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Just watched latest episode of. Under the dome it's getting worse as it goes on ,just like they were making it up week by week just to fill in,shame it started well in the first series

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I will watch just the last episode. And only to see the bloody thing disappearing (they do not intend to have a third season, do they?).

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Just watched latest episode of. Under the dome it's getting worse as it goes on ,just like they were making it up week by week just to fill in,shame it started well in the first series

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I will watch just the last episode. And only to see the bloody thing disappearing (they do not intend to have a third season, do they?).

God i hope not ,

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Just watched latest episode of. Under the dome it's getting worse as it goes on ,just like they were making it up week by week just to fill in,shame it started well in the first series

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I will watch just the last episode. And only to see the bloody thing disappearing (they do not intend to have a third season, do they?).

God i hope not ,

It's really a shame for an actor like Dean Norris, who had a great run on Breaking Bad, to go from one of the best series of all time, to certainly one of the worst series of all time. Hope if doesn't ruin his ability to get better roles.

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The Thailand Ladies Volleyball Team is back on tv! Yesterday they got beat badly by Korea, a team they have played and beaten many times in the past. But that was then, this is now. Today they played a hard-fought five set deathmatch against some big homely whitegirls from Serbia, winning the first set, losing two and three, back with a strong comeback to tie it up in the fourth, and then a thrilling, close victory in the shortened fifth set.

It was great to see all of the young Thai fans in the stands, cheering on our team, traveling all the way to Korea to support the ladies. There are some new faces on the team, and a couple of last years rookies are now solid starters. It doesn't get any easier from here. Tomorrow they go toe to toe with...Deutschland!

Love this team!

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This morning I saw Tulpa: Perdizione Mortali. I'm a huge fan of the giallo genre, of which Dario Argento is a master of - I'll never forget that epic tracking shot in Tenebrae. I also figured that I should practice my Italian.


I just finished an old Jess Franco movie, but since they're all the same I won't bother mentioning the title; not one of his pornos. My favorite Franco films are The Bare-Breasted Countess, Succubus, and Vampyros Lesbos.

I also forget to mention that I love anything with Paul Mueller or Klaus Kinski in it.

Edited by Fellini
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This morning I saw Tulpa: Perdizione Mortali. I'm a huge fan of the giallo genre, of which Dario Argento is a master of - I'll never forget that epic tracking shot in Tenebrae. I also figured that I should practice my Italian.


I just finished an old Jess Franco movie, but since they're all the same I won't bother mentioning the title; not one of his pornos. My favorite Franco films are The Bare-Breasted Countess, Succubus, and Vampyros Lesbos.

I also forget to mention that I love anything with Paul Mueller or Klaus Kinski in it.

Interesting choice for a young man.

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Some thoughts on Rectify s02e07. Could be construed as a SPOILER (!?)

Oh man! Just finished watching no. 7. Only 2 left. The show runners have jacked up the tension to Number Eleven. Sitting there watching that stuff unfold, I kept thinking, somebody's gonna get hurt real bad here.

I can say no more. Let's let it set for a while, and then discuss. Most big budget movies don't get anywhere near this level of exploring the human condition. Outstanding.

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It's really a shame for an actor like Dean Norris, who had a great run on Breaking Bad, to go from one of the best series of all time, to certainly one of the worst series of all time. Hope if doesn't ruin his ability to get better roles.

IMO, it is not a great show, but not at terrible one either. However, if Dean Norris was not on it, I'm not sure that I would still be watching. He is the most interesting character.

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Finished the first season of Rogue last night, started watching it with the wife on Friday night. She was overwhelmed by the amount of sex (and by amount of sex, the couple of cock shots that popped up) in the first couple of episodes which put her off watching, think it was around episode 5 that the sex was dialled back. After that, boom, hooked back in.

Thoroughly good first season, will dial in the second season tonight and hopefully doesn't disappoint.

