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Police suggest sudden death of Norwegian could be due to cold weather in Thailand


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10 hours ago, sambum said:

"Whatever the reason is you all hate Thailand, why the hell you stay there or even visit that country ?"


Not at all, we don't "hate Thailand" or we wouldn't be here in the first place. And we are not " putting  our shit on Thailand, so you can ignore the misery in our own home country" You are completely missing the reason why so many people are ridiculing the BIB statement. I understand from the way you write that English is not your first language, but let's put the scenario in  different way:-


If a Thai had been on  holiday in Europe, and died suddenly because the temperature had suddenly escalated to an unprecedented, shall we say,  25c (which is almost a heatwave in Europe!) I am sure that the police would not be saying that the Thai died of heatstroke!!! THAT is the reason for most of the comments here!


And from ONB News - NOT Thai visa:-

"The local cops conjectured that Mr Larsen had died from the cold, reported ONB News"

And translated from ONB News":-  

"ONBnews reporters reported that at Pang Pung Village, Tambon Tha Pla, Tha Pla District, Uttaradit Province. There are people found dead old men are foreigners sleep naked death puzzles. The stiffness is on the bed in the room."

Make of that what you will, but don't blame ThaiVisa!


And "Good job, one day you all win a Nobel price. (Prize?) Get a life !" - totally unnecessary comment, and not worthy of a reply!




Wow hate much 

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14 hours ago, Nokbkk said:

Eleven reply pages with jokes and contempt ?

Nobody checked the story ? I understand, you all need this to put your shit on Thailand, so you can ignore the misery in your own home country.

I found:

Since Mr Larsen had just returned from his freezing home country, he was struggling with the heat and took off almost all of his clothes, the girlfriend explained during her interview with investigators.
Uttaradit police have yet to determine the cause of death.


"from his freezing home country" Thaivisa makes: he died of the cold ...


Whatever the reason is you all hate Thailand, why the hell you stay there or even visit that country ?

Worst of all: other websites have copied Thaivisa text word by word. Good job, one day you all win a Nobel price.

Get a life !

It funny to say people hate Thailand 

well no I don't beleive anyone has said that at all infact just opposite.

But while on hate can you tell Us why Thailand hares Farangs as is so often the case on this site.

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On 11/18/2017 at 2:00 PM, Just1Voice said:

A man from NORWAY, who dies of the "cold" in Thailand????  Absolutely one if the most ignorant and asinine statements the RTP has EVER put out!




the coppers need to look at a globe and understand where norway is before telling such foolish lies .  i thought the self appointed PM was going to fix the scandal ridden corrupt wing of the ......oh never mind i confuse myself .


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In my younger days, I was on a ski trip in the Snowy Mountain in Aust. 

one evening we were outside playing silly buggers in the snow accompanied by a Norwegian ski instructor, while we were dressed up for artic conditions, he was is in jeans and a long sleeve shirt enjoying some pleasant weather as he described it. 

So, dying from the cold in Thailand, next April fools joke please. 

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1 hour ago, mikiea said:

the coppers need to look at a globe and understand where norway is before telling such foolish lies .  i thought the self appointed PM was going to fix the scandal ridden corrupt wing of the ......oh never mind i confuse myself .


by looking at a globe the don't have an idea about the different weather conditions . make the guy sit in a fridge for 20 min than he may understand

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Me I also made a mistake not to exemine. But wikipedia tells me you can also die with hypertermia due to overheating.

This is most plausible.

Here the link.



Signs and symptoms[edit]

An early stage of hyperthermia can be "heat exhaustion" (or "heat prostration" or "heat stress"), whose symptoms include heavy sweating, rapid breathing and a fast, weak pulse. If the condition progresses to heat stroke, then hot, dry skin is typical[7] as blood vessels dilate in an attempt to increase heat loss. An inability to cool the body through perspiration may cause the skin to feel dry.

Other signs and symptoms vary. Accompanying dehydration can produce nausea, vomiting, headaches, and low blood pressure and the latter can lead to fainting or dizziness, especially if the standing position is assumed quickly.

In severe heat stroke, there may be confused, hostile, or seemingly intoxicated behavior. Heart rate and respiration rate will increase (tachycardia and tachypnea) as blood pressure drops and the heart attempts to maintain adequate circulation. The decrease in blood pressure can then cause blood vessels to contract reflexively, resulting in a pale or bluish skin color in advanced cases. Young children, in particular, may have seizures. Eventually, organ failure, unconsciousness and death will result.

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13 hours ago, isitworthit said:

It funny to say people hate Thailand 

well no I don't beleive anyone has said that at all infact just opposite.

But while on hate can you tell Us why Thailand hares Farangs as is so often the case on this site

You don’t know why Thailand don't like Farangs ?


We are the cheap charlies, not the big spenders as Asian tourists are.
25 years ago we came in small numbers, didn’t disturb that much.
Nowadays, we are an invasion of tourists with no respect at all, getting drunk even on Buddha days and getting laid is mostly the only reason why farangs visit Thailand. We don’t care about the rules, the law, their way. No, they must supply to our needs.  
Frankly, you wouldn’t be happy if this happened in your country, your city.
You would encourage the local police to clean up the ghetto, asking for alcohol test, inspections of helmets, drivers licenses, work permissions and finally international passport at all time.
Meaning: scare them away, and let them pay.
Believe me, in all those years I've seen a lot !

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If you take a look at the photo, his hands are infront of his face in a typical handcuffed to 'something' position.


That is not the sort of positional stance you take during or after a heart attack


He was moved and the handcuffs removed some time after his death.





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6 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Oh deer!

Very very clever.

It would be interesting to know how many actually understand what is probably a pun on a pun. 

Edited by Artisi
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On 11/20/2017 at 2:55 PM, DieterWiehe said:

by looking at a globe the don't have an idea about the different weather conditions . make the guy sit in a fridge for 20 min than he may understand

where did you get your education ? wow ....say nothing if you are not sure .

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On 11/20/2017 at 11:48 AM, isitworthit said:

It funny to say people hate Thailand 

well no I don't beleive anyone has said that at all infact just opposite.

But while on hate can you tell Us why Thailand hares Farangs as is so often the case on this site.

Not funny at all - "hate" is a very provocative word, and sorry, but can you not read? :-


As posted by Nokbkk :-

"Whatever the reason is you all hate Thailand, why the hell you stay there or even visit that country ?"


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