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Trump, meeting with Republican leaders, says welfare reform may have to wait

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6 hours ago, Thaidream said:

The rich should pay more than others as they have more resources- however, they are not paying enough and need to be made to  pay alot more.  In addition, the wealthy have loopholes in the tax code that allows them breaks the average person cannot get. The US Tax code is an abomination- it runs about 76,000 pages and is filled with all kinds of breaks for vested interests of which were approved by the Us Congress- most of whom are millionaires. The Trump tax plan doesn't go after any of these loopholes or vested interests.


You sir- may be getting a $1600 benefit but you are not getting a $1600 check in the mail from Donald- Uncle Sam- Trump.  You are getting the ability to  have an extra $4.00 per day -  A real tax reform package by the Government would  have raised the taxes on the 1% (Those making $465,000 or more) and returned this money to the 99% in the form of a tax credit  starting at $20,000 for the poorest and  graduated downward for the rest. A tax credit rebate actually sends you a check.  


Trumps tax plan is smoke and mirrors by increase the wealth of the 1% significantly and giving the rest of us peanuts.  The internet is filled with the proof. Google income inequality.


6 hours ago, Thaidream said:

The rich should pay more than others as they have more resources- however, they are not paying enough and need to be made to  pay alot more.  In addition, the wealthy have loopholes in the tax code that allows them breaks the average person cannot get. The US Tax code is an abomination- it runs about 76,000 pages and is filled with all kinds of breaks for vested interests of which were approved by the Us Congress- most of whom are millionaires. The Trump tax plan doesn't go after any of these loopholes or vested interests.


You sir- may be getting a $1600 benefit but you are not getting a $1600 check in the mail from Donald- Uncle Sam- Trump.  You are getting the ability to  have an extra $4.00 per day -  A real tax reform package by the Government would  have raised the taxes on the 1% (Those making $465,000 or more) and returned this money to the 99% in the form of a tax credit  starting at $20,000 for the poorest and  graduated downward for the rest. A tax credit rebate actually sends you a check.  


Trumps tax plan is smoke and mirrors by increase the wealth of the 1% significantly and giving the rest of us peanuts.  The internet is filled with the proof. Google income inequality.

Who pays the most taxes in America, Google It! It will save us a  lot of  time.Than you can sit at your computer table and decide what link justifies your opinion.

   You speak of income in equality and the 1%. This gives me a idea of where your coming from, Capitalism vs Socialism.

Basically, most people can decide and choose how to spend and grow their money and their life and where to live it. I was poor in America but not anymore.








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So... now you are not poor... you got yours and everyone else can get  theirs... and this attitude is exactly what is wrong in America. The majority of people cannot get rich ay longer because the harder they work.. the system will not allow  it.  It takes money to make money and if you are uneducated, making minimum wage- no matter how hard you work -it will never be enough.


The reason Government exists is to be an advocate for those who cannot move forward either in providing free education; free healthcare and protection through a fair tax system. When the Government fails to do this- it is due to greed and incompetence and changes must be made.

America already had one revolution and unless changes are made.. there will be another and the 1% have a lot more to lose than the 99% and there are alot more 99% people than there are wealthy. Under these circumstances- you will lose. I am not advocating it but merely looking at the situation realistically.


I don't need any link to justify or prove my position .  I am a student of history and have been around  and in the work force for 5 decades and have experiences with those at the top and those at the bottom and my experience and knowledge of history has told me that every great civilization has failed for one reason-  greed; avarice and a failure by the wealthy to allow wealth to be distributed evenly,

America does not have true capitalism -it has materialistic capitalism. True capitalism in America ended in the late 60s and 70s when greed became good. The current situation is not sustainable- even the super wealthy like Warren Buffett and  Bill Gates are giving away the majority of their fortune. Others have followed.  They will still be wealthy afterwards but they know there is a real imbalance between the haves and have nots and they do not need the trappings of wealth.

