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Excessive Coffee Enema May Be Toxic To Body

Kan Win

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Just read this on MCOT.Org




Excessive coffee enema may be toxic to body

BANGKOK, May 11 (TNA) – Coffee detoxification can become a double-edged sword, and the detox treatment misuse may put people at risk of coffee addiction, or other health problems, a leading doctor warns.

Dr. Banchob Chunhasawadikul of the Balavi Natural Health Center pointed out that liver cleansing by coffee enema is another method of an alternative medicine that proves hit among health-conscious people.

The method is believed to help a liver purges toxins out of body system through caffeine which being absorbed via colon vein.

However, the doctor warned that some people turn to coffee detox programme, instead of limiting their junk food intake with misconception that it may help them losing some weight.

To get benefit from coffee enema, Dr.Banchob, urged patients to use standardized kits, and to avoid reusing a disposable enema bag, as it could be contaminated with fungi which may cause a fungal disease.

The treatment, if repeated too often, can cause caffeine addiction leading to insomnia, nervousness, and irregular heartbeat.

Detoxification can be easily done by refraining from eating meat and rice.

To help the excretory system function more effectively, Dr.Banchob suggested that people eat fresh fruits, water, or herbal drinks everyday, and drink water mixed with lemonade every morning. (TNA) -- E001, E004


Hope this helps you all.


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Dr.P, Yes I insist on a powdered cream sub. as that tends to stabilize the coffee acid and sets better on the stomache., so do think that it would be the same injected in the ass.

SNARK, seems to me that I read somewhere that they have had to remove jars of jelly,spuds,and one guy even had a live gerbil shoved up there,man some weird folks loose in this world. :o

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Kan Win,Wed 2004-05-12, 18:26:

To get benefit from coffee enema, Dr.Banchob, urged patients to use standardized kits, and to avoid reusing a disposable enema bag, as it could be contaminated with fungi which may cause a fungal disease.

To help the excretory system function more effectively, Dr.Banchob suggested that people eat fresh fruits, water, or herbal drinks everyday, and drink water mixed with lemonade every morning. (TNA) -- E001, E004

Using an enema kit may result in some form of fungus or other, but then the whole idea of using the bag and nozzle is off putting to some. So I will assume this must apply to the die hards who like the sensation of moving parts in their rectum!

Should the topic be put to a Poll? :D

The second part of the Quote perhaps contradicts (as per usual) what exactly is the best Diet. Note over consumption of fresh fruits can bring on a peculiar stench or rotting in the bowels which over time can be just as damaging as cleansing the bowels with the special Coffee.

I never know where the ''standard'' on Diet Intake lies as they change the parameters regularly. Sorta like Thailand...

Thaimee. :o

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"Warning! Possession of a kitten may present a severe hazard to your health and sanity if you happen to be male and tend to crawl around on the floor, naked."

Does that mean you are not going to give a home to any of our expected kittens in a few weeks time? I thought your other half had insisted on it??

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