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It's really a shame for an actor like Dean Norris, who had a great run on Breaking Bad, to go from one of the best series of all time, to certainly one of the worst series of all time. Hope if doesn't ruin his ability to get better roles.

IMO, it is not a great show, but not at terrible one either. However, if Dean Norris was not on it, I'm not sure that I would still be watching. He is the most interesting character.

I've known a few TV actors in Hollywood, and they mostly consider themselves fortunate to hit the holy grail of a long running successful series. If they never repeat that again, they do consider that possible even probable. Some go on to do continued successful series, some not. You only need to hit the big one once (Jerry Seinfeld almost a billionaire at net worth $800M, and never did anything worth watching before or after then, [even Michael Richards {Kramer} ended up worth $45M from Seinfeld]). And, even a lesser role in a middling series that lasts a few years can set up royalties from syndication that can take care of them for life.

But, I digress. I like the way the Dome started out, fizzled toward the end of first season, was shocked and awed that it got renewed for a 2nd season, and am fully expecting it to be zapped out of existence before any third. wink.png

*BTW, for anyone who doesn't know the site celebritynetworthdotcom, you should check out the net worth of various TV and film actors, you may be in for a shock.

Edited by keemapoot
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The Knick looks interesting.

Directed by Steven Soderbergh.

Starts on August 8.


The Knick (2014 TV Series)
A look at the professional and personal lives of the staff at New York's Knickerbocker Hospital during the early part of the twentieth century.
Remember when Steven Soderbergh announced he was retiring from making movies? Thank goodness he decided to redirect his talents to the small screen instead. Following the staff of New York's Knickerbocker Hospital circa 1900, "The Knick" is a fascinating, brutal look at the strides taken to innovate medicine and surgical procedures, spearheaded by Dr. John Thackery (Clive Owen). But Thackery is a drug addict with a large ego, not to mention a bigot who chafes at the hospital's hiring of the gifted, Harvard-educated Dr. Algernon Edwards (Andre Holland), an African American man who struggles to win the respect of white peers.
Edited by Will27
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New Sci-fi romance adventure tv series out today.

WW2 nurse is thrown back in time to 1750 Scotland.

Thanks for that ,will give it a lookthumbsup.gif

Just watched the first episode ,not to bad ,will give it a go , just hope it doesnt start to go downhill ,like so many series seem to , like the dome for instance ,or last ship ,mind you that hit rock bottom first episode ,then started diggingbiggrin.png

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While waiting for the Thai Ladies World Grand Prix Volleyball match on Saturday I caught a few minutes of "Anna and the King", starring Jodie Foster and (dig this ) Chow Yun Fat. C-Y Fat is a big international movie star, but couldn't they find a Thai guy to play the King of Siam?? There's some nonsense in there in which Anna gets away with freeing a slave housemaid from some hi-so matron. Young Prince Chulalongkorn is resistant to being taught by this weird farang lady, and tells her slavery is a righteous institution. Teacher hands him a copy of Uncle Tom's Cabin, and assigns him to read it, as if this will open his eyes. Anna's son gets into a fight with young Chula, and later this mess turns into a romance, with the King falling for Anna and thinking of dumping all of his wives and concubines. Haw!!

I'm surprised this isn't banned in Thailand, if only for having a ridiculous script.

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Interesting choice for a young man.

Yes. I watch everything, but I'm quite fond of exploitation and experimental cinema. I love Russ Meyer, Roger Corman, Stan Brakhage and Paul Morrissey, etc.

At the moment I'm also into Golden Age American porn. Last night I saw Candy Goes to Hollywood, starring Carol Connors (the nurse Harry Reems screws in Deep Throat) and John Leslie.

And to anyone wondering why I would watch this so-called 'junk'...


I'm surprised this isn't banned in Thailand, if only for having a ridiculous script.

It is actually, along with every single adaptation of The King and I. But then again so is my 75 GiB porn collection, so I wouldn't worry about it.

but couldn't they find a Thai guy to play the King of Siam??

