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Mothers too young: Inequality fuels adolescent pregnancies in Thailand


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2 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

So it is all about punishing the male . Where is the love in that.

 I feel men should help also that is my personal feelings, but not as punishment. 

 But what I am saying and I think others here are saying if we are equal pay the piper if you want to dance.

  We are not saying if we were in that predicament we would not help. Just saying women have to be aware in these times if they want equality there are risks that go with it and deal with so behave accordingly..

   That is why I went to prostitutes all my single life. When it is over it is over.


I agree with you, and I only used the word "punish" as because I was quoting a TV member. I also feel that punish is too harsh a word, but fact is, a lot of blokes go through life, rightly or wrongly, carefree and don't live up to their obligations. 

I strongly believe that if you make a child, then see to it that it (the child) gets what it needs. If the fella wants to p*SS off and leave the woman, so be it, but be man / human enough to see to it that your flesh and blood has enough food on his/her plate, clothes on his/her back and the best education the parents can provide him/her. 

Too many lads here simply walk away and leave the woman alone with a kid. It's difficult enough raising children when  BOTH parents are around and work (I'm speaking from experience) but one parent alone is, for most of us men, an unimaginable hurdle to overcome. 

Coming back to my an earlier comment I posted here, if the laws were stricter/enforced here, a lot of young lads would be queuing up to buy condoms before banging their gfs. 

I'm not in favour of punishing people too harshly, but there should be a "fair" system in place which firstly reduces unwanted/unplanned teenage pregnancies and secondly sees to it that BOTH parents carry a fair/equal amount of the burden - be it financial, emotional, etc. 

I some cases the women don't have a choice (ie it is not consensual). 


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2 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

 quote Men there thinking as you have no morals and no respect for ladies and your babies  unquote

Do not know how you came to that conclusion

I seem to have more respect for ladies and babies than my step daughter Since the baby came out of the hospital my wife and I have taken care of it and probably will till she is on her own in life. The daughter well her friends miss her so she has to go sorry for the child.

  I feel women who get pregnant and cannot take care of them are the ones with no respect for babies. The enjoy the act but refuse  or cannot take care of the baby. Selfish to the core.

Meaby if you teach your step daughter to take better care you will meaby  have a better daughter 

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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

Exactly.  She agreed.  She could have said 'no condom no sex'.  But she did not.   It was her decision.  He did not rape her.  She wanted sex with him, and she made the bad choice to have unprotected sex for whatever reason.  



He made a bad choice too why so many men run away from they responsibility in here I don't get it you make a child you take care of the child that's in my world so if you don't want any responsibility use condoms easy 

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13 hours ago, shady86 said:

Thailand needs more children to support the aging population. Good job!

Obviously has links to Wyatt Earps brother, “what a <deleted>”


Sorry moderator but comments made by fools like Shady86 really do need to be addressed if not removed.

we are talking here about 13 year old mothers who need proper sex education in schools yet this fool says they are doing a GOOD JOB !!!

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13 hours ago, Mattd said:

Both of my ex. wife's sisters were pregnant by the age of 15, both did what a lot of them do in this situation, dumped the children on to Mum & Dad almost as soon as they were born, both sisters went on to produce a further 2 each before they were 20, all different fathers!

So even though the first ones may have been due to a lack of education, the following ones were certainly not, as they had already seen the consequences!

A lot of the time the issue is it is just so easy to dump the babies on to Mum & Dad and just carry on, harsh but true.

To be fair, my ex. wife did have to look after our 2 sons, but think that was more because she knew that was what was expected and I was there to pay for it all!

Welcome to the "wonderful world "  of  village   life, there is NO responsibility in Thailand, brakes always  fail, I  poor, I misunderstanding, you name it they'll spin it.

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37 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

Welcome to the "wonderful world "  of  village   life, there is NO responsibility in Thailand, brakes always  fail, I  poor, I misunderstanding, you name it they'll spin it.

The general catch all phrase in my village was that they were"unlucky".


Anything bad was down to luck rather then acknowledging any form of responsibility whatsover.


Girls were routinely falling pregnant between the ages of 14-18.


The medieval grannies in the village rather encouraged this and nobody seemed to be interested  in sex education-in actual fact very few were really interested in any form of education at all.

Edited by Odysseus123
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12 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Debate fuel:

Isn't sex education info widely available on the internet?


What's the point of enforcing financial responsibility for the father if he's only earning 200 baht a day?

Then he shouldn't have kids he/they can't afford. But anyone is allowed to be a parent, no matter how unsuited. It's a strange, chaotic and in some ways still a very primitive world.

