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No joke - China government warns northern cities to get serious in war on smog


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2 hours ago, car720 said:

I don't see where this is going.  Recently there were 9 or so deaths in Australia from Storm Asthma because Australia has a very high dust and pollen content in the air but we never hear people speak about pollution in Australia.  I have no doubt that China has a pollution problem but people basing their beliefs on what they read on the internet is not a good thing.  As I said it is the same as saying that it must be so because facebook told me it is so.


You sound utterly foolish, the internet has varifiablr sources on it, Facebook is not one of them, it as valid a source as you.

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21 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

3 decades. Is that when they started using cars instead of bicycles?

It is not the cars. It is the coal-fired power stations and the lack of regulation of industries belching the pollution out of their chimneys without the expensive technology to reduce the amount of particulates.


Travel through China and see all these filthy mills and factories pumping out black smoke.

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There's plenty of data that talks about the sources, coal is the biggest problem followed by cars and factories.

But you won't clean out he air without dealing with all the sources.

By the way even switching to electric cars is not perfect powered by coal (although much better for city environment )and we will still have traffic jams with electric cars.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

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Right: the multinationals decide which system is most profitable, but the world HAS to do something about building non-fuel powered cars and other transportation systems.
Laopo, I met an old mate of mine down the pub and he told me about an amazing innovation in the world of powered transport (note: this was not on the internet seen it with me own three eyes, you CANNOT trust random facts on the internet )

Its called the Fred Flintstone 2000BC coming to a stone quarry near you ! The newest model has four wheels and full foot control !

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

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On 11/24/2017 at 4:20 PM, craigt3365 said:

I read about China's new tech for coal plants. Impressive. 


As the top producer of pollution, they seem determined to do something about it. Fantastic!

But how will Al Gore make money out of it?

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  What do you expect from a country that was locked up for centuries and came out only since 20-30 years at an unbelievable speed with a population of almost 1.4 Billion people? Of course many things have to be done, fixed and improved but I strongly believe that China will be in front, worldwide, that the majority of cars in China will be electrical powered in 10-15 years.  

I don't know if you're from Taiwan but relatives of mine were in the south of Taiwan just 1,5 months ago and they were shocked by the poverty, bad infrastructure, lousy food and so on.


I can't judge about that since I havent been there lately but the report to all friends and family was: "I will never go back to Taiwan"...


See, it's all in the eyes of the beholder.





You don't like to read stuff do you. I wasn't talking about the problem of cars as it applies to China.Not did I mention Taiwan anywhere


BTW we already have enough tourists in Taiwan from all over Asia.....We don't really need anymore but if they can't find anything fun to do in Taiwan...that's their problem. I have a very comfortable and good life in Taiwan with strong civil society, freedom of speech (we don't have to pretend we respect the government or king), great transport systems, world leading healthcare, no rampant prostitution and drug problem. No bullshit about religion . No skangy expats hanging around here. Hundreds of thousands of Thais have to come to Taiwan to work in factories, it's unfortunate their homeland doesn't pay them enough.



Taiwan is immensely richer than Thailand in general but let's just say their building aesthetics aren't the best. Food in Taiwan is great and very varied but also challenging for many foreigners not used to authentic Asian food to handle (stinky tofu anyone). Taiwan chefs are masters at cooking seafood in a hundred different ways. Interestingly fruit from Taiwan is also famous in the region (more famous than Thailand actually).




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21 hours ago, LaoPo said:


Right: the multinationals decide which system is most profitable, but the world HAS to do something about building non-fuel powered cars and other transportation systems.

The WORLD doesn't build anything, and cars are built by gigantic corporations interested only in profit.

The real answer is to build thousands more nuclear plants, ban non essential air travel, ban private cars in cities and reduce populations, but never going to happen.

