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Serial Dutch pedophile arrested in Hua Hin

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3 hours ago, KittenKong said:


The report says "Between 2010 and 2017, there were 113 cases in Chonburi, 25 in Chiang Mai and 12 in Bangkok." That's 150 in 8 years. During which time Thailand received some 192 million foreigners (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Thailand)


So that's about 1 in 13 million. Which curiously enough is quite close to the chance of winning the UK lottery jackpot (1 in 14 million). And you call that "significant"? I think you are deluded.



Actually the chances of winning the uk lottery is now 1 in 45 million since increasing the numbers to 59.

But back to topic.  These guys should be hung by the scrotum with piano wire.  No punishment can be too severe.  Having said that, sex crimes within the local population is very very much higher and runs into the hundreds of thousands. I'd love to see the authorities seriously tackling child prostitution and sex offenders of children in their own community.  When my daughter of 13 was having sex with a 30 year old (married with children), the police laughed and said "She's a naughty girl but there's nothing we can do".  Their attitude to underage sex in the Thai population is criminal in itself.

Edited by HHTel
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15 hours ago, Rodbayne94 said:

there are many women and this man wants a child, he has mental problems

There are many men and this man wants boys. 

the mental problem is the sexual attraction to children, not a particular gender, I think one can say

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15 hours ago, Rodbayne94 said:

there are many women and this man wants a child, he has mental problems


16 hours ago, Brigante7 said:

Absolute scum, 2 bullets to the back of the head, problem solved. 





Treating aberrant sexual behaviour in this manner solves nothing but a thuggish desire for retribution. Yes, the effects of his deviant behaviour may have caused significant long term emotional damage to the victims and for this the prisoner deserves punishment, but as a 'psych lab rat' he is worth much more alive than dead. 

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15 hours ago, Seismic said:

You do understand that foreign pedophiles make up only a tiny fraction, and that the vast majority are Thai don't you ??.

You're deluding yourself and attempting to do the same thing to others here. 


A "tiny fraction" is not an appropriate description of the statistical facts behind these incidents. It's as if you're trying to downplay or undervalue the gravity of foreigners being involved in these despicable crimes. Trying to qualify the involvement of foreigners as negligible (being a "tiny fraction") is a wrong and illogical form of justification.





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16 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

This country is seriously doing my head in with the scum it attracts.

So, even when its not the country or its indigenous folks doing the seriously evil f*ed up shit, its the country that does your head in for 'attracting' this scum, yeah? If I were you I'd f* off if I felt so bad about the place I was at that I blame it even when its [some of] the c*s who come here pulling this sort of crap!!! Personally, what 'does my head in' is that I don't even understand why those like yourself, constantly winding yourselves up but at the same time evidently gleefully happy to play this 'blame game', blaming the country for everything, are even here!!! :wai:

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1 hour ago, Thai Ron said:


Unfortunately for your simplistic, back-of-a-fag-packet arithmetic, Chonburi, Chinag Mai and Bangkok don't represent all of Thailand.

Furthermore, it only deals with those who've actually been caught.

Furthermore, farang nonces in Thailand appear to make a beeline for remote villages where they can procure victims easily, cheaply and with much reduced risk of being disturbed by law enforcement.


The stats TNN supplied represent those who take the risk of engaging in their disgusting activities in or around major conurbations.

I call it significant because these beasts are being discovered at an alarming rate.

Two Germans a couple of weeks ago, an American child rapist the month before and now this Dutch filth.

There is need for decisive action - screen all white males against kiddie fiddler registers upon entry to the kingdom.

Racial profiling works


I agree that screening people against registers is a good idea. It could even partly be automated from passenger lists at airports etc.

If not it would create too long queues....


On another note, I've heard that there's brothels with trafficked underage child sex slaves all over thailand, and they cater mainly to thai men. If that's true, isn't that a much bigger concern? Or are those trafficked kids worth less than thai kids?

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47 minutes ago, HHTel said:

Having said that, sex crimes within the local population is very very much higher and runs into the hundreds of thousands. I'd love to see the authorities seriously tackling child prostitution and sex offenders of children in their own community.  When my daughter of 13 was having sex with a 30 year old (married with children), the police laughed and said "She's a naughty girl but there's nothing we can do".  Their attitude to underage sex in the Thai population is criminal in itself.

Yeah let's deflect attention away from the farang miscreant and focus on the Thais and their attitude towards sex offenders, shall we?


Are they somehow complicit in this filthy Dutchman's crimes?


You're right. though.

The Thais have enough of their own homegrown paedophiles; the last thing they need is beady-eyed, clammy farang ones adding to the mix

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1 hour ago, Thai Ron said:


Unfortunately for your simplistic, back-of-a-fag-packet arithmetic, Chonburi, Chinag Mai and Bangkok don't represent all of Thailand.

Furthermore, it only deals with those who've actually been caught.

Furthermore, farang nonces in Thailand appear to make a beeline for remote villages where they can procure victims easily, cheaply and with much reduced risk of being disturbed by law enforcement.