Better than casting a white guy, like Yul Brynner.

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The Agony of Defeat...The Thai ladies got outplayed today, beaten in straight sets by a not particularly great, but good enough, German team. They had a sizable mid-set lead in set 2, but let it dribble away. The third set was pretty tight most of the way, until Coach K sent in some young bench players who seemed lost. The Germans were fired up, after losing their first two matches to Serbia and Korea. Clearly, our ladies aren't up to the form of last fall, and are definitely not ready to face any top ten team. Still, it's always a pleasure to watch them play. Win or lose, they have huge HEART, and are the best ambassadors Thailand has.

Go Ladies!

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The Agony of Defeat...The Thai ladies got outplayed today, beaten in straight sets by a not particularly great, but good enough, German team. They had a sizable mid-set lead in set 2, but let it dribble away. The third set was pretty tight most of the way, until Coach K sent in some young bench players who seemed lost. The Germans were fired up, after losing their first two matches to Serbia and Korea. Clearly, our ladies aren't up to the form of last fall, and are definitely not ready to face any top ten team. Still, it's always a pleasure to watch them play. Win or lose, they have huge HEART, and are the best ambassadors Thailand has.

Go Ladies!

Female athletes...


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It's really a shame for an actor like Dean Norris, who had a great run on Breaking Bad, to go from one of the best series of all time, to certainly one of the worst series of all time. Hope if doesn't ruin his ability to get better roles.

IMO, it is not a great show, but not at terrible one either. However, if Dean Norris was not on it, I'm not sure that I would still be watching. He is the most interesting character.

I've known a few TV actors in Hollywood, and they mostly consider themselves fortunate to hit the holy grail of a long running successful series. If they never repeat that again, they do consider that possible even probable. Some go on to do continued successful series, some not. You only need to hit the big one once (Jerry Seinfeld almost a billionaire at net worth $800M, and never did anything worth watching before or after then, [even Michael Richards {Kramer} ended up worth $45M from Seinfeld]). And, even a lesser role in a middling series that lasts a few years can set up royalties from syndication that can take care of them for life.

But, I digress. I like the way the Dome started out, fizzled toward the end of first season, was shocked and awed that it got renewed for a 2nd season, and am fully expecting it to be zapped out of existence before any third. wink.png

*BTW, for anyone who doesn't know the site celebritynetworthdotcom, you should check out the net worth of various TV and film actors, you may be in for a shock.

Seinfeld was a guest star on "Louis" (S04E02). Played a rather unpleasant character very well. I wonder, if he did that as a favor or did Louis C.K. have to pay him? smile.png

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New Sci-fi romance adventure tv series out today.

WW2 nurse is thrown back in time to 1750 Scotland.

Thanks for that ,will give it a look:thumbsup:
Just watched the first episode ,not to bad ,will give it a go , just hope it doesnt start to go downhill ,like so many series seem to , like the dome for instance ,or last ship ,mind you that hit rock bottom first episode ,then started digging:D

I just watched it too,

Not Sci-fi but fantasy.

Lead actress looked nothing special for most of the show, but my god, she looked fantastic in the nudy sex scene!

What a body.

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I've known a few TV actors in Hollywood, and they mostly consider themselves fortunate to hit the holy grail of a long running successful series. If they never repeat that again, they do consider that possible even probable. Some go on to do continued successful series, some not. You only need to hit the big one once (Jerry Seinfeld almost a billionaire at net worth $800M, and never did anything worth watching before or after then, [even Michael Richards {Kramer} ended up worth $45M from Seinfeld]). And, even a lesser role in a middling series that lasts a few years can set up royalties from syndication that can take care of them for life.

But, I digress. I like the way the Dome started out, fizzled toward the end of first season, was shocked and awed that it got renewed for a 2nd season, and am fully expecting it to be zapped out of existence before any third. wink.png

*BTW, for anyone who doesn't know the site celebritynetworthdotcom, you should check out the net worth of various TV and film actors, you may be in for a shock.


