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Thailand Suspends All High-level Meetings With Singapore


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On the rice trade...I think Thailand is on the losing end.

If I remember correctly, not too long ago, Malaysia raise the export price of egg and veg to Singapore.

In the end, the Malaysia farmer lose market share to other countries - Australia and Japan selling premium egg and veg while China sell economic price veg to Singapore.

This is a lesson that Thailand should take note of cos country like Japan, Korean are waiting for the chance to enter the market..and yes; China can trade rice too. Yunnan, China is not too far away from Thailand.

china imports rice from the US and is in no position to export to singapore. More likely import from US cuz They have it to spare

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I think, up to now, the Thai government have shown restraint however I can understand their growing concern over the actions of our departed PM and countries that seem to be happy to host him.

Restraint? I seem to recall a coup... :o

I dislike Toxin but he is still the elected guy. Bring on new elections as soon as possible

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firstly, CNN and WSJ (which incidentally is in singapore's bad books) have bureaus in singapore, and the government cannot do anything to stop them from interviewing a foreigner on a holiday. those who dissagree, pls explain how this can be done. wouldn't the singapore government in turn get bad press from CNN and WSJ if they actually stopped them from interviewing Thaksin?

If they knew that Thaksin was going to "talk to the world" they could have easily advised him not to do so.

assuming of course that they knew. even if they did, why would they need to? there is no burden of responsibility for one govt to interfere in the internal politics of another. it flies in the face of diplomacy. besides, the rest of the world still sees thaksin as a recently deposed legitimately elected leader living in exile (which explains the media interest), and the present regime as a bungling military government that wrested power through the barrel of a gun and is paranoid of losing it (which clearly explains their reaction here). thaksin is not an indicted criminal and there is no restriction on his civilian passport, its not as if the junta wanted him deported back to thailand. any government would have allowed him in and not interfere with his private movements and activities.

secondly, if you read the foreign press, the singapore foreign affairs ministry informed the Thai government on the sidelines of the ASEAN meeting last week that Thaksin was visiting, and that he had a private lunch lined up with the DPM. why didn't the Thai government protest then? they were definitely accorded the courtesy of forewarning.

We don't know the details of how private that lunch was. If it wasn't what was promised and equivalents of red carpets were rolled out, Thais have the right to protest. If they also learned that Deputy PM knew of the planned interviews and didn't stop Thaksin, they have the right to roll heavy artillery.

er....dude, that's why it was a "private" lunch, geddit?

again, if they objected to the private lunch, why didn't they object when the singapore government informed them of it during the ASEAN meeting? why is there such an inordinate burden of proof and standard of care placed on the foreign govenment? does the thai government accord a similar standard of care towards foreigners in its own country?

and lastly, i think there is too much weight given to the importance of the Temasek/Shin deal to the singapore government. its simply not important enough for them to embark on any covert conspiracy to embarass/overthrow/discredit the present regime.

It is indeed puzzling why they still hang out with Thaksin and risk dimplomatic incident with Thailand. Maybe they are not as smart as usually believed. They screwed Shin deal and now they are screwed politically.

the "diplomatic incident" didn't happen in the other countries that Thaksin visited, and so how could the risk be ascertained? i think given the haphazard way which the regime is dishing out policy, it is a tall order to expect foreign governments to play a guessing game on how the regime may or may not be reacting. the world doesnt spin around thailand.

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the "diplomatic incident" didn't happen in the other countries that Thaksin visited, and so how could the risk be ascertained? i think given the haphazard way which the regime is dishing out policy, it is a tall order to expect foreign governments to play a guessing game on how the regime may or may not be reacting. the world doesnt spin around thailand.

Don't forget the old trick of pointing the attention of the masses to an outside thread that you have artificially created in order to obfuscate your own incompetence.

Yeah, lets all hate Singapore, they tried to take over Thailand because Thaksin has sold the country to Singapore (Sondhi L., Chamlong & Co), and now they conspire with Thaksin again...

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The junta sends a message to the world: we're in charge of Thailand, by any means possible.

By any means possible ?

Schools burned up country ? Not a single guy -even an innocent one- arrested... :o

Bombs in Bangkok ? "The number you have dialed is not in service".

South ? Business... heu killings as usual.

Economic policy ? Welcome to the moon (FBA, capital control, and be prepared for the next episode soon with the Retail Business Act's draft. It's going to be grand).

