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Beach Road Stars: Iranian men robbed by lady boys


At half past midnight on 5th January two Iranian men came to Pattaya Police Station to notify the police that they had been robbed, being victims of a sex scam.

Mr. Rahman Beirami and Mr. Reza Soleimaniyeh, aged 34, both Iranian nationals who are architects on holiday here in Pattaya told the police that earlier they were walking around Beach Road when they came across two lady boys who offered them group sex.

They agreed and followed the lady boys to an apartment in Soi Buakhao. On arrival at the room the lady boys played around and then took off the Iranian’s clothes and placed them under the bed. About 30 minutes later, a Thai man knocked on the door – saying that he boys’ father was coming and told everyone to leave. The boys panicked and told the Iranians to leave so they all got dressed, said goodbye and the Iranians returned to their hotel in Royal Cliff Beach Resort.

When they got back to their hotel, Mr Beurami pulled out his wallet to pay the taxi and found only newspaper stuffed in his wallet. Mr. Beurami discovered that 36,000 Baht in cash had disappeared from his wallet and when Mr. Soleimaniyeh checked his wallet he too had 50 Euros being replaced with newspaper. They then quickly went to inform the police.

The police suspect that there must have been at least 4 people working together as a team to arrange this scam. One must have been hiding under the bed, took the money out of the wallet, and replaced it with newspaper. The Thai man played an act saying that their father came, and the two lady boys gave award winning performances in front of the victims.

The police started the investigation by showing a folder with photos of lady boy felons that parade along the Beach Road and have been arrested before. Unfortunately, the curtain has not come down on these two little starlets since the two Iranians could not recognize their portraits in the police book of infamy.

-Pattaya People

5 Jan 2007


I reckon their faces are the last thing they would have looked at, they really should change the ID books (have the bits that the 'tourists' look at.....scarey thought, really) :o


for $500 they have their names splashed all over the thai papers and on the net.

let's see what happens when they come back home to their lovely wifes and kids

at least they saved the 300 baht each it would have cost them to rent a room :o

Yeah but it would have saved them getting nicked in the long run, especially if someone was hiding under the bed. :D

I hope they didn't steal any of the Iranians nuclear technology.

The world really doesn't need ladyboys with nukes.

Donz , just when one thinks you have become boring

you come out with a gem.

:o:D :D

for $500 they have their names splashed all over the thai papers and on the net.

let's see what happens when they come back home to their lovely wifes and kids

Try $1060. 36,000 baht plus 50 Euro.

If guys casually walk around with that much in their pockets, they deserve to lose it.

I hope they didn't steal any of the Iranians nuclear technology.

The world really doesn't need ladyboys with nukes.

Donz , just when one thinks you have become boring

you come out with a gem.


It wouldn't be too much of a problem with Bush in the White House. I'm sure he would act against "Ladyboy nuclear proliferation".

Even tho Donz would probably like to take the credit for it, I think you were right about him still being boring, after all, he's living in Australia. Hard not to be boring living there. Or is dgoz donz? I'm new here.

I hope they didn't steal any of the Iranians nuclear technology.

The world really doesn't need ladyboys with nukes.

Donz , just when one thinks you have become boring

you come out with a gem.


It wouldn't be too much of a problem with Bush in the White House. I'm sure he would act against "Ladyboy nuclear proliferation".

Even tho Donz would probably like to take the credit for it, I think you were right about him still being boring, after all, he's living in Australia. Hard not to be boring living there. Or is dgoz donz? I'm new here.

Look again, not Donz, but dgoz.

Give credit where credit is due :D


That's it. If I'm being mistaken for Donz I'm changing my name.

But seriously, if these ladyboys are so good at picking up and then robbing Iranians, why haven't the CIA caught onto this and hired some as spies?

Or maybe they have. I suggest you be very careful about what you say around a Katoey.


Forgive my ignorance, but I'm guessing that as Iranians these guys were muslim? I'm no expert on middle eastern religion but isnt paying for naughties and out of marridge boom-sing frowned upon?

Just a question....

Forgive my ignorance, but I'm guessing that as Iranians these guys were muslim? I'm no expert on middle eastern religion but isnt paying for naughties and out of marridge boom-sing frowned upon?

Just a question....

Apparently only in their own country under the watchful eye of the religious police. :o

:o Errrm, that's not strictly true, there is a thriving and growing naughty market in Dubai. the Nationals are being served by both Russians and Chinese lady's
:o Errrm, that's not strictly true, there is a thriving and growing naughty market in Dubai. the Nationals are being served by both Russians and Chinese lady's

I was speaking of Iran!!! :D

Forgive my ignorance, but I'm guessing that as Iranians these guys were muslim? I'm no expert on middle eastern religion but isnt paying for naughties and out of marridge boom-sing frowned upon?

Just a question....

Whn working in Iran many years ago, I took a pacckage tour with my family to SE Asia - Thailand, ingapore, Hong Kong and Phillipines.

We were the only Brits on the flight, the rest Irani.

At Singapore we lost half the single males on a trip to Bugis Street.

Around the Mid-East, as with other places where religion is strong, there is an emphasis on the sanctity of marriage, but again in the Mid-East, regardless of religion, the woman is definitely a second-class citizen.

For instance, in Libya it was a common sight to see men driving a Peugeot 405 station wagon with the men in the front (driver using favorite son as air-bag substitute) and the wives in the luggage area with the sheep and goats.

And then you overtake a pick-up with two camels and two wives in the bed of the truck, driver and brother in the cab.

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