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Starting A Business

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depending what she want's to do - if she does services she doesn't need that much, for commerce the more you have the bigger profit (economy of scale).

however if you want her to employ you and apply for a work permit there is a minimum which she has to invest in order to help with your wp

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nimsey.. your question is really without any details.....cant answer seriously to your question.

If she open noodle shop..no need 2 milion baht.

If she open a restaurant..also not sure that she need 2 milion.

I suggest u give more details if u want serious answers.

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nimsey.. your question is really without any details.....cant answer seriously to your question.

If she open noodle shop..no need 2 milion baht.

If she open a restaurant..also not sure that she need 2 milion.

I suggest u give more details if u want serious answers.

She may need 100 MILLION Baht if you wish to start amalgamated amalgations; a new concept in amalgamating. I will share with you the business plan, as I feel you are worthy.

Business Plan

Amalgamating is big business. And when we amalgamate amalgamations, we receive an expodential increase in amalgamations. Our business concept is to amalgamate amalgamations, and thereby obtain economies of scale and quickly erect barriers to entry through market share.

Let X = one amalgamation

Let Y = the number of times we can amalgamate the first amalgamation.

Therefore, our business formula is X ^ Y, and therefore our profit is Z.


We will make profits through volume of amalgamations. And amalgamating amalgamations. I told you about the Z already.

Start up capital

We require 100 million baht. For this, you will be the complete owner of a turnkey amalgamated amalgamations amalgamator.


We are interesting in franchising our concept around the world.

Amalgamated Amalgamations. We amalgamate everything in the world....so you don't have to.

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yep, if she has never done any business she might just waste (your) money

That is the beauty of amalgamated amalgamations. There is no money to be lost. Because every amalgamation leverages off the synergies with previous amalgamations.

It is a new way of doing business.

Either you are amalgamating....or you are, er, not.

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