Corruption investigation ? "I think I'll have another sub-committee after my sub-panel dear".

Constitution draft ? "Okay guys, a non elected PM is the best solution. Don't worry, I'm sure people won't notice that".

And the list goes on...

So actually, I think it's exactly the opposite : the generals are getting very, very nervous, because... they control nothing.

And this could be dangerous : never give a gun to a man who don't control his nerves...

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It seems if the government wants to control what Thaksin does or doesn't do, it could accept him back into the Thailand and watch over him rather than prevent him from returning to Thailand and then expect other governments to control and watch over his actions.

It's like not allowing your own delinquent child into his own home, but expect your friends, neighbors or strangers to control and dicipline him for you while he is sleeping somewhere else.

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assuming of course that they knew. even if they did, why would they need to? there is no burden of responsibility for one govt to interfere in the internal politics of another. it flies in the face of diplomacy.

Errr, that's precisely why Thailand is protesting - Singapore provided stage for meddling in Thai domestic affairs.

besides, the rest of the world still sees thaksin as a recently deposed legitimately elected leader living in exile (which explains the media interest),

Not exactly - at the time of the coup didn't have the legitimately elected leader at all, no parlament and no senate.

any government would have allowed him in and not interfere with his private movements and activities.

Badmouthing Thai government on CNN, CNBC and in WCJ is hardly a private movement. There's a group of posters here that claim that it's a mojor news story.

secondly, if you read the foreign press, the singapore foreign affairs ministry informed the Thai government on the sidelines of the ASEAN meeting last week that Thaksin was visiting, and that he had a private lunch lined up with the DPM. why didn't the Thai government protest then? they were definitely accorded the courtesy of forewarning.

er....dude, that's why it was a "private" lunch, geddit?.... again, if they objected to the private lunch, why didn't they object when the singapore government informed them of it during the ASEAN meeting?

Maybe it wasn't so private and the Thai government knows what was discussed and what protocol was observed. The have the right to protest if the lunch turned out to be not what Singapore promised.

They would have probably ignored the lunch, but not the interviews. I doubt that Thaksin didn't tell his host that he was using his country to publicly attack Thailand.

does the thai government accord a similar standard of care towards foreigners in its own country?

Thailand, as the rest of ASEAN, does not allow any foreign politicians attack their respective countries from its soil.

the "diplomatic incident" didn't happen in the other countries that Thaksin visited, and so how could the risk be ascertained?

They have discussed Thaksin's issue already and had assurances from Singaporean president. It's the first televised interview since the coup, btw, it's not some local reporters taking pictures of Thaksin shopping in Hong Kong.

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Badmouthing Thai government on CNN, CNBC and in WCJ is hardly a private movement. There's a group of posters here that claim that it's a mojor news story.

Why let truth spoil a good story, ey? :o

There is no group here that claims it's a "major news story" - there are just individuals that dispute your ridiculous claim that Thaksin's interview would not be news worthy. There is a large difference between those terms, even though that obviously has escaped you. As usual.

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The question is was this the most effective way to deal with Singapore on this issue? I don't think so. Lots of subtle ways they could have made a point with teeth without making themselves look like the bad guy.

I dunno, Pap. I think Thailand did right by this suspension action. Only the jellybabies like Canada would run and hide in the corner if another country did this to them. This is international news and Thailand has to show a don't mess with us image, especially now. I am really shifting the mental sands to figure out why Singapore is doing this. They don't usually interfere with other country's political biz. What's the benefit to them? A telecom/satellite tie? Anti-muslim connection? Money and power is involved here. Singapore is stuck on a little piece of land and depends on Malaysia for food, water, manpower. And you know who runs Malaysia. Don't know the situation well enough to connect the dots.

Where is our erudite TV political professor?

Hey Jet I agree with most of what you have said except the part about Canada being Jellybabies. Are you refering to the softwood lumber deal or what ??? I know we usually have a spinless government but we are a proud and strong people (who dont like to be insulted).

Cdn govt is so indecisive. Lumber deals aside (Emerson has balls), Canada takes more time than the UN to make decisions. I could file my nails to the quick and back before Canada made a decision on anything. And the decisions are mostly pansycake decisions. Don't battle me on this issue. I know. Hope you were not here during the tsunami.

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Gaddam, whats that film called?? Dumber and dumber??

