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Bangkok Bombings The Work Of Jemaah Islamiah


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What's also confusing is the number of bombs count, i.e. 8 instead of 9.

No. It was 9. And maybe 10.

It's incredible. But most of the medias have already "forgotten". One bomb went off... at Major Cineplex on Phaonyotin (not far from Central Lad Prao).

But a guard saw the bag, took it and put it into a storage room... Where it went off. So no casualties.

On New Year Eve, we received rumors about this one. But it was not confirmed, and then denied.

But one week later, the police made an amazing statement : because the owner of a restaurant in Major Cineplex was afraid to loose his customers... he took him some days before to inform the police.

And very politely he asked the police to not disclose the info, because "you know bad for business"...

And very politely, the police accepted... And then an other couple of days passed... before the "truth" was exposed.

Yes I know, it sounds "grotesque" even by thai standards...

In any normal country, the owner would have be charged, but in Thailand, "you know bad for business" it's normal. Anyway.

I should add that no media took the time to verify the info about a bomb defused in Lumpini park that night (first announced, then denied)...

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Who cares if there is any wrong or right intelligence? Has anyone ever heard of an extemist christian group? ... (I mean other than the group running the USA White House right now!...) It is a sure bet that the extemists are responsible for the violence... whoever those cowards are!! Too bad they don't protest like truly religious monks... or like real martyrs... and set themselves on fire or kill themselves some other way... then there wouldn't be any (extremists) left after a while and there wouldn't be any extremist problems! heh heh

My Father always told me that something is not worth doing if you cannot tell anyone and be proud of it... nothing to be proud of when you hide a bomb, set it off, and kill completely innocent people... I wonder how they feel when someone they know is killed... it is quite likely that they have no feelings of compassion or guilt... how else could you live with yourself knowing what you have done to innocent people?... it makes no sense to kill people for any form of God... we really are all the same, you know... no matter what form of religion you need to feel comfortable... the fringe element (extremists) are not truly religious at all... this is not a moot point... someday this nervous world will find one love...

Edited by sweedey
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The commander of the sabotage unit was Lohmueli Yusoh, alias Rusdi Pohseng, a 38-year-old former Communist Party guerilla who had received military and sabotage training in Libya in 1983.

Intelligence sources said the bombings were instigated by supporters of the former Thaksin administration during a meeting in late November on the Malaysian resort island of Langkawi.

Those two statements are a bit strange.

Rusdi must have received training at the age of 15 in Lybia, and at now 38 years old a former communist guerilla? Isn't that a tad bit young for all that? :o

And reasoning that Thaksin supporters and JI have hatched that plan together is a bit far fetched without any proof or evidence.

Sorry, but that sounds as if somebody had a boring week and needed to get a story out.

I still believe we are in the realm of pure speculation here.


Perhaps I can enlighten you. I have been working here in Libya for 3 years now and since we have a lot of Thai workers here, I go to the Thai parties. I have met around 40-50, 15 year old Thai students from the South of Thailand, who are being trained here by the Libyans in "Islamic Studies". Bearing in mind that they can easily get better teaching on Islam in Thailand or the Middle East, and taking into account Libya's history, the statement does not appear to be strange at all.

I live near Seacon Square, and shortly before the explosion a Muslim friend who always says hallo to me ignored me when I spoke to him. I took this as meaning something was about to happen and shortly after they found the bomb in Seacon Square. In the same Community is a Muslim with a shop called "Malcom X". He has shown me pictures of himself with Badawi who he says is his Uncle, and other South Thailand Muslims at get togethers in the South of Thailand and Malaysia. shortly before the previous Bangkok Bombings earlier last year and the New Year's eve bombings, Malcolm X had closed his shop a few days before and came back a few weeks after the bombings. Coincidence, maybe, but I think they at least were warned about the bombings. These Muslims have links with and Support Sonthi, and have brought me back Sonthi rally souveniers from their meetings with him. So they are certainly not working with Thaksin.

Edited by Estrada
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Who cares if there is any wrong or right intelligence? Has anyone ever heard of an extemist christian group? ...

