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Thai Customs Dept will listen to opinions on new import tax structure


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Customs Dept will listen to opinions on new import tax structure


BANGKOK, 12 October 2017 (NNT) - The Customs Department will meet with entrepreneurs in the automotive industry to listen to their opinions about price estimation and a new tax structure for imported cars. 

Director-General of the Customs Department Kulit Sombatsiri said today the current tax calculation is based on the price that appears on the import entry issued by the country of origin. If there is no import entry document, the department will use price references on the Internet and deduct expenses before calculating the tax. 

The Department of Special Investigation earlier found that 230 luxury cars, had been declared on entry at import prices lower than the real prices. 

The director-general expects it will take one more month to conclude the new tax structure. 

Mr.Kulit disclosed that in 2016, the department lost two-billion-baht in revenue from luxury car imports due to ASEAN's "From D" that cuts taxes to 0%. The new tax structure will further decrease the department's revenue from import taxes, said the director-general.

-- nnt 2017-10-12
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1 hour ago, meinphuket said:

It is time for Thailand's imports in Western countries to be taxed at the same inappropriate levels Thailand imposes on Western imports. 

I wholeheartedly agree. 180% import tax on Thai prawns seems about right; just as they do with foreign wines.


But then - as always - the whining on part of Thailand will start, and how it is all so unfair and how Thailand is such a poor country.

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This should headline. The new Extortion Structure.

Your country will never thrive because the Thai brain thinks only let's get as.much cash as we can now. Not worry about next time. A laughable tax system and just plain robbery.

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This should headline. The new Extortion Structure.

Your country will never thrive because the Thai brain thinks only let's get as.much cash as we can now. Not worry about next time. A laughable tax system and just plain robbery.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The Department of Special Investigation earlier found that 230 luxury cars, had been declared on entry at import prices lower than the real prices. 

The director-general expects it will take one more month to conclude the new tax structure

Like every other government department in this most lethargic of countries, the Customs cretins simply don't know what work is. Imagine that luxury car scam being tried in Europe or the USA or Australia; the dimmest documents clerk would have smelled a rat, after the very first car was unloaded and he/she would have wanted to see how far his bit of good observation work progressed; to the apprehension of bad guys, maybe . . . the very job ethos is centred around catching the bad guys. Here, sadly, like with the Police, there is that all-pervading 'that sounds like too much trouble' attitude.


Not one car, but 230 of the things, got beyond Customs, before someone thought to mention something to someone. How pathetic is that? And, to cap it all, director-general Kulit says he'll need another month to conclude a new tax structure. In any viable corporate setting, one month is like a life-time in its achievement potential. How many men, if any, besides him, will be sat, beavering away at this mammoth task of concluding a scale of taxes?


Prayuth and his pantomime will have their work cut out to salvage anything resembling decency from the main culprits of under-performance, if his justa-jiffy government are to stand a chance of making a good name for themselves. Or, more bluntly, it will never, ever happen, so long as lethargy prevails. Now then, where's the Education Forum . . . anybody seen it?

Edited by Ossy
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6 hours ago, davehowden said:

Or even "FORM D" !


You didn't lose revenue, you were simply conforming to the law agreed as part of ASEAN TRADE arrangements.

I'm assuming he was talking about scams like what occurred with the BMTA's now lost NGV buses -- which were actually manufactured in a non ASEAN country, and then reshipped to a no/low import tax ASEAN country before arriving in Thailand so they could falsely claim to have been manufactured there. Great scam...

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