What can you expect from a bunch of old fellas whose life has been spent on giving orders to acquiescent troops - they are trained to obey or be shot which is the way the world over. Its the fundamental difference between military and civilian life.

If they had an ounce of common sense they would invite Mr T to sspout all over the media as much as possible (cos he always makes a fool of himself in the western press)

Censorship is indeed a very slippery slope, where do you draw the line?

To my kowledge we have never had a free and frank press here in LOS. Its all sycophantic drivel and features some of the most amateurish garbage quoting the party line such as

Minister blah blah wants reform

General whatsit calls for unity

Corruption scandal in airport, entire toxin family to be quizzed

Almost no follow up on anything of significance. Influential people who should be behind bars never seem to get there and the press if very quick to forget such laxity

No facts figures or true investigative reporting on major mafia types

Its said that a free press is the guardian of democracy but in fact the press only exist by virtue of its advertising revenue and so is vastly compromised in its custodial role - geddit

Its really dumb to have a public spat with the likes of Singapore or Malaysia for that matter. they have a far superior level of world class competance which at present levels thew LOS could never hope to achieve - bit like a student arguing imperinently with his professor.

I had a spirited discussion with an educated Thai man (lecturer at a bkk university). He had a modest but clunky grasp of spoken - but never mind. I tried to explain how the image of Thailand to the western world is suffering enormously. He would not accept that at all, noy possible. Flangs dont understnd Thailand and thailand doesnt care about other countries because it can manage all by itself (who esle said that after the tsunami disaster - remember). However I could see that he was offended and probably wont speak to me again.

There is no such thing as truly free speech btw its an urban myth, one is only ever able to speak under license no matter what country you are in - think about - slander, libel etc. You can however demand the right to express your opinion.

In the UK shortly after 9/11, a somewhat twattish pakistani shop owner in punjabi Bradford was foolish enough to plaster his shop window with slogans in support of Al Quaeda. this provoked a local public outrage. However our noble boys in blue rushed forward to preserve the peace and defend the curry mans right to free speach - no matter how obnoxious the content.

Indeed we have a spot called speakers corner beside marble arch (which used to be Tyburn gate where public hangings took place - could have come in useful recently). On this spot you have the legal right to get on a soap box and speak publicly about any subject. You can defame our monarchy, knock the government, religion just about any thing except incitement to riot. Whehter anyone else agrees with you is another matter and you may get mobbed if you are too outrageous (if you told stories about Lady Di's sex life for example), but thats our tradition of free speech, pretty harmless

On the other side of the coin we have the most rapacious press going. They will tear apart anything that will sell newspapers, whether the result is justified or not or even extremely damaging to the country, eg see how they hounded Princess Di to death - she never deserved that torture. Now Prince Williams little girlfriend is to be subjected to the same barbaric treatment fro the media. So who controls the guardians of democracy? No polititian dares to challenge that one.

Moral - there is no happy Media :D

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Publicity is exactly what Thaksin wants, and as I said by censoring his interview he is being given far more coverage that it would otherwise have got. To be honest, how many of the average Thai people would have seen his interview on CNN anyway?

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There is no group here that claims it's a "major news story" - there are just individuals that dispute your ridiculous claim that Thaksin's interview would not be news worthy. There is a large difference between those terms, even though that obviously has escaped you. As usual.

Nitpicking on words, are we? Whichever way you put it - the world has moved on, no one is following up on Thaksin's interview.

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There is no group here that claims it's a "major news story" - there are just individuals that dispute your ridiculous claim that Thaksin's interview would not be news worthy. There is a large difference between those terms, even though that obviously has escaped you. As usual.

Nitpicking on words, are we? Whichever way you put it - the world has moved on, no one is following up on Thaksin's interview.

Plus - The world has indeed move on but the ramifications of both his interview and the apparent censorship are still being debated, and will probably continue to be debated for a while yet whether we like it or not.

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assuming of course that they knew. even if they did, why would they need to? there is no burden of responsibility for one govt to interfere in the internal politics of another. it flies in the face of diplomacy.

Errr, that's precisely why Thailand is protesting - Singapore provided stage for meddling in Thai domestic affairs.

besides, the rest of the world still sees thaksin as a recently deposed legitimately elected leader living in exile (which explains the media interest),

Not exactly - at the time of the coup didn't have the legitimately elected leader at all, no parlament and no senate.

any government would have allowed him in and not interfere with his private movements and activities.

