is going to give up their role as a promoter and guardian of democratic ideals (no matter how badly they did it), then who will step up to take their place?


When people are being oppressed and can't speak for themselves, who will try to speak for them?


It is a sad day for humanity.




It's is a sad day. The US have been weakening their position for years; dealing favorably with some very undemocratic governments when it suited.


But there isn't an obvious successor - China, Russia, not exactly democratic themselves. India is rising but although it loves to proclaim itself the world's largest democracy it is riddled with political corruption and incompetence. 


The US is finding that once you take on the world's democracy policeman's role, it's not easy to bow out.

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8 hours ago, SABloke said:


President Trump called him Prime Minister Prayuth and Mrs. Prayuth :cheesy: Couldn't even (rightly) be bothered with their surnames. Then Prayuth sits there clearly not understanding a word but tries to fake it with timed nods. 


EDIT to add: I see now there is a translator behind Trump's right shoulder so Prayuth could understand - he just looks dumb. :whistling:




It looks like Prayut is thinking "how did this fool ever get elected"? 



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7 hours ago, mania said:



Want to bet? Actually what it confirms is USA's belief in people get the govt they deserve


USA is rightfully hands off by giving the Thai citizens the freedom of choice by NOT intervening at all.


If tomorrow the Thai people decided they wanted the Junta out & marched on the capital the US & other westerns countries would be watching.

If the Junta overstepped the tolerance mistaken for "non-interventionist policy"  by firing on or hurting the Thai citizenry then the Junta would see what Colonel Gaddafi saw when a no fly zone was opened over Libya ( Not that I agreed with that move)


Do not mistake disdain for tolerance/ non-interventionist foreign policy. There is nothing many countries would like more than to rescue the Thai citizenry but, The Thai's themselves must take the first steps towards  their own independence


This US meeting was nothing more than to tell the Thailand rep what is coming

Fair trade which is out of balance to the tune of 18 billion per year now.

Level it or else lose trade options.





In 2011 when the worst flood in living memory hit Thailand and the new to office PTP administration were floundering, Secretary Clinton visited to show support for PM Yingluck. She made a speech in which she mentioned American help would be available, especially to re-open Police stations and ensure law and order was maintained and made a little reference to keeping the newly elected government safe in office.


Trump may not care but Clinton would've have been very different. Remember the PTP appeals to the US and UN for help in 2014? And the deafening silence? What changed their attitude between 2011 and 214? 

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