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I'm considering stem cell therapy at a place called StemCells21 here in Bangkok. I'd love to hear from people with experiences to share in this area and especially with this company.  I'm gathering information from them right now.  If I go ahead with the treatments, I'm going to post my full experience on line as that kind of information seem hard to come by.  


Be aware that such treatments are banned by the Thai Medical Council under a law passed in 2010 in the wake of deaths due to unregulated stem cell therapy.  The law continues to be flouted and clinics are periodically shutdown.


I suggest extreme caution.

19 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Be aware that such treatments are banned by the Thai Medical Council under a law passed in 2010 in the wake of deaths due to unregulated stem cell therapy.  The law continues to be flouted and clinics are periodically shutdown.


I suggest extreme caution.


Thanks, do you know the name of the law?  The only law I found was one that says "Doctors giving stem cell therapy have to be certified by the Medical Council."  That does not make it seem that it's illegal to me.  Are you sure that "such treatments" are all banned?  What are "such treatments" exactly?    http://www.thailawforum.com/laws/medical-practices-thailand-stem-cell-cloning-cancer-sex-change.pdf 


Medical Council’s "Regulation on Medical Ethics Regarding
Stem Cell Research for Human Treatment"  enacted January 2010


Amendment to the Drug Act B.E. 2510 : the Control and
Supervision of Drugs and Products from Stem Cell".


Banned = anything other than treatment that has been scientifically proven to be successful (e.g. tretament for some hematologic diseases and bone marrow transplant)   and clinical trials that have been approved by the Medical Council and FDA (as stem cells are now classed as a drug).


. There would be no reason to go to a private clinic like this for the former and they are not going to be doing  the latter.


The idecial Counsil and FDA are v=basically playing "whack a mole" with private stem cell clinics. as soon as they close one, another pops up, usually itself soon closed.

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