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Led dimmers for new house

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Hi . I was thinking of  upgrading our next house to all led's & would like to have dim-able  switches for 2 or 3 rooms. I understand the way the wattage's work but not the dimmers for the LED's since they are worlds different from the incandescent & halogens with regards to the dimmers. I went to Home Pro & one other major appliance house that didn't understand the difference of the LED's in dim-able switches.

The best I could find out was Phillips makes the right switch that works with LED's & 3 or 4 companies that carry the dim_able bulbs. Unfortunately Home pro doesn't have & won't order the Phillip switches to make it work & I know the

switches for incandescence or Halogen bulbs & either a flicker or an inconsistent on or off with not much in between won't cut it.  Anyone know or have LED's on dimmers where to get the dimmers at. I still can't believe if I spend 140,000 baht or more at Home Pro they wouldn't go out of their way & order me the Phillips switch that they use as a demo already. But This is Thailand & nothing ever is easy . I can get the switches from the U.S. but they run 110 volts & it would be to late after I return if I find out the 220 volt switches don't work. Shit happens & I can foresee it happening.Unfortunately I am an ace of 12 or 24 volts DC I am weak on ac switches. Anyone have a clue. I read up on it so I know what I need but I may as well be speaking in tongues trying to talk to the lamo cashiers pretending to be knowing about anything technical....Especially when the technology is newer then 30-40 years. This is so sad. I can't believe I will be ruffing out the 4th house up here . Hopefully the last.

Thanks again



My experience with LED dimmers has been restricted to LED rope lights in a pool and I had to use this type of dimmer




But to be perfectly honest with you , the time and effort of using a 12 volt system in the house has never been practical due to the requirement to lower the voltage from 220 to 12 V and not having the ability to "dim" the interior lights at the wall switch has forced me to just use the dimmable 220 mini spot bulbs instead of the step down 12 V system


I don't know that much about electricity and conservation of energy but it seems to me that a lot of electricity is wasted in the down conversion process that 12V requires 


Ali express has them you just need to troll through 100’s of suppliers and buy a few backups.


Otherwise Bticino has them in Thailand. I have the bticino switches that look just like a normal switch but when you keep your finger pressed on it it dims the led lights. Unfortunately I don’t have the ordering details as my electrical contractor sourced them.


Thanks AJ

I couldn't find the proper Switch from Bticino But that is a great place to start looking. I have had very good luck with all their products. The switch I am looking for is a trailing edge opposed to a leading edge switch. The leading edge is good for incandescent & halogen  while the trailing edge lowers the output only for LED's since they seem from what I can tell operate backwards compared to the old school bulbs. I am sure Phillips ,Toshiba & Eve make the proper switches as they make the bulbs but still haven't found a source to get 4 of them 2 for what I will use & 2 for backups in case they go out.

I did find a 12 volt set up but that won't last for a 4 down lights @ 7 watts for probably more than a year with the usual flicker hum & not to good at dimming.If I have to I can always go with the 3 way switch as they are available,but I sure would like to get a fully dim able & do it right for a brand new house. The leading edge switches are heavily stocked but the LED Trailing type switches seem to be non existant & I know from 13 years here trying to contact Home pro to get them to order from Phillips is like pissing in the wind.Most unhelpful store in Thailand but the competition doesn't even have any floor models to test dimmers for LED's.

But I greatly appreciate the help. I know someone has been down this road. Thais are not to modern & don't know the newer types of equipment nor what they require. Unfortunately even in Thai they just give the WYF look when you try to explain there is a huge difference in Trailing & leading type switches. They are stuck in the 70's & their bosses don't have any comprehention on what they sell either. Fotunately after 3 houses I am used (kinda ) to the frustration in building a normal western built house in Thailand.


Bticino has offices in Thailand so i’m Sure they could tell you a distributor.


these are the ones I got 


Light AIR. series. http://www.bticino.com/products/wiring-devices/livinglight/livinglight-air/


If you live in Bangkok there is a store at CDC on the second floor of the building that eurocreations is in ( second building from The SCG center end facing the main road) that has some hi tech switches. The problem with these is that it would cost you a fortune to do your entire house if you want uniform switches throughout the entire house.


Rather than trying to over engineer and spend a huge amount of money on something that you can’t change on the future  you might look at all the WiFi enabled bulbs that are available... they can be configured and conrtolled in any number of ways - like using voice command with a Siri or Alexa speaker...


Something like this...


3 hours ago, sfokevin said:

Rather than trying to over engineer and spend a huge amount of money on something that you can’t change on the future  you might look at all the WiFi enabled bulbs that are available... they can be configured and conrtolled in any number of ways - like using voice command with a Siri or Alexa speaker...


Something like this...


Just be aware those systems require some back ground electrical work:



Unfortunately, a smart light switch won’t work in every house, while smart bulbs work in any house that has traditional light sockets. This is because most smart light switches need to be wired up to a neutral wire, whereas traditional light switches don’t.

In a lot of older homes, there aren’t any neutral wires in light switch boxes. Most new-ish homes (even going back to the 70s) will usually come with neutral wires in the light switch box, though. Most homeowners or renters shouldn’t have to worry about this, but if you’re not sure, it may be a good idea to check your wiring setup to see if it would support a smart light switch to begin with. If not, then smart bulbs may be in your future.

There are some smart light switches that don’t need neutral wires (like Lutron’s Caseta lineup), but your options are still severely limited.

source: https://www.howtogeek.com/279516/smart-light-switches-vs.-smart-light-bulbs-which-one-should-you-buy/

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