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Cadet’s family demands justice amid new probe


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I just pray something like this can get the ball rolling. The straw that broke the camel's back. What would be considered by this govt as trivial, irrelevant, minor, etc, like a family losing their son to an army beating, just snowballs into something so big that the population just shout ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. GET OUT!

Even if there are casualties, these scumbags just have to go.

Then I would like to see all the leaders and minions arrested, tried in court and hung for treason. The last coup. Ever.

Maybe then, this country can catch up on a few years wasted and get it's taste of freedom back.

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'... haemorrhaging in the young man’s spleen and liver ... could mean the cadet was beaten before he died and could be linked to why the organs were removed ...' Could be?


'... doctors removed his organs for further inspection and were not required to inform his family ...' The first sounds to be complete BS; the second more than likely.

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9 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Yes the quick organ removal was a good indication of cover up, glad some of these glaring

pieces of evidence are coming to light, and it is time for the military to come clean as to

what happened to this young man.



9 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Yes the quick organ removal was a good indication of cover up, glad some of these glaring

pieces of evidence are coming to light, and it is time for the military to come clean as to

what happened to this young man.


Good morning Geezer This is the saying in Thailand  '' They should and could but do you think they would" Have a great day Geezer

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I understand it is legal to remove organs without telling the parents "apparently ".

But the hospital and army thought the body was being cremated, so just when were they planning to give back the organs. 

They did not give any indication of the removal until after the surprise discovery. I guess that might be considered concealment and if there was a crime, then it would be concealment of a crime. 

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On 11/27/2017 at 11:19 PM, annabel said:

Just another Koh Tao bullshit story with false evidence , false DNA tests and 2 young innocent Burmese scapegoats to hush the realities of Thai supremacy

Yes, I guess there are a few similarities such as the doctors were hiding the organs of the deceased , whilst the burmese were hiding the telephone of the deceased . 1 found guilty of concealment of a crime, the other, well don't hold your breath. 

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