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Yes, I agree Citizen. At the mo we are worse than the sum of the parts whereas in many seasons past we have been better as a team than the collective skills of individual players.

I'm not giving up on top 4 yet, but it's clear Wenger has to break tradition at the January window and - at the very least - get a striker (a lead striker, like Hunterlaar), an experienced back-up left back and probably a lead DMF. Arteta is only papering over the cracks at that position (just about adequately, but he looks awkward there to me and always likely to give the ball away); he needs to be up with Cazorla to create more and strike some goals. Very likely a replacement for Walcott is needed too, since our management seem incapable of hanging onto anyone who fancies themselves in a 'big (spending) team'.

As many of Santos, Djouro, Chamakh, [Arshavin and Diaby?] as possible need to be offloaded to balance wages. Bendtner can stay at Juventus until May - I still have hopes he will be worth something one day!

Having recently bought Podolski and Giroud and retaining the services of Arshavin and Gervinho i'd say its highly unlikely that the board will sanction anymore spend on strikers.

Some teams are having to make do with only one or two strikers. However if you are looking to sell i'd have Giroud in a Spurs shirt in a heartbeat. I'm also confident Lennon Bale and Dembele would give him the service which he is lacking at the library

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Arteta is only papering over the cracks at that position (just about adequately, but he looks awkward there to me and always likely to give the ball away)!

Yes, but his hair is always neat and tidy. wink.png

This team will definitely not be in the top four, just not good enough.

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Yes, I agree Citizen. At the mo we are worse than the sum of the parts whereas in many seasons past we have been better as a team than the collective skills of individual players.

I'm not giving up on top 4 yet, but it's clear Wenger has to break tradition at the January window and - at the very least - get a striker (a lead striker, like Hunterlaar), an experienced back-up left back and probably a lead DMF. Arteta is only papering over the cracks at that position (just about adequately, but he looks awkward there to me and always likely to give the ball away); he needs to be up with Cazorla to create more and strike some goals. Very likely a replacement for Walcott is needed too, since our management seem incapable of hanging onto anyone who fancies themselves in a 'big (spending) team'.

As many of Santos, Djouro, Chamakh, [Arshavin and Diaby?] as possible need to be offloaded to balance wages. Bendtner can stay at Juventus until May - I still have hopes he will be worth something one day!

Having recently bought Podolski and Giroud and retaining the services of Arshavin and Gervinho i'd say its highly unlikely that the board will sanction anymore spend on strikers.

Some teams are having to make do with only one or two strikers. However if you are looking to sell i'd have Giroud in a Spurs shirt in a heartbeat. I'm also confident Lennon Bale and Dembele would give him the service which he is lacking at the library

I know the Arsenal website lists those players as strikers Carmine (except Arshavin, who is labelled a midfielder and plays midfield) but neither Podolski or Gervinho are out and out strikers. Gervinho seems to want to drift out left and Podolski has been playing more like an attacking left midfielder. I want someone else who can play directly through the middle up front. On the basis you ascribe striker status to us (actually to be fair I mean on the basis that our own webiste ascribes striker status) then you Spurs have five strikers; Deffo, Addy, Dembele, Bale (maybe that's a stretch) and the Yank from Fulham whose name curiously escapes me at the moment.

Yes, Giroud will come good and looks the part; no way is he for sale, but for the rest of the season we need someone to rotate him with or maybe even play alongside him. With Gervinho gone (to ACON), probably Theo too (to Liverpool) and Chamakh unused and presumably useless we can kiss our season goodbye with just one injury. Yes - I know the same probably applies at WHL but you guys will seek to correct that in the New Year.

Henry is an over-hyped distraction - he can only play a quarter of a game. I said that last year and then he goes and wins the Leeds game last few mins, but Roy of the Rovers stuff rarely strikes twice and he was not a serious on-pitch influence in other games IMO.

