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Thailand's culture of impunity for the powerful causes backlash


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5 hours ago, YetAnother said:

from the larger article: "The Prayuth government is "morally bankrupt," wrote Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a political scientist at Chulalongkorn University, in an op-ed last week";

that is damning;

the force of change has to come from the thinking members of the thai middle class,

their numbers are not yet large enough nor coordinated nor collaborated to force change



.... and I am afraid they are by far  outnumbered by the undemocratic and even more corrupt Shin dynastie and their election pawns

Edited by sweatalot
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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand's culture of impunity for the powerful causes backlash

? so... some journo cartoonist and columnists have lampooned prawit... no worries, they will be in jail soon anyway


so backlash for the powerful... im not sure what I expected... something.. but what did I get? 


nothing ?????

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11 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Normally investigative journalists would be researching property, accounts, holidays and all sorts not just watches. It seems , to me, that this 'watch gig'   'tis but a rouse, a pimple upon the elephants back so to speak.

Not a bad apprasil, maybe watchgate U reacon..............................:cheesy:..

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2 hours ago, farcanell said:

? so... some journo cartoonist and columnists have lampooned prawit... no worries, they will be in jail soon anyway


so backlash for the powerful... im not sure what I expected... something.. but what did I get? 


nothing ?????

One of my crowd Lampooned (As U Put It) a top general ( Into the most sorlid stuff U can imagaine)  in the junta's of old and the general got kicked out of the top job, then came retrenchments , the uncle never worked ever in media again ( Black listed ) and died a broken man in his beloved Thailand, age 51.

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41 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

I have full faith in the total integrity, honesty of our beloved and divine military politicians (slurrp!)....so now can I get my visa extension please with no extra hassle ? :whistling:

The only people getting any favors and graces are the uber (undocumented) rich chinese. 

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Image result for Automatic External Defibrillator

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable device that checks the heart rhythm and can send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm.


Could be the Government will need a few of these?


You often find AEDs in places with large numbers of people, such as shopping malls, golf courses, businesses, airports, airplanes, casinos, convention centers, hotels, sports venues, and schools.


Quite a few have now been ordered for Parliament House.


I know its a stupid post but they are just hanging on.

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21 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Normally investigative journalists would be researching property, accounts, holidays and all sorts not just watches. It seems , to me, that this 'watch gig'   'tis but a rouse, a pimple upon the elephants back so to speak.

Would have to rake through all the skim offs from proceeds of some most famous streets such as rachada.. All been well hidden on behalf of the pay grades above both prawit and the golden monkey!! The above is small potatoes when compared with fish bowl proceeds..

Edited by jonstarjon
Pressed wrong buttin
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