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The Funny Things The Girls Say!

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When I arrived in Thailand a rented a car I thought I better learn how to say Left (Sai), Right (Quar) and straight ahead (Dong Bai) in thai. A lot of good that did me. She kept saying Quar when she meant sai.

Then when travelling through Udon Thani on her motorbike I had to learn my own way pretty fast coz she would tell me too late when we should have turned. So I kept asking everytime I thought me were close and saw a street if I should turn there. It was a bit enoying but at least i stopped missing turns.

Also another funny thing she does is let me start riding her around on my first day in thailand. She knew I was a total beginner on a motorcycle (6 hours learning 1 year before on an empty village road) She wanted me riding her everywhere on the city streets of Udon. Well I am happy she did as I learnt to ride pretty quickly. On the second day if I was riding too slowly (the same speed as those around me) she would tell me to go faster. A brave lass to be sure.

But now I feel safe and able to zip around anywhere. Dont know about Bangkok though. I cant see this type of thing happening in a western society these days. She pointed out the Thai road rules as I violated them "Dont overtake on the left as they might by turning into a side street" - Noted, "Drive faster, i'm hungry" - oookkk, "I not wear helmet coz no police tonight" - i see.

After getting booked once for her not wearing a helmet and her excepting me to pay her fine i said "next time you can pay the ticket" It wasn't hard to get her to wear a helemet after that funny enough :)

So much fun. So different.

Ha Ha

I called my girlfriend on her birthday.

I love the way she says things it's so cute.

I said how are you, you going out today?

She says, no cannot hab big cock too much las nigh!

Lol, hab! Still tickles me that. Heeee.....i dont know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The intonation is wrong sometimes, elec-tri-city and demo-crazy.

First time I meet my girlfriend's mother she asked me; -"You like F@*k? when she served soup with some kind of vegetable. Later I learned that f@*k is actually the Thai name of that vegetable.

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The intonation is wrong sometimes, elec-tri-city and demo-crazy.

First time I meet my girlfriend's mother she asked me; -"You like F@*k? when she served soup with some kind of vegetable. Later I learned that f@*k is actually the Thai name of that vegetable.

I love fak man soup. :)

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"I confew" for I am confused.


"Dahling, I slowly today!" meaning she is feeling sluggish. Very cute.

Probably many of us end up using the same pronunciation regularly too. I do, it's fun. We enjoy laughing about it.

Edited by Lopburi99
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When I arrived in Thailand a rented a car I thought I better learn how to say Left (Sai), Right (Quar) and straight ahead (Dong Bai) in thai. A lot of good that did me. She kept saying Quar when she meant sai.

Then when travelling through Udon Thani on her motorbike I had to learn my own way pretty fast coz she would tell me too late when we should have turned. So I kept asking everytime I thought me were close and saw a street if I should turn there. It was a bit enoying but at least i stopped missing turns.

Also another funny thing she does is let me start riding her around on my first day in thailand. She knew I was a total beginner on a motorcycle (6 hours learning 1 year before on an empty village road) She wanted me riding her everywhere on the city streets of Udon. Well I am happy she did as I learnt to ride pretty quickly. On the second day if I was riding too slowly (the same speed as those around me) she would tell me to go faster. A brave lass to be sure.

But now I feel safe and able to zip around anywhere. Dont know about Bangkok though. I cant see this type of thing happening in a western society these days. She pointed out the Thai road rules as I violated them "Dont overtake on the left as they might by turning into a side street" - Noted, "Drive faster, i'm hungry" - oookkk, "I not wear helmet coz no police tonight" - i see.

After getting booked once for her not wearing a helmet and her excepting me to pay her fine i said "next time you can pay the ticket" It wasn't hard to get her to wear a helemet after that funny enough :)

So much fun. So different.

I said how are you, you going out today?

She says, no cannot hab big cock too much las nigh!


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i called my g/f the other week and heard a lot of noise in the background, lot's of Thai voices, male and female, a great deal of excitment and shouting. I asked her were she was and was told 'Honey, now I'm go with sister from me not sister from leally but , you know? I think about you see she already velly smaw lady...she name pee saow and I'm help her for cooking for sell for get money....we go...ummm...not know how say engrish...ummmm.....same like thai boxing but not thai boxing.....ummm...not boxing thai...honey....ok ok is BOXING CHICKEN!!!'

I laughed for about 5 minutes at the thought of boxing chicken and then she said...'honey why you laugh?' ok babe, khow djai khap, boxing chicken...we say 'cock fight'

'ohhhhh honey what you think about me now hmmm? why you tell me dat? now i'm think you not understand to me! now i want to tell you i'm angly wid yooo not little bit, more more more! you think i'm go fighting cock show! not shoowah for in england but here not hab! If you want finis wid me why you not tell me?!! I'm not like talk wid yoo now! finis talk wid yoo!'

and hung up the phone!!

so after an hour or so when i'd finished crying with laughter I called her back, she was 'solly' and i apologised profusely for making her angly and assured her i didn't think she was at some strange homosexual nud_e fight club. I then tried to explain the different names for 'lady chicken' and 'man chicken' which lead her to believe that we get up to some very strange things here in London!!!

