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and excuse me - where at any point did you ever see me waver in my support for my team? smile.png

even when we 2 nil down, and two minutes to full time, I still always believe we can turn things around wink.png

There are a few reference points that i could refer to miggsy but will not dig them up violin.gif

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try me ;)

most of the time I get people telling me Im delusional and living in denial

sure I will whinge when we lose a game

but until the final whistle...I am all hopes and confidence

and yes I will occasionally tone down on the confidence talk for fear of jinxing my team :lol:

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Arsene up to his usual.


I do wish he would grow up as he is seriously jeapordising our chances in the CL next season. His deputy is a wet rag yes man that hates being responsible for the team and then Wenger goes and gets himself a three match suspension. He really should go, but Arsenal will never step up to that plate so it seems.

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Arsenal game apparently not on True Visions live tonight. I'll have to content myself with the likes of Wigan v Stoke apparentlymad.gif

This is because the average Arsenal game has all the action packed excitement of a Terence Malick film. biggrin.png

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Arsenal game apparently not on True Visions live tonight. I'll have to content myself with the likes of Wigan v Stoke apparentlymad.gif

This is because the average Arsenal game has all the action packed excitement of a Terence Malick film. biggrin.png

There's also concern at the FA regarding the empty seats at the Library. Its hoped the new TV style cheer boxes being implemented for next season will help the atmosphere.

When asked where the sample tapes were taken from, an Arsenal spokesman replied mysteriously, "Up the road there", while pointing northeast....

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Rats. Shouldn't be dropping one point let alone three against the likes of QPR. We're going to have to take 3 to 4 points from the Man City and Chelsea games (with at least one from Chelsea) to avoid a nail-biting finish or worse.

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Very odd that Wenger is blaming a lack of commitment in 'certain specific positions in defence'. This was QPR fer _sake. It doesn't matter if we let in 2; we're supposed to be able to score a hatful against teams like that. Hope he doesn't go and pee off Vermaelen and Sagna, who are every bit as important to the next stage of the team as is vanP.

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Very odd that Wenger is blaming a lack of commitment in 'certain specific positions in defence'. This was QPR fer _sake. It doesn't matter if we let in 2; we're supposed to be able to score a hatful against teams like that. Hope he doesn't go and pee off Vermaelen and Sagna, who are every bit as important to the next stage of the team as is vanP.

Agree with you about those two santi although i'll be happy enough if this results shuts up your mouthy goalkeeper.

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Was a tough game but we did it in the end

Sorry Mrbo much as I'd prefer you guys to win the league, we needed the points tonight

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I can't believe my bad planning. Went to drink beer and chew the fat (shooting the breeze, not difficult meat!) with Thai Visa's Issaan Farmers yesterday up in Roi Et. Went into town later on for the match and all the bars were shut! If beer had not dissoved my smarts I could have tried short-time (without a girl) in the big hotel that has True Visions.

Ah well - I guess I saved myself 87 minutes of stress but missed out on the final relief. Looking forward to the replay. One nil to the Arsenal - luvvly jubbly.

Still too early to call Champions League safety (i.e. 4th at least) and I would take Spurs run-in over ours, but last night offers some hope that we just could get through the last 5 without the Arsenal fade of the last 3 years rearing its ugly head. Four games now without a vanPersie goal - still won 3 of em. Newcastle still threatening but Chelsea only 2 minutes away from all-but mathematical elimination!

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Still haven't caught a replay but did see the 3 minute highlights. That first knee-snapper from Balotelli was the worst tackle I've seen on an Arsenal player - level with the one that nearly wrecked Aron Ramsey's career by Stoke's Ryan Shawcross two years ago. He sobbed his way off the field with regret at the ensuing broken leg. OK - Song was undamaged thankfully on this occasion, due to very quick thinking and lifting his foot off the ground. But Balotelli got up with his usual "who me?" <deleted> and proceeded to keep on kicking out to his deserved end.

I have on occasions marvelled at his talent, but it seems he's the complete loose cannon (aka <deleted> animal) - hope he gets no chance to play in this division again.

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But Balotelli got up with his usual "who me?" <deleted> and proceeded to keep on kicking out to his deserved end.

I'm in no way going to stick up for Balotelli. But take your red tinted specs off for a momento and you will admit that several Arsenal players were actually trying to con the ref on several occasions.

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But Balotelli got up with his usual "who me?" <deleted> and proceeded to keep on kicking out to his deserved end.

I'm in no way going to stick up for Balotelli. But take your red tinted specs off for a momento and you will admit that several Arsenal players were actually trying to con the ref on several occasions.

Not on the 3 minutes of highlights I watchedsmile.png

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But Balotelli got up with his usual "who me?" <deleted> and proceeded to keep on kicking out to his deserved end.

I'm in no way going to stick up for Balotelli. But take your red tinted specs off for a momento and you will admit that several Arsenal players were actually trying to con the ref on several occasions.

Not on the 3 minutes of highlights I watchedsmile.png

Aaah. Fair enough then.

Miracles do happen then laugh.png

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So Mike Atkinson reported that the officials did see the Balotelli knee-snapper on Song, so no charge for it.

I find it hard to believe you are speechless santi but i too am amazed at the double standards being shown on this one.

I'm also amazed that Derry from QPR didn't have his red card recinded.

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