Agreed Wenger has to be positively dragged to the water's edge to open the Arsenal purse in cold weather but another couple of poor performances and the (fans will scream and shout and nothing will change - such is the arrogance of our management team laugh.png *)/ (management will feel pressured to spend something, now it has been revealled that 35 mil is available on players from profits last year / big bucks ahaead from IP rights*)

* Delete as appropriate

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Arteta is only papering over the cracks at that position (just about adequately, but he looks awkward there to me and always likely to give the ball away)!

Yes, but his hair is always neat and tidy. wink.png

This team will definitely not be in the top four, just not good enough.

I agree, but I'm a Gooner so I have to stay unrealistically positivethumbsup.gif

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I see fishboy has been hiding in the Rugby forum....its a good job England are doing ok....eh what chaps?

And you too migsy....relegation battle on the horizon....who will fight for third/fourth spot if the chavs carry on in freefall?

Loving it. biggrin.png

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But will you be loving it in January Smokes when Addy is in South Africa, Defoe is injured and AVB can't undo the damage in the Moutinho negotiations cos they are sooo pi$$ed off with your Chairman?

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But will you be loving it in January Smokes when Addy is in South Africa, Defoe is injured and AVB can't undo the damage in the Moutinho negotiations cos they are sooo pi$$ed off with your Chairman?

We'll be third Santi....so I'll be well happy thanks. smile.png

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Thank goodness Wenger has given up the bravado of last week and recognised he will have to take the second string to Olympiacos. We were never going to win there anyway and Schalke are not going to lose to Montpellier, so any pretensions to take the top slot were a 15% shot at best anyway.

Already qualified - and some of the best teams end up in second slot in their groups, so relying on getting a weaker team by winning the group is also no guarantee.

Chance to give the likes of Arshavin, Chamakh, Santos and Djouro one more last chance (of countless fruitless last chances) to show they are worthy of sitting on an Arsenal bench!

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But will you be loving it in January Smokes when Addy is in South Africa, Defoe is injured and AVB can't undo the damage in the Moutinho negotiations cos they are sooo pi$$ed off with your Chairman?

If the Moutinho deal isn't already done which it should have been hours after the last window closed then you are probably right. But there are certainly little or no signs of Adebayor being in south Africa....more likely in a sulk!

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This is from Arsene Wenger's email to fans:

"...It's important that we do well in Greece but, away from home, I'm not too concerned. We look like we play a little bit with the handbrake on at home. It's not fluent. There might be a psychological component in there as well..."

Does anybody know what "psychological" component he's referring to here ? = lack of confidence, pressure to win (@ home), fear of making mistakes ? ? ? ?

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Yes, I agree Citizen. At the mo we are worse than the sum of the parts whereas in many seasons past we have been better as a team than the collective skills of individual players.

I'm not giving up on top 4 yet, but it's clear Wenger has to break tradition at the January window and - at the very least - get a striker (a lead striker, like Hunterlaar), an experienced back-up left back and probably a lead DMF. Arteta is only papering over the cracks at that position (just about adequately, but he looks awkward there to me and always likely to give the ball away); he needs to be up with Cazorla to create more and strike some goals. Very likely a replacement for Walcott is needed too, since our management seem incapable of hanging onto anyone who fancies themselves in a 'big (spending) team'.

As many of Santos, Djouro, Chamakh, [Arshavin and Diaby?] as possible need to be offloaded to balance wages. Bendtner can stay at Juventus until May - I still have hopes he will be worth something one day!

Having recently bought Podolski and Giroud and retaining the services of Arshavin and Gervinho i'd say its highly unlikely that the board will sanction anymore spend on strikers.

Some teams are having to make do with only one or two strikers. However if you are looking to sell i'd have Giroud in a Spurs shirt in a heartbeat. I'm also confident Lennon Bale and Dembele would give him the service which he is lacking at the library

I know the Arsenal website lists those players as strikers Carmine (except Arshavin, who is labelled a midfielder and plays midfield) but neither Podolski or Gervinho are out and out strikers. Gervinho seems to want to drift out left and Podolski has been playing more like an attacking left midfielder. I want someone else who can play directly through the middle up front. On the basis you ascribe striker status to us (actually to be fair I mean on the basis that our own webiste ascribes striker status) then you Spurs have five strikers; Deffo, Addy, Dembele, Bale (maybe that's a stretch) and the Yank from Fulham whose name curiously escapes me at the moment.