It doesn't have to be the end of Capitalism but it has to be the end of materialist Capitalism or the end will be a revolution and a return to the Year Zero.  


11 hours ago, Thaidream said:

The rich should pay more than others as they have more resources- however, they are not paying enough and need to be made to  pay alot more.  In addition, the wealthy have loopholes in the tax code that allows them breaks the average person cannot get. The US Tax code is an abomination- it runs about 76,000 pages and is filled with all kinds of breaks for vested interests of which were approved by the Us Congress- most of whom are millionaires. The Trump tax plan doesn't go after any of these loopholes or vested interests.


You sir- may be getting a $1600 benefit but you are not getting a $1600 check in the mail from Donald- Uncle Sam- Trump.  You are getting the ability to  have an extra $4.00 per day -  A real tax reform package by the Government would  have raised the taxes on the 1% (Those making $465,000 or more) and returned this money to the 99% in the form of a tax credit  starting at $20,000 for the poorest and  graduated downward for the rest. A tax credit rebate actually sends you a check.  


Trumps tax plan is smoke and mirrors by increase the wealth of the 1% significantly and giving the rest of us peanuts.  The internet is filled with the proof. Google income inequality.

So  who will  or  can destroy  the  illusion  of   "Democracy"  under  a  Constitution  of  deception? 

4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

So... now you are not poor... you got yours and everyone else can get  theirs... and this attitude is exactly what is wrong in America. The majority of people cannot get rich ay longer because the harder they work.. the system will not allow  it.  It takes money to make money and if you are uneducated, making minimum wage- no matter how hard you work -it will never be enough.


The reason Government exists is to be an advocate for those who cannot move forward either in providing free education; free healthcare and protection through a fair tax system. When the Government fails to do this- it is due to greed and incompetence and changes must be made.

America already had one revolution and unless changes are made.. there will be another and the 1% have a lot more to lose than the 99% and there are alot more 99% people than there are wealthy. Under these circumstances- you will lose. I am not advocating it but merely looking at the situation realistically.

The reason government exist is because, 

"The people have rights and freedoms the government is not only bound to respect but to safeguard, and most of the thrust of private and civil society (all of commerce, religion, education and daily life) derives from the initiative of the people themselves rather than from government".



If people want to live in America people have to abide by laws of the land.If people want to change the laws they have to elect officials to enact new laws.  Bernie Sander's was the closest thing to a socialist dream in America . The ruling class of the DNC were not keen to the extreme left ideology, were they?They cheated Bernie and his followers from being the nominee.People have to vote to change government.When people get disgusted and stay home and think(why bother)to vote ,it's not going to change,than it 's stagnate(same old same old).  America was built on a "Bottom-- Up" ideology.This  government ain't gonna change unless people vote to change it to a "Top- Down" Government .MAGA

Good luck


While Mr Riclag points out a philosophy of Government that used to work- it doesn't anymore. People can vote all they want but when the 2 choices are Trump and Clinton both superrich and having philosophies based upon trickle down economics nothing will change for the poor and struggling middle class.  

In order for competent government to be elected- money has to be taken out of politics.  No one can even hope to run for office unless they are themselves rich or backed by the super rich. The whole 'system' is rigged so the same type of people get elected. Had Bernie Sanders bee allowed to actually run  and become the Democratic candidate- Trump would not be President because much of Sanders philosophy is based on actual Capitalism as the American writers of the Declaration of Independence and American Constitution intended it to be. 

As I have written- America has Materialistic Capitalism based on the adage the Greed is Good. It's great if one is a millionaire or has the means and education to continue to move up but what about the other 99% of the population who don't

The simple truth is that nothing will really change unless the American political situation is allowed to evolve and a President is elected who will actually make the changes and is beholden to no one except the American people.

Trump will never, ever make America Great Again because his philosophy is to make himself great and also his wealthy friends.  Clinton would have been the same but with more finesse.


What is happening in America is unsustainable.  People will not continue to sit back and allow this charade to continue- eventually they will awaken and  take back their country.

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