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Girlfriend Cheated


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might not be a bad idea to get some counseling yourself -- not to help you decide what to do but to help you keep avoid feeling overly responsible for her choices and actions.

Good advice.

There is a reason why people CHOOSE to put up with this <deleted>, there is a reason why people CHOOSE partners from this line of business - Don't just get rid of her, go get some help getting rid of why you made the choices you have.

Universal problem not needing expensive psycho-babble... Since when has reason held sway over love?

Middle-aged farts, who will never be able to touch their toes again, totally deluded by 20 year old 'doting' eye-candy. Not that I'm knocking it. You have the chance to experience love (or is it lust), when you never thought you would experience it again. All for $200 per month. Far less than the cost of maintaining and divorcing your average western female.

Of course, when it comes to marriage, the risk/reward is high when the object of one's ardour has received a thorough grounding (as well as grinding) in the art of extracting maximum wealth from our unwitting 'marks'.

As to choosing. Since most of us do not speak Thai and don't know our way around the countryside, our choices are limited to what's on offer in Patpong, Soi Cowboy, Nana, Pattaya, etc.. and the, apparently virginal, university students, spending a few evenings per month 'augmenting' their school fees.

Kings have married dancers and whores/concubines, so no shame in such. As long as men love with their eyes, they will be easily seduced.

There are two possible cures for the wounded. Dive into another relationship quickly (it works for me) or do what too many sorry souls do and drown your sorrows in the nearest bar and bore the crap out of others with your self-pity, blaming everyone else but yourself. Rest assured though that, just as the landlord will call time on the bar, so you will eventually (one hopes) call time on one's wounds.

As to the original poster, I applaud anyone who is still capable of love in this cynical world but add my own voice to those others who have advised to end the relationship. PLEASE DO NOT FALL PREY TO YOUR OWN DELUSIONS OF LOVE. This girl has been caught with her pants down and you will always have it in the back of your mind that she will do it again. You can end it now with the accompanying heartache, or later after further heartache, coupled with serious financial battles which are hugely destructive to men. You have everything to lose while she has it all to gain. Who is going to emerge the happier?

Last thought. In every breakup I have ever witnessed... and I have been through it 3 times myself... I have noted that women are incredibly

pragmatic once the relationship/marriage has ended. As far as they are concerned, you are history and it's simply a matter of how best they can ensure their future security. If that means adopting the tactic of misleading you into believing there is a chance of reconciliation, etc.. to gain maximum benefit, then it's just part of the game plan. The end justifies the means.

End it now. Don't look back. And enjoy the rebound when you find the next 'girl of your dreams'.

Good luck and don't stop respecting women. Without them our LIVES are diminished and without respect for others, WE are diminished. Just don't be in such an unseemly hurry to marry next time! :o

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The OP has decided to give the girl a break.....I reckon good on him...too many cynical people in this world...

For all the guys who are saying "dump her"...how many times have you cheated on a girlfriend or even your wife...Come on now ...dont be shy??? Hey but thats different right ???

Did it occur to you guys that the girl is genuinely sorry....oh no...wait there's a tar pot over there and feathers just over there too....Shes a BG...therefore she is like all BG's....sounds pathetic really....

How many guys found out their farang girl cheated on them and took them back...yeah but she werent no BG was she...she is entitled to a mistake isnt she ??

The OP may get hurt again but then he may not...he has to live with the decisions he makes...he will do that.

Why did he post here ???.....sometimes people post on matters of the heart not for an answer but just to get things out of themselves...

I hope that he has made a right decision in this case....but if not I hope that he doesnt become bitter and twisted about Thai ladies and especially those in the service industry. There are many BG's who are really looking for a good guy who will take care of them and give them a better life and not run out on them like many of their own men do. These girls want security, not always financial but emotional.

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Can you the most respectable GH enlighten me where you think these people should end up? Should these women be executed? Sent to concentration camps?

Calm down now.

The guy has chosen to get into a relationship with what is euphemistically called a ‘Bar Girl’, which to be truthful, is not, beyond very limited circumstances, a normal choice.

And it is not unreasonable to suggest that the reasons behind making that choice may deserve examination.

It adds little to understanding if we hide one truth behind a euphemism while denying an alternative view with hyperbole.

If you find anything in any of my posts where I suggest treating people, regardless of who or what they are, with anything but dignity, then come and attack what I have actually said, but please until you find me suggesting death camps, don't go suggesting them on my behalf.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Ok. wheres the money? I owe the banks £30k, she knows this. She can stay and work in Bangkok for 30000baht a month I have given her for the last 2 months half of this. Where is the benefit for her???


So someone please tell me why she is wasting her time with me when she could be out there making a hel_l of a lot more money and rinsing some guy in his 40's or 50's with a good job out of every penny he has?

It's not black and white. For those less than well to do folks out there... being "poor" or even in debt is no protection from local gold diggers (and I'd dare say diggers anywhere for that matter). First, these gals aren't rocket scientists. Second, in the mindset of individuals who as a member of the human race, after millions of years of evolution have chosen prostitution as a profession, IMO it's plausible that for them, ANYONE else treading water and making a living is in fact better than having to do so themselves.


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I almost can't believe that this has turned into another 'my bargirl is diffrerent' thread, despite all the blatant evidence to the contrary, and some very good advice.

Most rational and sane people take the partial information that they have available to them about whatever issue or facet of their life they are considering, extrapolate from this the likely outcome of various decisions, and choose the one that they believe puts the percentages in their favour. We all do this, all of the time. So the mugs who are advocating that he stick with her on the basis that we don't know for a fact what will happen in the future, are advising him with an argument that would likely hold no water for them if they had a major decision that would impact their future wellbeing. When you choose to take the decision that must amount to no more than a 10% chance at best of future happiness, and consider the misery it will bring you if you get it wrong, then you really have taken leave of your senses.

Pump them then dump them, that's what my father always said to me....

Who comes all the way over to Thailand on holiday and gets involved in a relationship with a prostitute anyway?

If you didn't see and hear this bizarre arangement unfolding with your own eyes you wouldn't believe that so many naieve, gullible, and desperate blokes were lining up at suvanabhumi like lambs to the slaughter.

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