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Is Pattaya as bad now as the Pattaya News subforum makes out?


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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Do you have anything to say about the OP or are you just trying to annoy me?


Everything I've said addresses points you've made in the OP or subsequently. I'm not at all trying to annoy you, but I don't mind if you are if it helps you see Pattaya more objectively.



None of that had anything to do with the OP and is nothing to do with the topic which is "is Pattaya as bad now as the News forum makes out.


Has everything to do with these points in the OP specifically: I'm wondering if it's just not a fun place anymore . . . have to wonder if the glory days are over for Pattaya. You see, contemporary eyewitnesses, based on news reports, report that Pattaya hasn't been a fun place for over 20 years. In what you're calling "glory days" it was in fact inundated with rude obnoxious thugs.  There had already been countless reports of tourists being insulted, assaulted, drugged, robbed and extorted and the numbers were increasing in the face of powerlessness by The Authorities!


Now I think we've arrived at the real issue: it is simply that you didn't read the news back then. Otherwise you could have asked your same question in the Pattaya Mail.


And that post specifically addressed your subsequent post in which you said In fact it was a very pleasant place where the most dangerous thing was being pickpocketed by a katoey. If that's on topic so was my reply, in which an eyewitness totally contradicts that rosy description.


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