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6 hours ago, car720 said:

Ok.  It seems that you just have a chip on your shoulder and are out to attack anyone else's opinion if it doesn't coincide with yours.  If you check back through all of the conversations that we have had you will not find any personally derogatory remark that I have made to you.  If you want war with someone then you have come to the wrong place.  I have had my share of war.  Have you?

Go pick a fight with someone who is interested.


You claimed that citing anything off the Internet is equivalent to believing everything you read on Facebook, that is just plain daft, the Internet was started by universities as a way to share their research papers, the most reliable information that exists can be found on the internet.  You also appear to want people to take your own completely  non verifiable tit bits seriously, and you think you don't sound foolish?  Not sure why that reminded you of war, but that is just you, calling your inane claim foolish is not me seeking war, obviously.

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6 hours ago, car720 said:

Yes it does.  I agree with this.  What I don't agree with is the way that the media take a small sample of the worst possible conditions and testify that the entire nation is thus.

As to information  being information.  I think that really comes down to the source of the information.


They don't take a small sample of the worst possible conditions, the samples are taken continuously over a vast amount of areas and state the truth, that the average for China is very poor indeed, no one has ever claimed that the whole of China is thus, you made that up.  But yes, the source of the information is important, that is why it is important to listen to the people taking the samples and analysing them not you sticking your head out the window and claiming all is clear.

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The WORLD doesn't build anything, and cars are built by gigantic corporations interested only in profit.

The real answer is to build thousands more nuclear plants, ban non essential air travel, ban private cars in cities and reduce populations, but never going to happen.


Or do as they are doing and work on battery powered vehicles, the first battery powered airliner is not far off.

The "and reduce populations" bit is a bit scary, do you actually mean reduce growth in population?

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On 11/25/2017 at 2:38 PM, car720 said:

I don't doubt your good intentions and your desire to educate but for me life is about first hand experiences and not what someone says on the internet.  I find the internet to be very informative but not always conclusive.  It is a bit like saying it must be true because facebook said so.

The internet is a medium, not a source of information. To say you distrust the internet is like saying you don't trust the conversation of someone because they are using a certain mobile carrier. It's the source that counts. How its information is conveyed is irrelevant.

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If there would be an ultra efficient public transport grid running 24/7 with full and convenient access all over the targetted area, with very low waiting time, a minimum of train changing, people may  plainly leave their cars for daily commuting ? 


But assuming that the cars are solely at fault for the smog...a bit unrealistic.

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6 hours ago, car720 said:

Yes it does.  I agree with this.  What I don't agree with is the way that the media take a small sample of the worst possible conditions and testify that the entire nation is thus.

As to information  being information.  I think that really comes down to the source of the information.

It might be significant to recall that it was only after the US embassy in Beijing started releasing information on the state of pollution there that it ascertained from its own instruments that the Chinese govt, after much complaining and attempts to debunk the Embasssy reports, reluctantly followed suit. 

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2 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

If there would be an ultra efficient public transport grid running 24/7 with full and convenient access all over the targetted area, with very low waiting time, a minimum of train changing, people may  plainly leave their cars for daily commuting ? 


But assuming that the cars are solely at fault for the smog...a bit unrealistic.


The article does not imply that anyone thinks that cars are solely to blame.


"Under the six-month campaign, 28 northern Chinese cities were ordered to thin traffic and cut industrial output. Thousands of pollution sources including steel mills, coal-fired boilers, cement and ceramic plants, mines and building sites will be shut."


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3 hours ago, car720 said:

It seems that you are an aggressor.  Ok, so be it.  It is of no consequence to me whatsoever.  It is your life and you have to live it.

However, you constantly refer to me as being asinine. i.e. stupid, foolish, brainless, mindless, senseless, idiotic, imbecilic, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, nonsensical, fatuous, silly, inane, witless, empty-headed.


Has it never occurred to you that perhaps I choose to be that way rather than to be motivated by the pedestrian outlook that most have?


I called your claim foolish, not you, but get all defensive if you must, its all got a little wet but that's up to you.

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