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Putin says 'nonsense' to think Russia would poison spy in Britain


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16 minutes ago, Morch said:


"There was little doubt that Putin would win the election - why would he need to manufacture a foreign outrage to boost his popularity?"


Here's another. Guess some Russian officials just didn't get your memo, or failed to check the talking point list:


Russia Credits the West for Putin’s Big Victory



You seem to be confusing turnout with distribution. Gosposha Pamfilova credits the turn-out on the outrage, but not the win itself.


As the artice makes clear, the entire election campaign was lacklustre, with no opposition figure emerging as a serious contender. Therefore, I am quite confident in my statement that there was little doubt that he was going to win.

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5 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

You seem to be confusing turnout with distribution. Gosposha Pamfilova credits the turn-out on the outrage, but not the win itself.


As the artice makes clear, the entire election campaign was lacklustre, with no opposition figure emerging as a serious contender. Therefore, I am quite confident in my statement that there was little doubt that he was going to win.


Deflect all you like. The point was rather about voter turnout and implied greater legitimization. Was made also on the previous post. It's not about whether Putin would have won or lost, but on how "big".

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


Deflect all you like. The point was rather about voter turnout and implied greater legitimization. Was made also on the previous post. It's not about whether Putin would have won or lost, but on how "big".

Who's point? Certainly not mine, as I made no prediction of voter turn-out or vote split. I merely stated that there was no realistic scenario where he would not win.

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

Who's point? Certainly not mine, as I made no prediction of voter turn-out or vote split. I merely stated that there was no realistic scenario where he would not win.


Keep deflecting. Or, alternatively, read previous replies and links supplied. And just to remind - "...why would he need to manufacture a foreign outrage to boost his popularity?" - your words.

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4 minutes ago, Morch said:


Keep deflecting. Or, alternatively, read previous replies and links supplied. And just to remind - "...why would he need to manufacture a foreign outrage to boost his popularity?" - your words.

Your regular tactic of bandying about accusations of deflection as a means of trying to reduce the value of the contribution of those whom you challenge is getting somewhat tiresome. My comment was in the context of his not having a credible opponent in the race. Now nitpick about language all you wish; it makes my contribution no less correct.



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8 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Your regular tactic of bandying about accusations of deflection as a means of trying to reduce the value of the contribution of those whom you challenge is getting somewhat tiresome. My comment was in the context of his not having a credible opponent in the race. Now nitpick about language all you wish; it makes my contribution no less correct.




So basically, you've got nothing of substance to add, but go for (nonexistent) "nitpicking" to counter "deflection". Got to love the waffle about "tactic". You raised a question, got a credible answer which doesn't sit well with your views, and to which you find difficult to address using your premise - hence sulking. Once more, as was posted earlier:


'Traitors will kick the bucket' — watch Vladimir Putin's chilling warning to spies who betray Russia



Voter turnout key for Kremlin as Russia heads to polls to hand Putin 4th presidential term



Putin cruises to victory in Russia, tells supporters: ‘Success awaits us!’



Russia Credits the West for Putin’s Big Victory



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9 minutes ago, Morch said:


So basically, you've got nothing of substance to add, but go for (nonexistent) "nitpicking" to counter "deflection". Got to love the waffle about "tactic". You raised a question, got a credible answer which doesn't sit well with your views, and to which you find difficult to address using your premise - hence sulking. Once more, as was posted earlier:


When you say credible answer, it was delivered in the typically withering Morch style which automatically, at least in my book, triggers a defensive reaction. But hey, I am always willing to learn more about the increasingly complex and interconnected world around me so thank you for bringing that additional perspective to the discussion.

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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

When you say credible answer, it was delivered in the typically withering Morch style which automatically, at least in my book, triggers a defensive reaction. But hey, I am always willing to learn more about the increasingly complex and interconnected world around me so thank you for bringing that additional perspective to the discussion.


Your personal issues aside, still not much of a relevant, on-topic response. The very same links were posted on earlier posts, by the way.

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