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Trump expels 60 Russians, closes Seattle consulate after UK chemical attack - officials


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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"need something to distract from local problems"


Agree 100%.  A manufactured 'storm in a teacup'. :sad:

Dont you think that its a real issue, a real problem ?

Russia killing people in other Countries , and this isnt the first time either .

Dont you think that other Countries are concerned that Russia may also assassinate people in their Countries ?

   Russia needs to be made aware that assassinations are unacceptable .

Its definitely not a "manufactured storm in a tea cup" , its a reaction to state assassination

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13 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Iraq all over again, no proof at all but need something to distract from local problems.


11 hours ago, juice777 said:



The difference is there is nothing positive for us to gain from this.

"have you considered "they" just may have a ulterior motive, just as they have had in the past?"

What is it then?

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Frit pointed out the obvious, ulterior motive for a spy/double-agent murder attempt being turned into nationalistic hysteria :saai:.

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Dont you think that its a real issue, a real problem ?

Russia killing people in other Countries , and this isnt the first time either .

Dont you think that other Countries are concerned that Russia may also assassinate people in their Countries ?

   Russia needs to be made aware that assassinations are unacceptable .

Its definitely not a "manufactured storm in a tea cup" , its a reaction to state assassination

There have been many assassination attempts on foreign leaders - let alone spies/double agents!


Why is there mass hysteria over this effort?

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16 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Frit pointed out the obvious, ulterior motive for a spy/double-agent murder attempt being turned into nationalistic hysteria :saai:.

Shouldn't you be blaming globalist hysteria? There are currently 23 countries which have participated to send message to Russia. 


It was time to say enough is enough. 

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24 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

There have been many assassination attempts on foreign leaders - let alone spies/double agents!

Why is there mass hysteria over this effort?

We are talking about on "home" soil .

Russian spys worked for "us" , risking their lives to help us and we gave then sanctuary .

   Russian spys may not be so willing to help "us" , if the Kremlin will assassinate them in the safety of the West 

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"need something to distract from local problems"


Agree 100%.  A manufactured 'storm in a teacup'. :sad:

And 23 Countries are helping us distract people from our local problems.


Assuming you are talking about Brexit I don't think the rest of Europe is going to help us out in a conspiracy there are they.




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Boris off the cuff remarks should be treated in the context it deserves.


I think football is the least of England’s worries when visiting Russia, and miracles may help.


As this situation is evolving we’ll wait & see Moscow’s response to this small (less than 20 Countries) diplomatic issue, when Asia & South America & Africa follow them I’ll pay attention.



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I've Been thinking about the world cup I don't think anyone will pull out or will there be an attempt.


1. The conservatives run the risk of losing votes.


2.Can we even make our team pull out it's not the Olympics football is a private business? can't remember all the details because I was young but I remember the English Cricket team breaking the South African ban?


3.If there is a big Debate between the Government and The FA this would only Help Putin in his propaganda campaign.


4.we ant going to Damage the world cup just on our own.So they ant going to risk the Above and I cant see other football fans in other countries agreeing to it.Is a Spanish football fan going to care enough about this to agree with his team pulling out if the World cup?it will be even harder to swing it in other countries.


So I can't see it Happing



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I've Been thinking about the world cup I don't think anyone will pull out or will there be an attempt. 
1. The conservatives run the risk of losing votes.
2.Can we even make our team pull out it's not the Olympics football is a private business? can't remember all the details because I was young but I remember the English Cricket team breaking the South African ban?
3.If there is a big Debate between the Government and The FA this would only Help Putin in his propaganda campaign.
4.we ant going to Damage the world cup just on our own.So they ant going to risk the Above and I cant see other football fans in other countries agreeing to it.Is a Spanish football fan going to care enough about this to agree with his team pulling out if the World cup?it will be even harder to swing it in other countries.
So I can't see it Happing
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Fair and valid, and bearing in mind the World Cup like many other global tournaments are sponsored/business based.

Boycotting is good to talk on social media, however in reality many of these events wouldn’t go ahead without corporate involvement.

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Fair and valid, and bearing in mind the World Cup like many other global tournaments are sponsored/business based.

Boycotting is good to talk on social media, however in reality many of these events wouldn’t go ahead without corporate involvement.

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Yeah I forgot about the money Involved

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It’s possible the commonwealth regions also follow suit.

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Be funny if Thailand follows suit 2 days ago I saw a crazy Rusian Woman running Around Central In Pattaya getting chased by the Security Shouting Putin Putin Mother Russia And some other stuff in Russain.It was quite entertaining and I suspect that we could see some more crazy outburst If Thailand expels Russian diplomats(won't happen I know).I filmed some of it but they told me to stop filming it.