Yes, Giroud will come good and looks the part; no way is he for sale, but for the rest of the season we need someone to rotate him with or maybe even play alongside him. With Gervinho gone (to ACON), probably Theo too (to Liverpool) and Chamakh unused and presumably useless we can kiss our season goodbye with just one injury. Yes - I know the same probably applies at WHL but you guys will seek to correct that in the New Year.

Henry is an over-hyped distraction - he can only play a quarter of a game. I said that last year and then he goes and wins the Leeds game last few mins, but Roy of the Rovers stuff rarely strikes twice and he was not a serious on-pitch influence in other games IMO.

Agreed Wenger has to be positively dragged to the water's edge to open the Arsenal purse in cold weather but another couple of poor performances and the (fans will scream and shout and nothing will change - such is the arrogance of our management team laugh.png *)/ (management will feel pressured to spend something, now it has been revealled that 35 mil is available on players from profits last year / big bucks ahaead from IP rights*)

* Delete as appropriate

laugh.png Spurs have five strikers do we? Could you have a word with AVB and our technical staff please santi ?

For a start, Bale was a left back and is noe a left midfield and is not a striker. Dembele never has been a striker to my knowledge atleast certainly not for us or Fulham. Dempsey is an attacking midfield and always was.

Hoestly, santi, what else do you want me to say? By your reckoning i suppose Hugo Lloris is a box to box midfield!

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Arteta is only papering over the cracks at that position (just about adequately, but he looks awkward there to me and always likely to give the ball away)!

Yes, but his hair is always neat and tidy. wink.png

This team will definitely not be in the top four, just not good enough.

I bet you've been posting that nonsense since 1997.


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Bradford 1- Arsenal 1. Bradford go through to the semis on penalties.

We are still chokers in the really big gamesbiggrin.png. Never mind, once Swansea have knocked us out of the FA Cup and we have slumped further down the EPL table there will always be the Champions League final stages to give us the trophy we Wenger needs.

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Bradford 1- Arsenal 1. Bradford go through to the semis on penalties.

We are still chokers in the really big gamesbiggrin.png. Never mind, once Swansea have knocked us out of the FA Cup and we have slumped further down the EPL table there will always be the Champions League final stages to give us the trophy we Wenger needs.

Arsene says the players should not be embarrassed to lose to Bradford City. Sorry boss, but this fan is not only embarrassed but incensed with the stupidity of your comments some times w00t.gif

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Bradford 1- Arsenal 1. Bradford go through to the semis on penalties.

We are still chokers in the really big gamesbiggrin.png. Never mind, once Swansea have knocked us out of the FA Cup and we have slumped further down the EPL table there will always be the Champions League final stages to give us the trophy we Wenger needs.

Arsene says the players should not be embarrassed to lose to Bradford City. Sorry boss, but this fan is not only embarrassed but incensed with the stupidity of your comments some times w00t.gif

Indeed, you'd certainly think that losing to a team 64 places beneath you is somewhat of an embarrassment.

As Phil McNulty said; "Even more painful for Wenger - & what makes Bradford's achievement even better - is Arsenal fielded such a strong side in an attempt to win".

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Bradford 1- Arsenal 1. Bradford go through to the semis on penalties.

We are still chokers in the really big gamesbiggrin.png. Never mind, once Swansea have knocked us out of the FA Cup and we have slumped further down the EPL table there will always be the Champions League final stages to give us the trophy we Wenger needs.

Arsene says the players should not be embarrassed to lose to Bradford City. Sorry boss, but this fan is not only embarrassed but incensed with the stupidity of your comments some times w00t.gif

Indeed, you'd certainly think that losing to a team 64 places beneath you is somewhat of an embarrassment.

As Phil McNulty said; "Even more painful for Wenger - & what makes Bradford's achievement even better - is Arsenal fielded such a strong side in an attempt to win".