We've since agreed that London is a very strange place with many many farang ba! and the sooner I come back to Thailand the better :-)

Love her to bits even if she does call me 'smaw ewefunt'

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Went in a bar with my brother. BG walks over and says: I lie my flan you!( I like your friend)

After awhile and the usual I won go wit u! she asks my brother: Can u motobike me? :)

But my brother was even better when we went for lunch with my wife and her mother and some other family he was asked if he could already speak some Thai, having been here for 2 month.

He answered very seriously: Phom chob gin mah (I like to eat dog) Everybody in the restaurant was rolling on the floor :D

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  • 5 months later...

My girl just got a new puppy last week and she was very worried that he had a cough. She could not understand why the dog was sick because she said "I tenderness him so much." Hilarious! When she had a sore throat a week or so ago she says to me "my sound no good." Never a dull moment. You gotta love 'em.

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A few years ago, me and the missus were living in jakarta whilst I was working there. She was learning English but would muddle things up as we all do when learning a language. I get home from work and say what did you have for lunch. Fried baggage she says. After the half hour silent running for laughing at her we work out that its fried cabbage. Now every time we fly and are waiting at the carousel she always asks when the cabbage will come out.

The other one that cracks me up are scrampy egg for scrambled egg. I love hearing her say it and cant bring myself to correct her.

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I once walked into our office where a Thai girl was talking with other coworker. At that time, i understood absolutely no Thai. But, from what i heard, it sounds she was imitating a Donkey e-Ah e-Ah. Stupid me, just repeat the donkey call.

unfortunately, the girl in question was named Aor, so when i did the donkey thing, everyone in the entire office stop talking, mouth open starring at me. I later found out that putting the e- in front of a girl name is a very rude thing you can do.

Afterward, they all had a pretty good laugh at me.


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Okay, how many of you got surprised on the last voting day by your tee-rak telling you she "have to go out to make the erection"...? I still kid her about that one. And she and her friends always have a good giggle at my Thai, especially the time I wanted to sit down on a Korean. (gao-li instead of gao-ee)

My wife wanted me to download a movie (about 7 years ago... i was in Europe where internet was still veeery slow in Thailand.)

She made ma a text file with all the movies she wanted...

in that list was a movie called 'erection'... guess what happened when i looked for erection in Kazaa?

Eventually i found out she wanted the movie Election....

Also the whetable (vegetable) and some other pronunciations...

But other than that not so much... she studied ABAC and in UK for a while... so her English was pretty dam_n good :)

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Had an evening in with the Thai mrs and we was watching Titanic it was near the end as kate winslet lets go of Leonardos hand and he disapears into the freezing ocean, she looks at me and says "oooh telible why they let people die why they not send helicopter?".

Well i just pissed myself..

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:) it is really funny to read this forum to be honest.Cant stop laughing. I am

Thai and it is quite good to hear some opinions from farang who got thai wife. Hope you dont mind if there is a new face to join the forum.unfortunatly she is Thai. :D

Everyone is welcome here, we love to hear opinions from Thai,

That is the purpose of this forurm.

Thanks for joining.

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Not from my wife but my 6 year old daughter.

We were out driving as a family and a songtaew pulled out from the side of the road right in front of me without checking if it was clear. From the back seat my daughter said " Daddy that man can't drive for shit can he? "

Cue a " Where did she get that from? " look from my wife and a " Haven't a clue " shoulder shrug from me.

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Not from my wife but my 6 year old daughter.

We were out driving as a family and a songtaew pulled out from the side of the road right in front of me without checking if it was clear. From the back seat my daughter said " Daddy that man can't drive for shit can he? "

Cue a " Where did she get that from? " look from my wife and a " Haven't a clue " shoulder shrug from me.

Classic! :)

I hope to have a daugther one to hear say that, or : "Daddy, step on it, I want to hear the turbo whistle!"

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  • 4 months later...

My wife and I were at her parents house.

My Mother, Father in Law, My Brother in Law, Wife and myself were on web cam with my Sister and her boys in the UK, whom they had not seen since the wedding.

My nephews in the UK were quite taken with my Brother in Law who is a good lad and had lots of fun with the kids.

There was a lot of noise with everyone pulling faces, sticking their tongues out and the usual webcam behaviour with kids…

At the same time my sis called me on my cell so we could actually have a conversation. I went in the next room and left my wife’s family to it on the web cam with my nephews in the UK.

After a few min’s my sister asked me – Why is your brother in Law flicking the V’s to her children !

I had to explain to my Brother in Law that while the V sign (knuckles forwards) means peace (or something similar) over here, in the UK its similar to the middle finger !

We couldn’t help but laugh, and hope the kids didn’t pick it up.

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