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Goodbye hanging wires - hello modern Bangkok!


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I was out around Emporium today (Suk 24 to 26), and sure enough there were a LOT of contractor crews and pickup trucks trying to unstring the mess. Looks to be all private contractors, didn't see any MEA / ISP / Utility crews. Someone's making some good change of this, and of course, they awarded the contracts to the lowest "responsible" bidder... :sleep:








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On 17/11/2017 at 8:08 PM, jobsworth said:

i know that i am a minority but i find all these hanging wires beautiful.

especially the wildlife which they support.


Not to mention their usefulness as a great source of shade for those of us with a withering hair line. 

Expect months of chaos and disruption along Sukhumvit 

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On ‎17‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 11:20 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I don't know if it's related for not, but we got a notice from the Electric Authority informing us that power was going to be OUT/OFF on our entire lower Sukhumvit soi this coming Sunday (11/19) from about 9 am to 3 pm.


BTW, there's a lot more than just electric wires hanging up there on the poles. I'm assuming cable TV, phone lines, fiber internet, and who knows what all else...


Are the electric guys undergrounding EVERYTHING, or just the electric wires? Can't really tell from the OP report.

They are removing the poles, so what do you think?

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Just a bit of an update: had 3BB staff out to the house this morning, and they confirmed that their fiber internet is out to our entire lower Sukhumvit soi, and perhaps beyond, because of the cable undergrounding project.


Our 3BB fiber has been out since Monday morning, and the kicker today from the 3BB staff was, they're saying that we might not have our internet back until Wednesday or Thursday of this week -- which would make for the longest continuous internet outage that I've experienced since living here.


So, wherever you are, Bill Gates, I hope you're happy...


The views are better:



But the internet service isn't doing too good:



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A quick add: In addition to our fiber internet still being out (third day now), I also discovered today that our regular Thai cable TV service and our TOT home phone line are also dead. The TOT line has been dead for some time, but the loss of cable TV apparently is more recent (tells you how often we use our Thai cable TV service).

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Another update: 3BB came round this morning and got our fiber internet back working again -- three full days after it went out on Monday morning.


From talking with the techs via Google Translate, it sounded like the same cable undergrounding outages with 3BB fiber have been occurring in all at least the even number lower Suk sois with them... The specifically mentioned 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.... and then moving outward as the undergounding project progresses.


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2 hours ago, oldcarguy said:

can I have the scrap cables they are taking down ?????


that has to be  millions of baht of copper for the retirement fund of someone who does not deserve it !

Really!!!!  There's literally large waist-high piles of that stuff every 10 yards or so all along the lower stretches of Sukhumvit Road at present. Perhaps that's part of the compensation package for the contractors.


I don't think they're simply going to leave it out there and let anyone who wants it come along and grab it. But then again, this is Thailand, so who knows!!!


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