Yep - no excuses - this was the first team and Wenger clearly thought this was the one winable trophy he so desperately needs and the fans so desperately want. Personally I dont give a fig about the nonsense [insert latest sponsor for hire] Cup, but the continued dire performances are very frustrating.

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What a terrible result, no doubts it will go down as one of the shock results of the last 20? years and there's absolutely no excuses, barring giroud a full strength team on a decent enough looking pitch even though beaten on penalties, they came within 2 mins in off beating you in normal time. LOL When wenger said the players shouldnt be ashamed of being beaten by bradford, he was just being respectful to bradford, but the entire bradford team cost £7500 plus a freeby friendly, not ashamed, yeah right they should dam well apologize to the fans cos how much shit they are gonna take for it LOL they WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO FORGET LAST night. great advert for div 2 football, I honestly believe more positives will come out of this result than negatives, ps Last team to beat bradford?? at valley parade. the mighty exeter city!!!

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What a terrible result, no doubts it will go down as one of the shock results of the last 20? years and there's absolutely no excuses, barring giroud a full strength team on a decent enough looking pitch even though beaten on penalties, they came within 2 mins in off beating you in normal time. LOL When wenger said the players shouldnt be ashamed of being beaten by bradford, he was just being respectful to bradford, but the entire bradford team cost £7500 plus a freeby friendly, not ashamed, yeah right they should dam well apologize to the fans cos how much shit they are gonna take for it LOL they WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO FORGET LAST night. great advert for div 2 football, I honestly believe more positives will come out of this result than negatives, ps Last team to beat bradford?? at valley parade. the mighty exeter city!!!

Keep the vitriol coming folks - there are still too many Arsenal fans (not suggesting they are on this forum though - they mostly inhabit Bleacher.com) who seem to blythely accept, through misguided loyalty, the depths to which the current management/ownership set up have let this once-great club sink over the last 3-5 years.

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What a terrible result, no doubts it will go down as one of the shock results of the last 20? years and there's absolutely no excuses, barring giroud a full strength team on a decent enough looking pitch even though beaten on penalties, they came within 2 mins in off beating you in normal time. LOL When wenger said the players shouldnt be ashamed of being beaten by bradford, he was just being respectful to bradford, but the entire bradford team cost £7500 plus a freeby friendly, not ashamed, yeah right they should dam well apologize to the fans cos how much shit they are gonna take for it LOL they WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO FORGET LAST night. great advert for div 2 football, I honestly believe more positives will come out of this result than negatives, ps Last team to beat bradford?? at valley parade. the mighty exeter city!!!

Keep the vitriol coming folks - there are still too many Arsenal fans (not suggesting they are on this forum though - they mostly inhabit Bleacher.com) who seem to blythely accept, through misguided loyalty, the depths to which the current management/ownership set up have let this once-great club sink over the last 3-5 years.

Hardly acidic commentary santi. ' 'a once great club', that and totally disrespectful comments about it being a nonsense cup, when 90 % of the rest of football would love to win it, IMo just makes you sound like is a spoilt brat

fan whose lost touch with reality. trouble is fans seem to think clubs with money and history entitles you to success, it dont and being beaten by an average division 2 team ain't quite the end of the world although i'm finding it amusing that you obviousely feel so LOL And as 4 your management whilst building a 60,000 brand new stadium, your management have kept you at the top the prem always in the champions league,clubs have slipped into relative obscurity building less. be grateful.But do feel the current embaresment LOLcheesy.gif

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What a terrible result, no doubts it will go down as one of the shock results of the last 20? years and there's absolutely no excuses, barring giroud a full strength team on a decent enough looking pitch even though beaten on penalties, they came within 2 mins in off beating you in normal time. LOL When wenger said the players shouldnt be ashamed of being beaten by bradford, he was just being respectful to bradford, but the entire bradford team cost £7500 plus a freeby friendly, not ashamed, yeah right they should dam well apologize to the fans cos how much shit they are gonna take for it LOL they WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO FORGET LAST night. great advert for div 2 football, I honestly believe more positives will come out of this result than negatives, ps Last team to beat bradford?? at valley parade. the mighty exeter city!!!

