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3 guys get pulled over by a woman cop.

They tried to get out of the speeding ticket, so the woman said if all ur

dicks equal up to 15 inches ill let you off.

The driver pulls out his dick which is 7 inches.

The guy in the front of the passenger seat pulls his out which is 6 inches.

The last guy in the back pulls his out and it's 2 inches.

So they get out of the ticket.

After a while they hear the guy laughing hysterically in the back.

The driver asks, "What's wrong why are you laughing?" the guy in back says

good thing I was popping a boner.

The local yokel got married and his honeymoon was the first time he'd been

off the farm.

He'd saved for twenty years for this, so could afford a classy hotel.

Checking in he said "Me and the new WIFE would like to hire your best room

for a week"

"Certainly sir" replied the receptionist. "Would you like the Bridal"?

The yokel looked a bit uncertain, then said "Naw, reckon not, a'll just

hang onto her ears 'til a get the hang of it"

A professer gave his class an assignment, and the only reason for not

finishing it would be if you were sick or a close relative died.

So this guy raised his hand and said " What about sexual exhaustion?"

The whole class burst out laughing.

After the laughter died down the professer replied " Maybe you should

consider using the other hand!!!!!"

It was the first day of a new school year.

Three boys arrive at class late and the teacher asks the first boy "Why are

you tardy," the boy replies "I've been on Blueberry Hill" the teacher said

"Take your seat."

She asks the next boy why he was late. "I was on Blueberry Hill also" he


Then she asked the third boy, but he replied with the same answer.

As the boys we're sitting down a girl arrives in.

"Let me guess", said the teacher. "You where on Bluberry Hill aslo"

"NO.... I am Blueberry Hill" replied the girl.

One day a man went on a buissness trip to Florida.

He had saw this hooker and he asked "How much for a hand job?"

The hooker replied "100 Bucks"

The man said "100 Bucks, That's a lot of got ###### money"

So the hooker pulled him to the side and said "See that Mercedes, I paid

for that by giving hand jobs."

So he gave her the money and received the best hand he had ever had.

The next day he sees her and asks "How much for a head job?"

She said "200 dollars"

"200 dollars that's a lot of money"

She pulled him to the side and said "You see that yahat by the pier, I paid

for that yahat by giving head jobs."

So he gives her the money, and get the best head job of his life

On hist last day in Florida he returns to the hooker and says "The hand job

was good, the head job was great how much for the whole package."

"1000 dollars'

"1000 dollars that's a lot of god ###### money"

So she pulled him to side and said "You see that island, I could afford

that if i had a pussy."

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