Yes the anti-abortionists

(I mean other than the group running the USA White House right now!...) It is a sure bet that the extemists are responsible for the violence... whoever those cowards are!! Too bad they don't protest like truly religious monks... or like real martyrs... and set themselves on fire or kill themselves some other way... then there wouldn't be any (extremists) left after a while and there wouldn't be any extremist problems! heh heh

Why do you think they are extremists? The orders may well have come from senior officers in the police or military. This is the majority thinking.

My Father always told me that something is not worth doing if you cannot tell anyone and be proud of it... nothing to be proud of when you hide a bomb, set it off, and kill completely innocent people... I wonder how they feel when someone they know is killed... it is quite likely that they have no feelings of compassion or guilt... how else could you live with yourself knowing what you have done to innocent people?...

If you have followed the news in Thailand for just the last five years, you will know the police and military are responsible for many extra-judicial killings.

it makes no sense to kill people for any form of God...

I think money and power are far more likely motives than religious extremism.

we really are all the same, you know... no matter what form of religion you need to feel comfortable... the fringe element (extremists) are not truly religious at all... this is not a moot point... someday this nervous world will find one love...

I hope your further posts are more lucid than your first.

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Dogleg, you are completely correct...unfortunately the sort of hate filled rubbish that webninja is spouting is exactly what the terrorists want. Divide and conquer!


Muslims are no more terrorists than your precious Christians who invaded the Holy Lands bent on converting the people there to Christianity...not any worse than that...just a bit of rape, pillage, murder, and mayhem...but it's OK, because that was in the name of God...not Allah... Hmmm...

The name Allah IS the Muslim name for GOD! Muslims believe in one God the same as most of the christians. The problem is that the christians and the muslims dont think its the same god. Why they don't is anyone's guess, but there you go.

My point is this... the Muslims are not any more to blame for this going on than any christian was to blame for the action of a bunch of religious extremists in the 13th century. So don't come over all "holier-than-thou" 'cos it doesn't wash!

Blame the people who are doing it, not arbitrarily placing the blame on everyone else...and where on earth did you get your ideas on the history of Islam in the Philippines and Indonesia?

By the way...the arabic word "jihad" has a couple of meanings...one is a holy war (see any history of the Knights Templar etc to get another viewpoint on holy wars)..and the other I am told implies something good. A friend of mine in Dubai is calld Jihad, and when I asked him about this point that was his explanation...and yes...he speaks Arabic fluently of course.

Don't tar everyone in a particular group with the same brush, especially when they are quite definitely NOT in the same group. The Holy Quran quite specifically forbids killing.

You are doing exactly what the extremists want...spreading fear and hatred, so it can spark bloody conflict...THAT is their aim...don't fall for it or you are as bad as they.

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"General Saprang was informed two days ago that police would do this. The work appears to be lacking credibility. It is intended just to help the national police chief,"

Police detaining army guys? Same police who conveniently never found anyone responsible for last year's bombs (Prem, Pornthip, Chamlong and others), made a mess of the still unsolved bomb investigation near Thaksin's house, and still came up with nothing with the New Year bombs...

Pro- Thaksin disgrunted Thai police + pro- Thaksin disgrunted army boys.

The CNS has announced a massive overhaul of the useless and incompetent Thai police force not long ago. Coming soon to a station near you.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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Muslims are no more terrorists than your precious Christians who invaded the Holy Lands bent on converting the people there to Christianity...not any worse than that...just a bit of rape, pillage, murder, and mayhem...but it's OK, because that was in the name of God...not Allah... Hmmm...

The name Allah IS the Muslim name for GOD! Muslims believe in one God the same as most of the christians. The problem is that the christians and the muslims dont think its the same god. Why they don't is anyone's guess, but there you go.

My point is this... the Muslims are not any more to blame for this going on than any christian was to blame for the action of a bunch of religious extremists in the 13th century. So don't come over all "holier-than-thou" 'cos it doesn't wash!


I believe that there are over 130 shooting conflicts in the world today, all but a handful involve Muslims, showing how well and how peaceful they can get along with their neighbors. Look at how well they treat the black christians and animists in the Sudan.

Allah is the name given to their god, not mine. Islam means submission to the Islamic god, not mine. I don't believe its a just or fair god that gives a Muslim three choices on how to deal with those he meets, convert them, enslave them, or kill them. What about leaving them alone in peace to enjoy their lives.