Badmouthing Thai government on CNN, CNBC and in WCJ is hardly a private movement. There's a group of posters here that claim that it's a mojor news story.

secondly, if you read the foreign press, the singapore foreign affairs ministry informed the Thai government on the sidelines of the ASEAN meeting last week that Thaksin was visiting, and that he had a private lunch lined up with the DPM. why didn't the Thai government protest then? they were definitely accorded the courtesy of forewarning.

er....dude, that's why it was a "private" lunch, geddit?.... again, if they objected to the private lunch, why didn't they object when the singapore government informed them of it during the ASEAN meeting?

Maybe it wasn't so private and the Thai government knows what was discussed and what protocol was observed. The have the right to protest if the lunch turned out to be not what Singapore promised.

They would have probably ignored the lunch, but not the interviews. I doubt that Thaksin didn't tell his host that he was using his country to publicly attack Thailand.

does the thai government accord a similar standard of care towards foreigners in its own country?

Thailand, as the rest of ASEAN, does not allow any foreign politicians attack their respective countries from its soil.

the "diplomatic incident" didn't happen in the other countries that Thaksin visited, and so how could the risk be ascertained?

They have discussed Thaksin's issue already and had assurances from Singaporean president. It's the first televised interview since the coup, btw, it's not some local reporters taking pictures of Thaksin shopping in Hong Kong.

i'm sorry plus, i think i understand now what the problem is, its just that i didn't understand YOUR truths, YOUR logic, and YOUR assumptions. let me get this right.

1. the singapore government invited thaksin over, co-opted the international media, and provided him with a stage for the press release to the world. thankfully however, the world outside of this region hasn't really noticed, going by google results.

2. the world doesn't see thaksin as a legitimate leader because he was really in a transitional leadership in a government which he constitutionally dissolved to hold democratic elections.

3. that maybe the junta didn't protest at first trusting the friendship and loyalty of singapore, but somehow learnt later (perhaps from espionage?!?) that the private lunch was not private and therefore a state lunch and hence the government of singapore is now responsible for the embarrassment caused by the press interview which the government also secretly colluded with thaksin and provided the stage for.

4. that the singapore government really went through all this trouble because it really really wants to de-stabalise thailand, re-install thaksin, so that it can continue to get its hands on all those precious thai assets and control thailand.

let me think over this for a while, your truth is really complicating.

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Let's face it. Singapore would have dirtied its panties if the Singapore opposition parties were granted an audience with any other country's political rulers. Given the fact that Thaksin has been fingered in the bombing of BKK, and given the fact that neighbours generally do not do something that would upset each other, I feel that Thailand had to draw the line somewhere and meeting with Jayakumar was bending the camel's back somewhat. One also has to consider that generally speaking, the Thais are unhappy with the Singapore government controlling what should be national assets. Wouldn't you Brits be a little miffed if France Telecom bought BT? Sure this move against Singapore is a PR move to better their image in the eyes of the people....but....hello! It's called politics!

The message here is timely in that it states unequivocally that host countries of Thaksin should behave a little more prudently. This is a slap on the wrist and will blow over soon enough. Singaporeans will go back to eating Thai durians and frequenting the hotspots of Geylang....after they've stopped short-selling Thai stocks on the SES.

Some of you bemoan the fact that CNN's broadcast of Thaksin's 'interview' (Do you REALLY expect Thaksin to say he will be back and playing politics given half the chance!) was censored. I am sorry....but you choose to live in a country where the ruling authority can do what it pleases. It warned any media outlet to be more cautious of reporting Thaksin's activities. Bully for you that called up UBC and told them you were cancelling your subscription. I am glad you had the gumption to do that rather than slap the table with wild indignation and then go back to your cold beer and warm play-thing.

On a side-note, it's been a long time since I have read so many pages of half-truths and conjecture, but as mildly entertaining as some of these posts are, I can't help but wonder where some were edjukated. :o

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Re. ramifications being widely discussed - that remains to be seen.

One result is fairly predicatble - Thaksin's activities would be closely monitored by his host countries, at least in ASEAN and the region. Anything political in nature and he'd be pressed to leave.

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1. the singapore government invited thaksin over, co-opted the international media, and provided him with a stage for the press release to the world. thankfully however, the world outside of this region hasn't really noticed, going by google results.