The stats TNN supplied represent those who take the risk of engaging in their disgusting activities in or around major conurbations.

I call it significant because these beasts are being discovered at an alarming rate.

Two Germans a couple of weeks ago, an American child rapist the month before and now this Dutch filth.

There is need for decisive action - screen all white males against kiddie fiddler registers upon entry to the kingdom.

Racial profiling works


   I totally agree.....  with one suggestion...  The past many years in the U.S. and Canada there has been growing numbers of adult female teachers with young boys.  I have no idea how this started....maybe it's always been going on behind the scenes.   So we also have to watch out for female pedos...

  I remember in Grade 7..... a female history teacher got caught in the girl's washroom with a young girl. She had tried to block the door somehow..   The woman was a lesbian pedophile..    She lost her job, got charged and convicted... and it made for interesting reading in the local newspaper. 

      It's men.. yes..... but also women pedophiles...  

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11 minutes ago, hobz said:

On another note, I've heard that there's brothels with trafficked underage child sex slaves all over thailand, and they cater mainly to thai men. If that's true, isn't that a much bigger concern? Or are those trafficked kids worth less than thai kids?

Of course that's a concern but what are you suggesting?

That farang noncing scum be left to get on with their activities while more attention is focused on determining whether or not what you've "heard" is true?

How do you know there aren't multiple surveillance operations going on right now into the parts of the local sex industry that use trafficked children?


That's right ....you don't.

This is about farang nonces; not Thai nonces.

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1 minute ago, Thai Ron said:

Of course that's a concern but what are you suggesting?

That farang noncing scum be left to get on with their activities while more attention is focused on determining whether or not what you've "heard" is true?

How do you know there aren't multiple surveillance operations going on right now into the parts of the local sex industry that use trafficked children?


That's right ....you don't.

This is about farang nonces; not Thai nonces.

Because it's probably a much much much bigger problem. And my guess is nothing is done about it because its thailand and they prefer having stuff kept under the rug.

But yes, it is a separate issue. And yes. Both issues should be dealt with.


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16 hours ago, Moti24 said:

"Out of all suspects arrested, 45 percent were from the UK, 24 percent from the USA, 24 percent from Germany, 18 percent from France and 8 percent Switzerland.  


This is a developing news story…."


Can't develop much further, it's already on 119%!


Were the statistics in the report simply the result of a typo or a reflection of the Thai education system?

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What they need to do is find the Thai counterpart that is searching out these boys and sending them to the foreigner. The Thai are a shy lot, I'm not buying he is just inviting kids to his home and they are following. There must be a Thai speaking to these boys in their own language. 

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17 hours ago, Moti24 said:

Can't develop much further, it's already on 119%!

You were the 1st to catch this. It calls into question the reliability of the data.


1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

He is sure going to enjoy his next few years in a Thailand prison. Hopefully he will be some Big-boy 12 inches special friend. 

You have been watching too much gay porn. First off, Thailand is metric, no inches here. Secondly, one would be  hard pressed to find a Thai big boy with the dimensions you describe. More importantly, Thai prisons  have communal sleeping arrangements. One is lucky to be able to find a place to lie down, let alone sodomize someone against his will.

What is it with some of you that want to  encourage forced buggery? Why?


1 hour ago, Minnehaha said:

There are many men and this man wants boys. 

the mental problem is the sexual attraction to children, not a particular gender, I think one can say

I don' think there are too many men interested in this guy as a date. it is the ick factor.  Besides for these child molesters, it's all about control and power. They can't do that with the run of the mill Thai  hooker.

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These crimes are inexcusable, but successive Thai governments must bear the responsibility for not cracking down on all pedophiles, the vast majority of whom,are indigenous Thais, not foreign sex tourists.


Thailand is a magnet to foreign child molesters, with a reputation for engaging in one of the largest child sex trade operations in Southeast Asia. Hundreds of thousands of children are believed to trafficked, largely from impoverished hill tribes and families in North-east.



According to an ABC news report the Thai government often "turns a blind eye" to child sex tourism because of the country's economic reliance on the tourist trade in general. 


Corrupt police have been known to guard brothels and even procure children for prostitution. "Some police directly exploit the children themselves."






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18 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

I feel like it would be a very good idea to circulate pictures of wanted paedophiles in expat and foreign teacher communities in Thailand (and possibly other developing countries).


That way someone might spot them and report them.

DSI officers made the arrest following information from the authorities in the Netherlands, where he had fled similar charges related to the sexual abuse of children."


Surely it can't be rocket science to link some of these databases together? :blink:If he was a fugitive in the Netherlands how is it that the immigration police and other authorities here not only allowed him in to start with but even worse kept giving him visas and presumably a work permit when his name is on paedophile wanted list?

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18 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

I feel like it would be a very good idea to circulate pictures of wanted paedophiles in expat and foreign teacher communities in Thailand (and possibly other developing countries).


That way someone might spot them and report them.