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There's a theory that Putin was testing Britain's post Brexit status and resolve, and was assuming a weakened and isolated Britain would find it difficult to make an adequate response. If we discount as unlikely some black op aimed at discrediting Russia, it's the only theory I've heard that would explain such a brazen attack.

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There's a theory that Putin was testing Britain's post Brexit status and resolve, and was assuming a weakened and isolated Britain would find it difficult to make an adequate response. If we discount as unlikely some black op aimed at discrediting Russia, it's the only theory I've heard that would explain such a brazen attack.

I’m unsure if that’s a conspiracy theory ‘however’ I’ve read on the MSM that Putin does regard PMTM as weak.

If although the theory turns out to be credible and valid I’d like to see PMTM really turn the cork screws on a collaboration of sanctions & use all available resources, bearing in mind the EU have shown diplomatic solidarity on this serious issue.

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2 hours ago, nausea said:

There's a theory that Putin was testing Britain's post Brexit status and resolve, and was assuming a weakened and isolated Britain would find it difficult to make an adequate response. If we discount as unlikely some black op aimed at discrediting Russia, it's the only theory I've heard that would explain such a brazen attack.

I'm no fan of Putin's but I credit him with knowing the difference between NATO and the EU.

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Get ready for WWIII, glad it's far from my bed where it gonna be radio active
I saw on Ted Talks the other day that even if India and Pakistan have a nuclear war who only has a small number of Bombs each, The fallout would be so bad that no food in the world could grow or most of it anyway for a few years.And the world only has enough Reserves to feed the Human population for 60 days.So you will stave to Death, oh and The USA and Russia have about 6000 bombs each and India and Pakistan have about 150 I think.Not to mention a country with a madman on 1 button and a mafia state on the other button.

Have a Nice Day

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1 minute ago, juice777 said:

I saw on Ted Talks the other day that even if India and Pakistan have a nuclear war who only has a small number of Bombs each, The fallout would be so bad that no food in the world could grow or most of it anyway for a few years


I think you should change the tv programs you watch.


Why would a nuclear war affect a zone 10.000 km away from the epicentre?

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9 minutes ago, juice777 said:

I saw on Ted Talks the other day that even if India and Pakistan have a nuclear war who only has a small number of Bombs each, The fallout would be so bad that no food in the world could grow or most of it anyway for a few years.And the world only has enough Reserves to feed the Human population for 60 days.So you will stave to Death, oh and The USA and Russia have about 6000 bombs each and India and Pakistan have about 150 I think.Not to mention a country with a madman on 1 button and a mafia state on the other button.

It's not the fallout, but nuclear winter. Here is more, including short and longer videos about nuclear winter.




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I think you should change the tv programs you watch.
Why would a nuclear war affect a zone 10.000 km away from the epicentre?
It's not the fallout, but nuclear winter. Here is more, including short and longer videos about nuclear winter.
There you go after I posted that I did wonder if I got confused with a nuclear winter.

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2 minutes ago, juice777 said:
15 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:
I think you should change the tv programs you watch.
Why would a nuclear war affect a zone 10.000 km away from the epicentre?
8 minutes ago, oilinki said:
It's not the fallout, but nuclear winter. Here is more, including short and longer videos about nuclear winter.

There you go after I posted that I did wonder if I got confused with a nuclear winter.

You must be really confused, since you never posted that, instead oilinki posted that 6 minutes after my post.



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Those two Russkies didn't even die and now people are talking about nuclear war and the end of humankind. That's the kind of hysteria our politicians have whipped up with their ridiculous escalation of this trivial issue.


Tension breeds tension. Especially when other countries wade in, the situation becomes incendiary and unpredictable. Absolute insanity. I'm furious at the west's response to this. Lemmings marching towards the cliff. Madness. Madness.

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Get ready for WWIII, glad it's far from my bed where it gonna be radio active

With the amount of ongoing Eastern Bloc tension since Ukraine & Crimea and not forgetting Syria it would have occurred by now.

Estonia has been on 24/7 ready state of war preparation for ages, hence the multi-nation NATO presence there.

Russia & NK have been seen for a while to be the ‘prime’ instigators....at least NK has seen sense since the 2018 WO & have agreed talks.

Putin will focus on the European oil network first, then call in favours from the Middle East.

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I feel the next next action will be to put something into the spokes of the world cup...


Remember Russia bribed FIFA and there may be justice at last, I just can not see English fans surviving in Russia, fans of other nationalities maybe at risk too, and to compound things many countries probably will not have a functioning consular service in Russia to assist fans attending the world cup.


The Revised World Cup.


8 Teams...

  • Russia.
  • Afghanistan.
  • Bolivia.
  • Cuba.
  • Kyrgyzstan.
  • North Korea.
  • Sudan.
  • Syria.


8 Matches...

  • 4 Quarter finals
  • 2 Semi Finals
  • A runners up final
  • And the Final 


Edited by Basil B
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