Hold on a moment - who says they invited Thaksin? Who says they co-opted the media to interview Thaksin

2. the world doesn't see thaksin as a legitimate leader because he was really in a transitional leadership in a government which he constitutionally dissolved to hold democratic elections.

The world doesn't care about Thaksin's status, but those monitoring the situation remember his whole resignation saga and exact political situation prior to the coup

3. that maybe the junta didn't protest at first trusting the friendship and loyalty of singapore, but somehow learnt later (perhaps from espionage?!?) that the private lunch was not private and therefore a state lunch and hence the government of singapore is now responsible for the embarrassment caused by the press interview which the government also secretly colluded with thaksin and provided the stage for.

It doesn't have to be a state lunch. It would stop being private if they discussed political matters, including upcoming interviews. We don't know how many people attended, or at least know the main content of the meeting (over lunch).

4. that the singapore government really went through all this trouble because it really really wants to de-stabalise thailand, re-install thaksin, so that it can continue to get its hands on all those precious thai assets and control thailand.

What trouble? It's your own assertions that Singapore took an active part in arranging Thaksin's political activities there.

let me think over this for a while, your truth is really complicating.

Remove your own insertions and it becomes clearer

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There is no group here that claims it's a "major news story" - there are just individuals that dispute your ridiculous claim that Thaksin's interview would not be news worthy. There is a large difference between those terms, even though that obviously has escaped you. As usual.

Nitpicking on words, are we? Whichever way you put it - the world has moved on, no one is following up on Thaksin's interview.

Well, if the "words" have completely different definitions... but sorry, i forgot, you have slight difficulties with the term "definition". :o

Well, yes, the world would never have intended to follow up on Thaksin's inteview as it was essentially meaningless blather. What the world, at the least the parts of the world that are interested what is going on in Thailand presently will follow up though is the utterly daft and entirely paranoid over-reaction of our generals.

They also are following up on the new-age waffle (the economist) that is now Thailand's economic policy.

You can't blame Thaksin for either though.

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Let's face it. Singapore would have dirtied its panties if the Singapore opposition parties were granted an audience with any other country's political rulers. Given the fact that Thaksin has been fingered in the bombing of BKK, and given the fact that neighbours generally do not do something that would upset each other, I feel that Thailand had to draw the line somewhere and meeting with Jayakumar was bending the camel's back somewhat. One also has to consider that generally speaking, the Thais are unhappy with the Singapore government controlling what should be national assets. Wouldn't you Brits be a little miffed if France Telecom bought BT? Sure this move against Singapore is a PR move to better their image in the eyes of the people....but....hello! It's called politics!

On a side-note, it's been a long time since I have read so many pages of half-truths and conjecture, but as mildly entertaining as some of these posts are, I can't help but wonder where some were edjukated. :o

Fingered or just conjecture or just plain convenience....or..... :D

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Reading today’s posts it seems Thaksin has once again fired up a lot of people. I have to think that some things were said to Thaksin over the last 3 months that have not made the media. Using some common sense and a bit of Thaksin’s profile I suspect the following was said.

1) Do not interfere with the workings of the new government.

2) Do not involve yourself in political maneuvering.

The reaction to the meeting(s) Thaksin has been having with other governments is very disturbing, arrogant, and totally out of line with what he says his intent is. Much like a child who has been told no several times but still continues. Now the punishment is getting harsher as telling no has proven useless.

What has happened here is very similar to what happens in the states in a drug bust. Everyone gets arrested even if they knew nothing about the drugs. Then let the courts decide. So in a way Thailand is helping Thaksin keep his word that he wants to get away from politics. The only politician Thaksin should be talking to is the one who represents him in parliament.

I was trying to decide if this was just another knee jerk reaction but after carful thought it is not. From the moment Thaksin flew to the UK from the USA he has been trying to see everyone. So this was just the straw that broke the camels back. For all practical purpose he has been trying to look the part of PM to heads of state but just the private guy on camera. So now knowing the possible consequences of seeing Thaksin, it will be much more difficult for Thaksin to not do what he says he would. If he stays private then there will be no more of this. If not then this is just the beginning.

The other thought that crossed my mind that I wish to debate is, This is all just an elaborate excuse in steps to seize Thaksin’s assets in that Thaksin has done a very good job in covering his tracks.