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7 hours ago, djayz said:

The OP is about adolescents getting pregnant/getting adolescents pregnant -

Actually the OP is about an 18 year old getting pregnant .....


Reads definition,

'They' extended adolescence from  ending age 18 to ending age 25 in 2013

(wonders who 'they' are, and who gave them permission to do that).


Whats wrong with this world?

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10 hours ago, djayz said:

He should also share the financial burden of raising a child. It's unfair that the mother be left high and dry with a young infant to care for, medical bills, school uniforms and books, etc.

No medical bills, health care is free for Thai citizens.

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18 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Where did I say it was?


Be precise. 

You didn't and I did not say you did.

It is no different from your original quote of Genmai who did not say it was her fault, but you were happy to attribute that to him. Glass houses and all that.

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What a lot seem to miss here is the equal rights involved are not equal .

  If a woman has unprotected sex she and gets pregnant if she wants the child  she wants the man responsible also. If she decides to abort the child it is her privilege and hers alone she then takes the stance it is her body and no one can dictate to her what she does with her body,the man has no say. It is her body 24/7.  Why do they not understand it is her body when she takes the risk and taking the risk is her responsibility no matter which way it goes after. Women have to learn you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

  They cherry pick where they want equality . Child responsibilty is a very good place to teach them if they want equality they must go the distance and take all responsibility not just the ones they want. If it is in their minds their body solely when it comes to abortion then it is their body solely if they take child to birth. .If they were children it would be called tough love, do people here remember tough love.  Children should mean family but women seem to miss that now.

  Many men are tired of the double standard laid out in these times and are ready to fight back. No more mister nice guy attitudes.Women have to wake up they made their bed on equality now live with it.

Edited by lovelomsak
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21 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

What a lot seem to miss here is the equal rights involved are not equal .

  If a woman has unprotected sex she and gets pregnant if she wants the child  she wants the man responsible also. If she decides to abort the child it is her privilege and hers alone she then takes the stance it is her body and no one can dictate to her what she does with her body,the man has no say. It is her body 24/7.  Why do they not understand it is her body when she takes the risk and taking the risk is her responsibility no matter which way it goes after. Women have to learn you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

  They cherry pick where they want equality . Child responsibilty is a very good place to teach them if they want equality they must go the distance and take all responsibility not just the ones they want. If it is in their minds their body solely when it comes to abortion then it is their body solely if they take child to birth. .If they were children it would be called tough love, do people here remember tough love.  Children should mean family but women seem to miss that now.

  Many men are tired of the double standard laid out in these times and are ready to fight back. No more mister nice guy attitudes.Women have to wake up they made their bed on equality now live with it.

No, "they" very well don't!


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17 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Debate fuel:

Isn't sex education info widely available on the internet?


What's the point of enforcing financial responsibility for the father if he's only earning 200 baht a day?

He'll have to get used to living on half that amount I guess.  There are other "nudges" that can be applied as well, if a government is brave enough.  Stop viewing voting as a right but as a privilege.  If you have a kid out of wedlock before finishing secondary school and without a job, you lose that privilege and all benefits that come with it.  Same with the biological father.  Time for people to grow up.

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

No, "they" very well don't!


You are 100% right they can go on being irresponsible, bring people into the world with no home,no love no future. We cannot make them do anything they are free agents. Or they can get abortions as caretakers of the body.which is also their right. It is their life do as the chose. 

But when they ask for charity because of their follies they may not get it. That is others choice.

 So in all equality men should have the same rights huh. 

  Men may not feel the same but hey if it is good  for women then it is good for the men right. We are equal right.

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16 hours ago, mick220675 said:

You are correct, but most Thai teenagers are looking at Korean/Japanese porn to bother with info on condoms. I know this after looking at my daughters google history.:shock1:


On enforcing financial responsibility you are correct. my neighbours ex-boyfriend was taken to court and ordered to pay 5000 baht/month maintenance, he went to live with relatives in Bangkok and paid nothing. She now is reliant on the generosity of my wife.

good law, poor enforcement.

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4 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

You are 100% right they can go on being irresponsible, bring people into the world with no home,no love no future. We cannot make them do anything they are free agents. Or they can get abortions as caretakers of the body.which is also their right. It is their life do as the chose. 

But when they ask for charity because of their follies they may not get it. That is others choice.

 So in all equality men should have the same rights huh. 

  Men may not feel the same but hey if it is good  for women then it is good for the men right. We are equal right.


Men will have the same rights, when they carry a baby to term for nine month, deal with morning sickness, weight gain, swollen feet and legs and have to answer the question "cut or tear", when they are delivering!