Seinfeld was a guest star on "Louis" (S04E02). Played a rather unpleasant character very well. I wonder, if he did that as a favor or did Louis C.K. have to pay him? smile.png

Seinfeld is for sure a national treasure, but that cast has got to be the wealthiest cast ever on TV. Seinfeld $800M, Larry David, $400M, Jason Alexander & Michael Richards each $50M, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus $200M BUT..the biggest shocker for those who don't know is that Julia is also the heiress eldest daughter of French-born Financial magnate Gerard-Louis Dreyfus worth...$4 billion.

I did not know that about Julia.

I like her in 'Veep'

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It's really a shame for an actor like Dean Norris, who had a great run on Breaking Bad, to go from one of the best series of all time, to certainly one of the worst series of all time. Hope if doesn't ruin his ability to get better roles.

IMO, it is not a great show, but not at terrible one either. However, if Dean Norris was not on it, I'm not sure that I would still be watching. He is the most interesting character.

I've known a few TV actors in Hollywood, and they mostly consider themselves fortunate to hit the holy grail of a long running successful series. If they never repeat that again, they do consider that possible even probable. Some go on to do continued successful series, some not. You only need to hit the big one once (Jerry Seinfeld almost a billionaire at net worth $800M, and never did anything worth watching before or after then, [even Michael Richards {Kramer} ended up worth $45M from Seinfeld]). And, even a lesser role in a middling series that lasts a few years can set up royalties from syndication that can take care of them for life.

But, I digress. I like the way the Dome started out, fizzled toward the end of first season, was shocked and awed that it got renewed for a 2nd season, and am fully expecting it to be zapped out of existence before any third. wink.png

*BTW, for anyone who doesn't know the site celebritynetworthdotcom, you should check out the net worth of various TV and film actors, you may be in for a shock.

Seinfeld was a guest star on "Louis" (S04E02). Played a rather unpleasant character very well. I wonder, if he did that as a favor or did Louis C.K. have to pay him? smile.png

The funny thing is that he was playing himself.biggrin.png

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I've known a few TV actors in Hollywood, and they mostly consider themselves fortunate to hit the holy grail of a long running successful series. If they never repeat that again, they do consider that possible even probable. Some go on to do continued successful series, some not. You only need to hit the big one once (Jerry Seinfeld almost a billionaire at net worth $800M, and never did anything worth watching before or after then, [even Michael Richards {Kramer} ended up worth $45M from Seinfeld]). And, even a lesser role in a middling series that lasts a few years can set up royalties from syndication that can take care of them for life.

But, I digress. I like the way the Dome started out, fizzled toward the end of first season, was shocked and awed that it got renewed for a 2nd season, and am fully expecting it to be zapped out of existence before any third. wink.png

*BTW, for anyone who doesn't know the site celebritynetworthdotcom, you should check out the net worth of various TV and film actors, you may be in for a shock.


Seinfeld was a guest star on "Louis" (S04E02). Played a rather unpleasant character very well. I wonder, if he did that as a favor or did Louis C.K. have to pay him? smile.png

Seinfeld is for sure a national treasure, but that cast has got to be the wealthiest cast ever on TV. Seinfeld $800M, Larry David, $400M, Jason Alexander & Michael Richards each $50M, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus $200M BUT..the biggest shocker for those who don't know is that Julia is also the heiress eldest daughter of French-born Financial magnate Gerard-Louis Dreyfus worth...$4 billion.

I did not know that about Julia.

I like her in 'Veep'

If "Veep" is not funny, I do not know what is. As it is loosely based on "In the Loop" I would usually root for the British original rather then the American remake. But I think that "Veep" is so far away from the original that it can be seen as a completely new show. And are they not both fantastic. Looking forward to the next season of "Veep", particularly now that she is President, i.e. she and her "team" can mess up on the highest level. You go girl!

I am assuming that with her financial background she will probably donate her presidential allowance to a good course.whistling.gif

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