Keep the vitriol coming folks - there are still too many Arsenal fans (not suggesting they are on this forum though - they mostly inhabit Bleacher.com) who seem to blythely accept, through misguided loyalty, the depths to which the current management/ownership set up have let this once-great club sink over the last 3-5 years.

Hardly acidic commentary santi. ' 'a once great club', that and totally disrespectful comments about it being a nonsense cup, when 90 % of the rest of football would love to win it, IMo just makes you sound like is a spoilt brat

fan whose lost touch with reality. trouble is fans seem to think clubs with money and history entitles you to success, it dont and being beaten by an average division 2 team ain't quite the end of the world although i'm finding it amusing that you obviousely feel so LOL And as 4 your management whilst building a 60,000 brand new stadium, your management have kept you at the top the prem always in the champions league,clubs have slipped into relative obscurity building less. be grateful.But do feel the current embaresment LOLcheesy.gif

I would love to be a spoilt brat Rijjit, but a lifetime of supporting Carlisle United, then Norwich City and Ipswich Town and then switching to Arsenal (long after their glory years) means the spoiling bit seeems to have eluded me whistling.gif

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ps Last team to beat bradford?? at valley parade. the mighty exeter city!!!


Don't feel too bad, Exeter drew at Man U a few years back, I seem to recall.

The thing that highlights this defeat by Bradford is that Wenger REALLY wanted to win it.

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ps Last team to beat bradford?? at valley parade. the mighty exeter city!!!


Don't feel too bad, Exeter drew at Man U a few years back, I seem to recall.

The thing that highlights this defeat by Bradford is that Wenger REALLY wanted to win it.

Yeah turned us from a club in debt to a club with no moneycoffee1.gif !!!!! And now there's a coincidence Exeter were the last team to

beat bradford !!!! 1-0 at the valley parade biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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cheesy.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gif ,love it,bradford arent that bad a side

I live only 4 miles from their ground (when in the UK, which is not a lot these days), but have never actually been inside the Coral Windows Stadium* Clearly, as a switch-team-johhny glory hunter I need to correct that! Now, where do I find the match schedule over the Xmas period for the Fourth Division?

*Come on boys & girls, let's call it by its proper name - clubs get a lot of money for these name changes and we don't want to bite the hand that feeds them now, do we? whistling.gif

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Nice one Chicog.

I notice that Hitler relents on his initial reaction to Giroud, but not Gervinho. Sign that man up - he's got good judgement; G tries really hard, but he just hasn't got the required skills for the level we should apsire to. Arshavin, Santos and Gervingo give the lie to the popular myth that Wenger is a genius at picking talent. 25 million quid plus for what?

Now I've calmed down a bit and realised we are still only 2 points behind 4th place (how the h_ll can that happen?) I'd give Wenger until Summer to prove he (and Gazidis) should not be replaced. Two more damp squib 10 million quid signings in January and there's gonna be a lynching party.

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Arshavin, Santos and Gervingo give the lie to the popular myth that Wenger is a genius at picking talent. 25 million quid plus for what?

Dont forget Jeffers, Reyes, Cygan, Wright, Hleb, Silvestre, Stepanov, Denelevicus, Pennant, Grondin, KIlpatrick, Squillacci, Park Ch Yung, Baptoista, Chamakh, Oleg Luzny, Boa Morte, Wreh, ......not exactly the sort of player such a genius would buy.biggrin.png

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Arshavin, Santos and Gervingo give the lie to the popular myth that Wenger is a genius at picking talent. 25 million quid plus for what?

Dont forget Jeffers, Reyes, Cygan, Wright, Hleb, Silvestre, Stepanov, Denelevicus, Pennant, Grondin, KIlpatrick, Squillacci, Park Ch Yung, Baptoista, Chamakh, Oleg Luzny, Boa Morte, Wreh, ......not exactly the sort of player such a genius would buy.biggrin.png

you take that back about Ian Wright and wash your mouth out !!! What? Richard? ... fine carry on...

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