And when after they gave birth, they find themselves left alone, by a greedy selfish @$$hole wife, who by now, has fathered another 3 children with another 3 women!


Do you see the difference now?

Do you?


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1 minute ago, DM07 said:


Men will have the same rights, when they carry a baby to term for nine month, deal with morning sickness, weight gain, swollen feet and legs and have to answer the question "cut or tear", when they are delivering!

And when after they gave birth, they find themselves left alone, by a greedy selfish @$$hole wife, who by now, has fathered another 3 children with another 3 women!


Do you see the difference now?

Do you?


Cry me a river you are the perfect example of cherry picking female.

  We are equal until.

 Get a grasp you are presenting ancient women to  men battle of sex's  material


5 minutes ago, DM07 said:

And when after they gave birth, they find themselves left alone, by a greedy selfish @$$hole wife, who by now, has fathered another 3 children with another 3 women!

What crap this digression of the thread to a very low level have you even read anything in this thread?

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13 minutes ago, DM07 said:

And when after they gave birth, they find themselves left alone, by a greedy selfish @$$hole wife, who by now, has fathered another 3 children with another 3 women!


Do you see the difference now?

Do you?

Why do you assume the woman gets to keep the baby?

That isn't equal rights.


Do YOU see the difference now?

Or are you a hopeless misandrist?

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4 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

No medical bills, health care is free for Thai citizens.

That may be the case, but most things in life aren't free. There are many other bills which need to be paid. 

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31 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

Cry me a river you are the perfect example of cherry picking female.

  We are equal until.

 Get a grasp you are presenting ancient women to  men battle of sex's  material


What crap this digression of the thread to a very low level have you even read anything in this thread?

First of all: I am a man...probably more than you ever will be!

Second: you are one of those cry-babys, who is always on the search for the easy way out!

For you "equality" between men and women starts from a point of no rights for women and then goes to 100. when suddenly women have to own up to everything, that they have been denied for...well...ever!


You wouldn't understand the concept of equality, if it had its bare @$$ in your face!

So stop talking about it!

At least: stop talking to me!

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27 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Why do you assume the woman gets to keep the baby?

That isn't equal rights.


Do YOU see the difference now?

Or are you a hopeless misandrist?

...says the No.1- troll on this thread!

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4 hours ago, DoctorG said:

You didn't and I did not say you did.

It is no different from your original quote of Genmai who did not say it was her fault, but you were happy to attribute that to him. Glass houses and all that.

Genmai did say it was her fault in the post I quoted. 


One of these is choosing to not have children before getting married”


So, very different in fact. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

...says the No.1- troll on this thread!

Strange that, I'm looking after a Thai child then, unrelated to my family and abandoned by her mother.

(Dad never had any say as he's been in prison from before she was born, another 5 years to go)

Took her in when she was almost 12, nearly 20 now and at university.

What are you doing to help the situation?

Nothing probably.

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3 hours ago, DM07 said:

I do my part, but most of all I am not trolling forums with my yesteryear- opinions about women!

Good day, sir!

You got that wrong it is tomorrow;s opinion presented  today. Wake up.

Edited by lovelomsak
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One last thing and it is not a rant it is  a lecture.

  What is missed here is the baby and family.


  Women are protected by society. . We have rape laws so protect them from physically being forced  to have sex. Society cannot be with them at all times but can get justice for them if they are raped. 

  When women have sex out of wedlock they should be responsible  enough to use protection (condom.pill etc). or say NO. Society has done every thing they can to save women from having babies till married and starting a family. If the man a woman wishes to have sex with does not want protection she does not need to have sex with him then simple as that. the law protects  her. 

 If a woman does have unprotected sex then she is very very selfish. Her actions may bring a person (child) into this world. A child with out  a family unit to assist in the  child's development. How much does a woman like that care about her own body and offspring. Very selfish indeed. 

  Society has given them rape laws to protect them, Created condoms,the pill ,the morning after pill. What else can we do to stop women from having babies outside of the family unit. It is now up to the women.and many fail the reality.test. 

  Children should be born in a family. To blame the man is really not the answer. Men only take what is given. If the women would have stronger morals and stand by them the men would have to learn to adjust and live with it. Or go to jail for rape.

the laws are there so yes this is yesterdays answer.But if the laws were used it would be today's answer also.

  Women are  in charge of their body just many forget their bodies give birth and those people they give birth to deserve a good life not come into a world fractured by poor choices made by their mother.

  I have great sympathy for the child limited sympathy for the mother sorry


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