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Classic Quotes

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United go to Aston Villa on Saturday for their final game of the Premiership season, but even though their league position is done and dusted, there's still plenty to be worried about.

There must be something in the water down in Birmingham, as these quotes from Villa staff past and present go to show...

"I like to breed players that attack people."

David O'Leary conjures terrifying images of footballer / wolf experiments.

"We gained more from the game than they did... except they got the points."

A defiant Brian Little consoles his side. Badly.

"Achilles tendon injuries are a pain in the butt."

Dr O'Leary, master of anatomy

"I would not sign for another club, not even if I was offered 15 million dollars. However, it would be different if they were to instead offer me 15 different women from all around the world. I would tell the club chairman: 'Please let me make these women happy - I will satisfy them like they have never been satisfied before'."

Sasa Curcic's contractual terms would become the stuff of folklore.

"I'd like to play for an Italian club like Barcelona"

Geography comes back to haunt Mark Draper.

"I don't like to see players tossed off needlessly"

Andy Gray. No comment.

"There is a world of difference between football and sex - no question about that. I can't achieve an orgasm by looking at a team-mate, but it would be a totally different matter with Cindy Crawford."

Sasa Curcic - a man with a one track mind.

'I was a young lad when I was growing up."

Profundities just spout from David O'Leary

"A goal is going to decide this in many ways.”

O’Leary's at it again!

"It's the only way we can lose, irrespective of the result."

A confused Graham Taylor

"Very few of us have any idea whatsoever of what life is like living in a goldfish bowl,except, of course, for those of us who are goldfish."

Graham Taylor just kept digging

“If we had taken our chances we would have won – at least.”

O’Leary looks beyond victory.


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