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Fertility Testing In Chiang Mai


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Please excuse me if this subject has been covered elsewhere...

I'm looking for a reliable, safe and inexpensive method of fertility testing here in Chiang Mai.

I'm almost 37 years old and have been casually trying to get pregnant for the last six months. I say 'casually trying' because I've just been having unprotected sex with my husband rather than going down the route of checking calendars, ovulation kits etc. Not very scientific but infinitely more romantic!

I've been using hormonal contraception (pill, implants) for the last twenty years but had my last implant removed in June last year. During the ten years I was using implants my menstrual cycle was non-existent. Since the removal my menstrual cycle has quickly returned to normal and is pretty regular.

I quit smoking over a year ago and have reduced my alcohol consumption. I exercise regularly and am attempting to lose some weight as I know I'm at least 5 kgs overweight. I've started to take folic acid too.

I'm not pregnant yet! I don't want to worry too much but I do want to know sooner rather than later if there's an issue with either my husband's fertility or my own. I'd just like to be better informed.

I'd like to ask for advice, suggestions or anything else that might be useful...


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I would def have some blood tests to checkout your hormone levels. I too had the pill injections & after 3 years of coming off of them have only just got pregnant!!!

After nothing happening for 18months I went to a specialist & she confirmed that although my periods had returned to normal after stopping the injections & that everything was good to get pregnant, my hormone levels were too erratic to allow a pregnancy. It took another 18months to get back to normal & after the added stress of getting previously undiagnosed diabetes under control fell pregnant in August. :o

So don't delay getting yourself checked over as your age is against you (not being offensive but stating fact) so the sooner you know if there is something holding you up, the better.

Best of luck

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Have you tried keeping your legs/hips raised, perhaps with a few pillows after intercourse? Did this with the wife just for grins (we weren't really trying to get pregnant but were planning on it within a year or so) and whaddaya know.... pregnant in one "try." Baby boy on the way in May.


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Please excuse me if this subject has been covered elsewhere...

I'm looking for a reliable, safe and inexpensive method of fertility testing here in Chiang Mai.

I'm almost 37 years old and have been casually trying to get pregnant for the last six months. I say 'casually trying' because I've just been having unprotected sex with my husband rather than going down the route of checking calendars, ovulation kits etc. Not very scientific but infinitely more romantic!

I've been using hormonal contraception (pill, implants) for the last twenty years but had my last implant removed in June last year. During the ten years I was using implants my menstrual cycle was non-existent. Since the removal my menstrual cycle has quickly returned to normal and is pretty regular.

I quit smoking over a year ago and have reduced my alcohol consumption. I exercise regularly and am attempting to lose some weight as I know I'm at least 5 kgs overweight. I've started to take folic acid too.

I'm not pregnant yet! I don't want to worry too much but I do want to know sooner rather than later if there's an issue with either my husband's fertility or my own. I'd just like to be better informed.

I'd like to ask for advice, suggestions or anything else that might be useful...


Note: I can get you names of all the people involved here - the wife has them.

Hey - my wife and I just did the same thing. We are now happily pregnant - so our worry about getting pregnant has transformed into a new worry about staying pregnant, but it's progress, ey? Let's say there's never a dull moment.

We did fertility testing in CM Ram hospital. That part was pretty OK except the Doctor wanted to do a "little surgery" on my wife to check what's inside. He had done a check-up and pap smear and his instinct was that there was "something" there. This turned out to be correct, but we also turned out to be correct in rejecting the surgery in that surgery was not required. It's a full-body anesthetic, the poison stays with you for about 6 months for a full recovery.

So - CM RAM - good medicine, bad ethics, they are trying to sell unneeded surgery. I have heard this from other people as well.

I had to shoot in a jar and so on which is a bit embarrassing but in the end good for the ego as my manhood was confirmed. It's pretty simple for men, it's unlikely that there is a problem and if there is it's immediately apparent. It's much more involved for the woman.

Then we went to the Mungkala Medical Center, an alternative healing center inside the old city. The doctor there is wonderful, and trained in both chinese alternative medicine and western medicine, she is an MD. She sent my wife for a full check-up to McCormick which sent us to a rather scary radiology place which found a 10cm cyst - the McCormick doctor - very good, nice lady said we could either have surgery or it could go away on its own or we could get pregnant regardless by which time it would retreat all by itself. But there was no pressure to have surgery and the doctor didn't even recommend it.