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Reading today’s posts it seems Thaksin has once again fired up a lot of people. I have to think that some things were said to Thaksin over the last 3 months that have not made the media. Using some common sense and a bit of Thaksin’s profile I suspect the following was said.

1) Do not interfere with the workings of the new government.

2) Do not involve yourself in political maneuvering.

The reaction to the meeting(s) Thaksin has been having with other governments is very disturbing, arrogant, and totally out of line with what he says his intent is. Much like a child who has been told no several times but still continues. Now the punishment is getting harsher as telling no has proven useless.

What has happened here is very similar to what happens in the states in a drug bust. Everyone gets arrested even if they knew nothing about the drugs. Then let the courts decide. So in a way Thailand is helping Thaksin keep his word that he wants to get away from politics. The only politician Thaksin should be talking to is the one who represents him in parliament.

I was trying to decide if this was just another knee jerk reaction but after carful thought it is not. From the moment Thaksin flew to the UK from the USA he has been trying to see everyone. So this was just the straw that broke the camels back. For all practical purpose he has been trying to look the part of PM to heads of state but just the private guy on camera. So now knowing the possible consequences of seeing Thaksin, it will be much more difficult for Thaksin to not do what he says he would. If he stays private then there will be no more of this. If not then this is just the beginning.

The other thought that crossed my mind that I wish to debate is, This is all just an elaborate excuse in steps to seize Thaksin’s assets in that Thaksin has done a very good job in covering his tracks.

I think few of us share this obsession with Thaksin Shinawatra !

Perhaps there could be a Thaksin sub-forum where people can speculate ad nauseam about what he hasn't said to the media, and what he meant when he didn't say it, inferrences of his regressive infantile traits stemming from inadequate potty training, and other sweeping psycho-analytic assumptions about someone they haven't met, based on what he said on the telly, once.... sometime.

Edited by Barney_the_Dinosaur
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176 posts in 19 hours; is this the most popular thread ever on TV!

No the most popular thread must still be last years visa changes.

The current government is trying without much success to reduce the strength of the Baht, maybe this is just another attempt to reduce confidence :o

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Reading today’s posts it seems Thaksin has once again fired up a lot of people. I have to think that some things were said to Thaksin over the last 3 months that have not made the media. Using some common sense and a bit of Thaksin’s profile I suspect the following was said.

1) Do not interfere with the workings of the new government.

2) Do not involve yourself in political maneuvering.

The reaction to the meeting(s) Thaksin has been having with other governments is very disturbing, arrogant, and totally out of line with what he says his intent is. Much like a child who has been told no several times but still continues. Now the punishment is getting harsher as telling no has proven useless.

What has happened here is very similar to what happens in the states in a drug bust. Everyone gets arrested even if they knew nothing about the drugs. Then let the courts decide. So in a way Thailand is helping Thaksin keep his word that he wants to get away from politics. The only politician Thaksin should be talking to is the one who represents him in parliament.

I was trying to decide if this was just another knee jerk reaction but after carful thought it is not. From the moment Thaksin flew to the UK from the USA he has been trying to see everyone. So this was just the straw that broke the camels back. For all practical purpose he has been trying to look the part of PM to heads of state but just the private guy on camera. So now knowing the possible consequences of seeing Thaksin, it will be much more difficult for Thaksin to not do what he says he would. If he stays private then there will be no more of this. If not then this is just the beginning.

The other thought that crossed my mind that I wish to debate is, This is all just an elaborate excuse in steps to seize Thaksin’s assets in that Thaksin has done a very good job in covering his tracks.

I think few of us share this obsession with Thaksin Shinawatra !

Perhaps there could be a Thaksin sub-forum where people can speculate ad nauseam about what he hasn't said to the media, and what he meant when he didn't say it, inferrences of his regressive infantile traits stemming from inadequate potty training, and other sweeping psycho-analytic assumptions about someone they haven't met, based on what he said on the telly, once.... sometime.

This isn't really about Thaksin anymore. He's never coming back. It's about a country (Singapore) trying to buy the assets of another country (Thailand). Temasek, Shin, Thaksin are just the media to facilitate this. I imagine Thaksin was summoned to singapore to see how he would make it right for them. Well, he's not going to be able to pull it off, and he probably has more to fear from them than he has to fear from Thailand.

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