As for the Crusades, you may call them extremists, but consider that those who were going on pilgramage or trade to the holy lands were oft killed, enslaved, converted by force or necessitiy, or the ever popular ransomed. Throughout the middle ages Europe on its eastern and southern borders was invaded by Islamic armies from time to time, and they just wanted it to cease. So it was only internal and external political expedicy which brought on the Crusades.

In the early 1800's the US invaded the Barbary coast of northern Africa to stop the kidnapping of its sailors and citizens. The amount of people of all nations over a two hundred years period was over two million that were once again enslaved, converted, killed or the ever popular ransomed, by the Barbary Pirates.

Sorry as a nonbeliever in the three major mideast religions, I find faults with all, but in one in this day and age one in particular.

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"3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.


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"3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.


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Thank You Endure, This was turning into trollfest 2007! How bizarre to read on one thread of 15 arrests and see a mere dozen responses and then click here and read page after page of nonsense just because some Aussie paper has gotten the story all wrong in order to sell fish wrappings.

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My apologies to all who seem offended... and for my lack of lucidity... which is a misnomer, but I acquiese... I think sometimes that when you are too simple it means you need to be analyzed and "spun"... what part of the difference between "extremists" and "one love" did not appeal to you?

It really does not matter who is responsible in order to condemn the actions of blatant cowards, is it? ... Can you not agree that innocent men, women, and children should not be subjected to the angry cowardice of those who feel obligated to inflict their will on the masses? Why try to justify that kind of thing in ANY way? The placing of blame with dispersion is almost criminal in itself... it could be misconstrued as culpablity...

Someone once said:

"If you are not part of the solution, then perhaps you are part of the problem" ... I am not trying to offend anyone ... I will not take offense for something your Mothers Fathers Cousin did to any relatives of mine... in any century you can find or remember... and I will not use that kind of inane logic to rationalize, justify or condone any form of selfish idiotic violence... Sorry ... Perhaps you will brand me now as an extreme one love advocate...

You need more Bob Marley in your diet... I doubt there is any nourishment in chewing on ghosts and old bones... I suppose now I am still not lucid enough...

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My apologies to all who seem offended... and for my lack of lucidity... which is a misnomer, but I acquiese... I think sometimes that when you are too simple it means you need to be analyzed and "spun"... what part of the difference between "extremists" and "one love" did not appeal to you?

It really does not matter who is responsible in order to condemn the actions of blatant cowards, is it? .

On the contrary - it really does matter who is responsible in order NOT to condemn those who are innocent members of the same group. People should be judged on their actions, not their affiliations.

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So inteligence agencies say it was southerners/islamists

while intelligence sources say it was Thaksin cronies.

Anybody else got any theories ?


How about...these guys don't have a clue!!!! :D

Exactly Thye don't have a clue and nobody will ever know the truth same old story fro this JUNTA GOVERNMENT terrible Police work.

call the FBI

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I don’t know which is worse Tax-ins cronies or JI…….very bad to know JI have made a move in Thailand


Doesnt seem to make much difference if they did on on mr T's cronies suggestions... Read last sentence.

All the diffference is in the title. They could have also said that disapointed ex government people organised JI to plant bombs..... Seems a rather odd release though saying they met in an informers house in Malaysia... Guess he is now running to hide if correct....

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The Thai Police could fall into a bucket of tits and still come out sucking their thumbs.

The "bombs" were just fireworks by terrorist standards. Any terrorist organisation claiming responsibility for those would be laughed at.

Its just some recently disenfranchised members of the military / police / business groups spitting the dummy about not getting their slice of pie from the new new government carve-up.

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You need to look at this from the viewpoint of intent to know who was behind it.

If it is a group that planted the bombs they would take credit because it is very difficult to name the person. (Fear us and our cause)

If it was a bomb by a person then they would look to keep quite so as not be arrested or worse.

The fact that no group or person has taken responsibility it would suggest that the bombs were made to cause political instability and not to drive people out of an area.

I suspect some of the news stories are deliberate plants to alter the thinking of the public.

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Exactly Thye don't have a clue and nobody will ever know the truth same old story fro this JUNTA GOVERNMENT terrible Police work.

call the FBI

The FBI :o

The FBI did a great job in preventing 9/11.

They were warned before hand about Atta & friends but failed to do anything about it.