DSI officers made the arrest following information from the authorities in the Netherlands, where he had fled similar charges related to the sexual abuse of children."


Surely it can't be rocket science to link some of these databases together? :blink:If he was a fugitive in the Netherlands how is it that the immigration police and other authorities here not only allowed him in to start with but even worse kept giving him visas and presumably a work permit when his name is on paedophile wanted list?

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These crimes are inexcusable, but successive Thai governments must bear the responsibility for not cracking down on all pedophiles, the vast majority of whom,are indigenous Thais, not foreign sex tourists.


Thailand is a magnet to foreign child molesters, with a reputation for engaging in one of the largest child sex trade operations in Southeast Asia. Hundreds of thousands of children are believed to trafficked, largely from impoverished hill tribes and families in North-east.


According to an ABC news report successive Thai governments have "turned a blind eye" to child sex tourism because of the country's economic reliance on the tourist trade in general. 


Corrupt police have been known to guard brothels and even procure children for prostitution. "Some police directly exploit the children themselves."



Highlighting cases of opportunistic falangs will do nothing to save countless thousands more children being abused for money.  If ever one of the junta's renowned "crack-downs" were needed it is on the official inertia and corruption which enables this vile trade to flourish.




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13 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

After many run ins with certain posters on other threads who deny that farang nonces are here in significant numbers, TNN's stats couldn't have come at a better time.

Notice the attempts to divert attention from the story by comparing the numbers to those of native paedos.

People trying to deny farang paedos are here in significant numbers.

Note all the nonces are from farang countries. No Chinese, no Africans, no Asians. Much as it pains me to say, the problem has reached the point where drastic action is needed to protect Thailand's children from foreign paedo scum..........even if it causes the decent, non warped farangs to suffer the minor ignominy of being racially profiled.

I propose providing the immigration service with read-only interrogative access to the sex offender register for each of the farang countries mentioned and that every white male entering the kingdom is screened against the databases.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Paragraph one..... i can see why you have had run in on other threads.... velly aggressive posting and responses throughout (but then, sometimes aggression is needed, but I’m not sure it is here)


paragraph one... most here will agree that there are way too many farang nonces in Thailand... from  pick pockets thru boiler room scammers to gruesome murderers ( pedos, whilst making ones skin crawl, are probably somewhere in the upper middle class of scum, as it settles out)


paragraph two.... I don’t think people want to divert attention away from the issue, but more, they believe the issue is more widespread that farang nonces, and all nonces need including, throwing a spotlight on the whole sordid situation. This perhaps, could be a springboard.


paragraph three.... not sure what significant numbers are, per your mind ....(per population or per tourist numbers, or just any number over one) but people aren’t really trying to deny that pedos are here, or that they are bad, or that just one, is one to many. I think you flamed a bit, there


paragraph four.... that no Asian countries were mentioned, does not mean that pedos don’t come from there. Australia wasn’t mentioned either, but I can assure you, Australia citizens contribute to the shame, but it’s not my shame as an Australian, or Australia’s shame as a nation (and.... let’s not forget about that village down krabi way, were nearly ever male in the village was implicated in the systemic rape of a young girl)


paragraph four... the problem is way way past being in need of drastic action, much like other issues, far more damaging (like road stats), which are seemingly ignored by the folk empowered with actioning these problems.... but unfortunately, these issues won’t be actioned... that’s thailand shame, and complicate for coin


paragraph four.... I doubt many herein would be inconvenienced by a little racial profiling (deeper background checks), for the sake of identifying pedos, or any of the other scum that needs identifying, regardless of race color or creed


paragraph five... ok... but why only stop with the countries mentioned. As above, Australians get a free pass by your method. Check everyone


in summary... way OTT... your coming off like Donald trump on a steroidal rant about Kim jung what his face. The issue is far more widespread than you think (by attacking only those mentioned and railing against others opinions).... a proper response would be a more far reaching policy, to protect children from all pedos, not just the white farang nonces

Edited by farcanell
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17 hours ago, Seismic said:

You do understand that foreign pedophiles make up only a tiny fraction, and that the vast majority are Thai don't you ??.

Yes it true what you say but I'm sure its all Farangs fault with what ever happens 

Just assume no one else does anything wrong 

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3 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

Unfortunately for your simplistic, back-of-a-fag-packet arithmetic, Chonburi, Chinag Mai and Bangkok don't represent all of Thailand.

Furthermore, it only deals with those who've actually been caught.


But now you are leaving the realm of statistics and entering the realm of speculation.


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12 minutes ago, farcanell said:

paragraph two.... I don’t think people want to divert attention away from the issue, but more, they believe the issue is more widespread that farang nonces, and all nonces need including, throwing a spotlight on the whole sordid situation. This perhaps, could be a springboard.


When an African drug dealer is caught, do we hear calls from farangs insisting that the "wider issue" of Thai drug dealers - who, by far, are the most active in Thailand - are tackled too??


Like hell, we do.

Typical misdirection and deflection.


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