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Biggest U.S. force in years joins Thai military exercise


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On 2/17/2018 at 1:56 PM, thaibeachlovers said:


The invasion of Burma was passing through Kanchanaburi. It was why they built the ''death railway''. The reason 2 spans on the bridge are different is that the Allies bombed it.

? x 16    Cool question marks huh? What about Bangkok. 

First B-29 Superfortress combat mission

In its first combat mission, the American Boeing B-29 Superfortress was used by the XX Bomber Command's 58th Air Division to strike targets in Bangkok, before it was deployed against the Japanese home islands.[9] The decision to use the B-29s to bomb Bangkok dated back to 1943 and was mentioned in a communique between US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in which Roosevelt suggested that they be used to bomb the port and railways.[10]

On 5 June 1944, 98 B-29s led by the 58th's commander, General LaVerne Saunders, flew out from airfields in India to attack the Makasan railway yards in Bangkok. The raid was the longest distance mission to that date in the war. It was a 2,261-mile round trip. Only 77 of the B-29s made it to Bangkok, with 21 having had to return home because of various engine problems. Arriving at the Thai capital at about 11:00, the bombers found the target obscured by bad weather which in turn caused an element of confusion in the attack. The B-29s were meant to have dropped their bombs from between 2225,000 feet altitude but instead did so from between 1727,000 feet. Only 18 bombs hit their intended targets. The others destroyed a Japanese military hospital and damaged the Japanese secret police headquarters. On the return leg, 42 B-29s had to divert to other airfields because of a lack of fuel and five crashed on landing, although none were lost to enemy fire. Further raids were carried out by the Superfortresses against strategic targets in Bangkok.[11]


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On 2/17/2018 at 1:36 PM, chrisinth said:

Floatin' or Flyin', either or both.


You don't need a country to launch a strike from, just a country to launch a plane if from the air, or an equipped unit of the 'grey funnel line' if launched from sea (I would also include submarines in this if it was an underwater launch).


Ranges vary with the flavour of the payload and launch platform...................:thumbsup: 

With all the Ohio class Subs plus the new Viginia class, i don't know why we need anything else?  IMHO https://thediplomat.com/2017/10/us-navy-christens-most-advanced-attack-sub-ever/

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On ‎2‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 2:16 PM, CGW said:

Maybe if you moved all the troops and associated hardware from the 800 bases in over 70 countries they would stop wanting to "enslave you" (the systems already done that!)

Maybe if you stopped supplying Saudi with as many weapons as they can buy that would help?

Maybe if you stopped "founding" so many different radical groups that would also help? you were kind of responsible for both AQ & ISIS!

Just a couple of ideas to kick around! :shock1:

But fact is USA has been at "war" 93% of the time since 1776, peace loving rulers you keep electing! Not going to stop now until ??? your safe!

If you believe certain countries will just "lub you long time" if you take all the toys home, that's your prerogative. I believe the world is full of people that want to kill me, and I want my side to kill them first.

Pax Britannica happened because Britain had bigger guns than other countries and were prepared to use them. Since then, people haven't stopped fighting somewhere in the world.

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7 hours ago, joeyg said:

With all the Ohio class Subs plus the new Viginia class, i don't know why we need anything else?  IMHO https://thediplomat.com/2017/10/us-navy-christens-most-advanced-attack-sub-ever/


Can't use a nuke on a cave in Afghanistan. That takes rough men prepared to do what it takes to protect those that won't protect themselves.

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8 hours ago, joeyg said:

? x 16    Cool question marks huh? What about Bangkok. 

First B-29 Superfortress combat mission

In its first combat mission, the American Boeing B-29 Superfortress was used by the XX Bomber Command's 58th Air Division to strike targets in Bangkok, before it was deployed against the Japanese home islands.[9] The decision to use the B-29s to bomb Bangkok dated back to 1943 and was mentioned in a communique between US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in which Roosevelt suggested that they be used to bomb the port and railways.[10]

On 5 June 1944, 98 B-29s led by the 58th's commander, General LaVerne Saunders, flew out from airfields in India to attack the Makasan railway yards in Bangkok. The raid was the longest distance mission to that date in the war. It was a 2,261-mile round trip. Only 77 of the B-29s made it to Bangkok, with 21 having had to return home because of various engine problems. Arriving at the Thai capital at about 11:00, the bombers found the target obscured by bad weather which in turn caused an element of confusion in the attack. The B-29s were meant to have dropped their bombs from between 2225,000 feet altitude but instead did so from between 1727,000 feet. Only 18 bombs hit their intended targets. The others destroyed a Japanese military hospital and damaged the Japanese secret police headquarters. On the return leg, 42 B-29s had to divert to other airfields because of a lack of fuel and five crashed on landing, although none were lost to enemy fire. Further raids were carried out by the Superfortresses against strategic targets in Bangkok.[11]



I was answering a specific question about Kanchanaburi. What's your excuse for talking about Bkk?

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25 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you believe certain countries will just "lub you long time" if you take all the toys home, that's your prerogative. I believe the world is full of people that want to kill me, and I want my side to kill them first.

Pax Britannica happened because Britain had bigger guns than other countries and were prepared to use them. Since then, people haven't stopped fighting somewhere in the world.

Why do they want to kill you? religion, wars & constant strife have long been the fuel for the ruling elite. Unfortunately we have become very good at killing each other, our rulers decide to send the canon fodder to 'war" to "protect our way of life" (note those that declare war never have to fight it), one of the better excuses is to stop there current leaders killing their own people! At the end of the day wars are fought for money, the huge companies and the almighty war machine gain thus the rich get richer. Scared people are obedient, they are doing it for our own good or their gain?

Sadly killing them before they kill you philosophy doesn't give a dam about the millions of innocents that are slaughtered in the process or the lives left over.

I choose to believe mankind is capable of much more than the wars and aggravation we are constantly forced into, I live in hope! :shock1:

Music plays....................

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On 2/17/2018 at 1:36 PM, chrisinth said:

Floatin' or Flyin', either or both.


You don't need a country to launch a strike from, just a country to launch a plane if from the air, or an equipped unit of the 'grey funnel line' if launched from sea (I would also include submarines in this if it was an underwater launch).


Ranges vary with the flavour of the payload and launch platform...................:thumbsup: 


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On 14/02/2018 at 7:18 PM, bkkcanuck8 said:

And when they decide not to enter it the left is not far behind asking why the government does not do anything.  

If only there was a country out there, that was willing to step in and 'enter' the never ending war that Americans are waging on each other.

Seems like the US government can't protect their own people from each other maybe some other country should?

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On 18/02/2018 at 8:52 AM, suzannegoh said:

And maybe those would be relevant questions if Europe didn't push the bulk of its defence expenditures off to the US. People like you sound like a bargirl whining that their farang doesn't take care of them well enough.

The idea of the USA 'taking care' of the Europe or any where else in the world is hilarious when their own country/society is such an utter shambles!



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