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...so now this information is out and unfolds over the next week.. What do you think the coming year will bring for the thai borse and the property markets here. Its probably a good time to invest in the SET index in a fund like SCBSET with siam commercial bank and maybe buy a condo with the profits at the end of the year. This is my theory anyways, hoping to get a 20 percent or so devalued property here in 2008:) Anybody have any better ideas? :o

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I said this before about this subject when the bombings first happened. It is a great way for the newly placed government (military) to further enhance their power and clamp down on civil liberties in Thailand......very much like what has happened in my country, America.

If this was JL, they would have (1) claimed responsibility, and (2) taken many more lives in these bombings.

Coup d e'tat, military, control, power, royalty, disengage in democratic institutions, limit freedoms..........

Hit the nail on the head with this observation. Foriegn intel sources have stated they don't have a clue prior to yesterdays news of arrests. Or do they?

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You need to look at this from the viewpoint of intent to know who was behind it.


The fact that no group or person has taken responsibility it would suggest that the bombs were made to cause political instability and not to drive people out of an area.

I suspect some of the news stories are deliberate plants to alter the thinking of the public.

If the bombs were intent to destibilize the government it's not unreasonable to expect the demands were made to the government, too. Would the government release these demands to the public? Not very likely if it intends to meet them.

Imagine the police unhappy with upcoming restructuring of the entire force or any other internal power conflict, including some military groups losing their previous power and privileges after the coup.

Thaksin was ready to arrive to Chiang Mai on Jan 6 where he was to be met by a retired army general, according to Nation's opinion writer.

Chavalit is the easiest name to attach to this.

As for the original story and recent arrests - I liked the term used by some poster earlier - news spamming.

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You need to look at this from the viewpoint of intent to know who was behind it.

If it is a group that planted the bombs they would take credit because it is very difficult to name the person. (Fear us and our cause)

If it was a bomb by a person then they would look to keep quite so as not be arrested or worse.

The fact that no group or person has taken responsibility it would suggest that the bombs were made to cause political instability and not to drive people out of an area.

I suspect some of the news stories are deliberate plants to alter the thinking of the public.

I have to agree with your arguement that it is not the work of an international terrorist group. Sure they would have taken responsibility and done a far more destructive job.

It is noticeable that the JI story broke in a single newspaper from unnamed "intelligence sources" on the day that the police took in for questioning some people, and now already the veracity of the police action is being questioned. Indeed it does seem that certain information/disinformation/misinformation is being fed to journos in what is looking like a political game, which is not good considering people died in the New Years Eve bomb attacks.

No political bombing in Thailand has ever been solved. Will this one be a first?

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Hold it a sec. Didn't Thaksin employ some lobby group in the USA? I wonder if their tentacles of power reach all the way to Australia. It certainly seems to have conveniently redirected some heat off Thaksin. And the timing is impeccable.

Edited by Grover
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It really does not matter who is responsible in order to condemn the actions of blatant cowards, is it?

On the contrary - it really does matter who is responsible in order NOT to condemn those who are innocent members of the same group. People should be judged on their actions, not their affiliations.

On one hand, I do agree that individuals should be judged by their actions, but... what would you say about those that are affiliated with Al Qaida or JI? Should they (the individuls affiliated in these extremist groups) be condemned?

Does it make sence, the "innocent members" of Al Qaida or JI ?!

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You need to look at this from the viewpoint of intent to know who was behind it.

If it is a group that planted the bombs they would take credit because it is very difficult to name the person. (Fear us and our cause)

If it was a bomb by a person then they would look to keep quite so as not be arrested or worse.

The fact that no group or person has taken responsibility it would suggest that the bombs were made to cause political instability and not to drive people out of an area.

I suspect some of the news stories are deliberate plants to alter the thinking of the public.

I have to agree with your arguement that it is not the work of an international terrorist group. Sure they would have taken responsibility and done a far more destructive job.

It is noticeable that the JI story broke in a single newspaper from unnamed "intelligence sources" on the day that the police took in for questioning some people, and now already the veracity of the police action is being questioned. Indeed it does seem that certain information/disinformation/misinformation is being fed to journos in what is looking like a political game, which is not good considering people died in the New Years Eve bomb attacks.

No political bombing in Thailand has ever been solved. Will this one be a first?

I know so little about this. Really, the only way any of us can be assured it wasn't international terrorists is if the bombings stop. Let's hope that is the case.

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