So we went back to Mungkala and got strange-looking chinese pills to get rid of the cyst. We were told we had to take them for 6 months and then we would be able to get pregnant.

And 4 months into it we got pregnant. I would definitely recommend Mungkala for people who want to get pregnant.

Now we are in the care of doctors at the university hospital in CM, the child clinic there is private and we have a very good traditional doctor there. He is quite harsh - miscarriage and complications are usually the first things on his mind - but he is competent and frank and we appreciate that.

One word of warning: My wife (thai) is 34 and got a lot of stick from both traditional doctors about her age, sort of "you are too old to get pregnant, why have you waited so long". TIT so just smile if this happens and ignore it.

Mungkala Traditional Chinese Medicine 21-27 Ratchamanka Road, T Prasing, A Muang, Chiang Mai 50200

Oh, another thing: After you check out completely OK, you do need to count the days and find out your ovulation days and so on. If your man doesn't want to be part of that or it turns him off you can do it all by yourself, secretly. There is also a fertility test which we did once - it's pretty expensive, 1000 baht, and you need to pee on a strip for 5 days. It didn't really work for us, the line never got "darker than the test line" but it did turn slightly gray once.

I - and you can tell I was pretty eager to get pregnant at the time - even went to the extreme of planning a nice fancy vacation right around the special days. Probably co-incidence but the true story is that it did happen on that vacation :o


Edited by nikster
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Thanks for the information. It's really useful.

I went to the Fertility place next to Kad Suan Kaew and they told me that they don't do testing there!!! They recommended Ram Hospital but I protested that Ram was way too expensive. They also recommended Suan Dok Hospital as an alternative.

I went to Suan Dok and was immediately overwhelmed by the number of people, the noise and the fact that none of the signs were written in English. I speak Thai but can't read it so was at a bit of a loss. I managed to locate the reception desk and had to explain to the middle-aged guy behind the desk that I wanted a fertility test. It didn't matter how I phrased it (in Thai or English) he just didn't understand me, so finally I blurted out the word "baby?" and was directed up the the 6th floor.

As the elevator doors opened I was assaulted by another confusing array of signs in Thai and randomly chose to go left. I stood in front of an older nurse, who was seated at a desk in front of an old fashioned typewriter. I was ignored for several minutes, probably in the hope that I would go away! Well, it worked - I did go away. :D I went to another desk and told them in Thai that I wanted a baby but couldn't have one, which was more humiliating than I was prepared for. Finally, I got some comprehension and was re-directed to Room 5 on the 5th floor. The first woman that I spoke to there understood a little English and summoned the doctor to explain everything to me in English. I was told that I should return on the third day of my next period to get a blood test to check my ovary function. It will cost around 800 baht plus 50 baht doctor's fee. I will go back next month and have the blood test as it seems like a good place to start.

Thanks for the information about Mangkala. I went there for acupuncture before and the doctor is wonderful. A friend of mine also recommended that it is the place to go for fertility issues as the doctor specialises in this area. I will make an appointment after I get the results of the blood test.

Please keep the information coming. I really appreciate the replies. :o

Thanks loads. :D

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Sorry you had such a distressing time, I know how difficult it can be even asking for the gynie unit to a receptionist let alone in another language & country. So good for you for sticking with it & finding the right area eventually.

Good luck with it all & keep us posted. :o

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The CFC - Chiangmai Fertility Center next to Kad Suan Keaw is where you should go to. Open after 5.pm i think till 8pm everyday. we were trying for a year and decided to go meet the doc there. Found that the wife's ovary? was not being ruptured to let the egg on hence not allowing fertilisation. a little hormone did wonders and it was all easy from there onwards. a little pricey he is but worth a try. good luck

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  • 1 month later...
The CFC - Chiangmai Fertility Center next to Kad Suan Keaw is where you should go to. Open after 5.pm i think till 8pm everyday. we were trying for a year and decided to go meet the doc there. Found that the wife's ovary? was not being ruptured to let the egg on hence not allowing fertilisation. a little hormone did wonders and it was all easy from there onwards. a little pricey he is but worth a try. good luck

Thanks for the info, Tigerbeer. I did try there but they said that they don't do fertility testing and suggested that I go to Ram or Suan Dok Hosp first. But it's good to know that they are reputable in case there is a problem.



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