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UK Shares Transfer to Thai Broker

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I have a small number of shares in Sky PLC which I want to sell. I spoke to the UK company who deals with Sky's shares who told me that I need to transfer them to a Thai broker in order to sell them, as I no longer have a UK bank account.


The shares are only worth around £1000.


I'm looking to find a local broker who is happy to deal with such a small amojnt. Does anyone have any advice or experience in this?


Sent from my R2D2 droid using my C3P0 manservant



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Maybe easier just to forgo the 1000 GBP and donate the shares to charity. I had some part shares which I could not sell, so my broker (Internaxx, Luxembourg) recommended that I do just that. They have a system in place for collecting unwanted shares and consolidating them to sell on, with proceeds going to charities (so they say!).


Or use an international brokerage like Internaxx to sell the shares for you and transfer proceeds to a Thai bank account. But you will probably have to go through the lengthy process of setting up an account with them.

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