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Just finished watching walter , a one off police series(to come i hope) with a differance its a brit comedy /serious cop show ,i really enjoyed it ,as did the critics not pc or glamerous for the cops or their gay leader, try it its on the bay of pirates.

Thanks for the heads up on this one.

Watched it last night and enjoyed it somewhat, but still not sure what to make of it.

Will be giving episode 2 a crack.

No episode 2 it was a one off,but they may make a series,hope sp

Oh ok.

I thought because it said episode 1 it was a series.

Hope to see it get a gig in the future.

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I'm still liking Tyrant.

IMO, it's worth watching just for the wife and daughter-in-law of the president.

Especially the latest episode :D

Speaking of the daughter in law, she makes a cameo in Taxi Brooklyn this week ;)

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just got half way through the dum because that's what it's become I tried ,oh how I tried but you can only watch so much crap,what a load of rubbish ,it's like the writers have a competition going to see who can write the most rubbish episode

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Watched the new Luc Besson (Scarlett Johannsson/Morgan Freeman) Sci-Fi action movie Lucy. Provided you check your brain at the door, it is great fun. Mind you, I wasn't expecting the next Blade Runner, but there were moments you thought it just might develop into something great, then...no Replicants here.... However, it's good for a mindless popcorn munching sci-fi fix. thumbsup.gif

Edited by keemapoot
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Easing into the weekend I flicked on the season finalé of Gang Related... Suffice to say, the ending leaves the door wide open for season 2, despite Fox not yet committing to it...

Word on the street is that despite the ratings, the network's happy with the direction but wants to see more. If given the green light season 2 could be intense!

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Outlander has just started. About a nurse from the late 40s (ex-war nurse after the war) is sent back in time whilst on a trip to Scotland. She ends up in 18th century Scotland at a time of the English putting down Scottish resistance. She lands in the thick of things. It was a little slow to start, which makes sense here as we had to know her and her life before, so give it a chance. I enjoyed it enough to be looking forward to the second episode. Nothing entirely new of course - what is? - but done well as expected from Auntie.

The Troubling, Subversive Promise of the New Show Outlander

I agree with wolf5370: to early to tell. It has a chance to become good, if some characters next to the heroine develop properly (my hopes are in "Black Jack" or whatever his name is).

Good that I watched it first and read the article afterwards. Otherwise I most likely would have passed ("woman-centric sex act"??? What the ... ? Is her being on top called "woman-centric" now?) The comments to that article were more informative, though. According to the female commentators, we can expect some action and unpleasantness in the episodes to come.

And why are the Scots always the good people, I wonder. Troublemakers since Roman times! And as an English friend once told me: "They have our oil". biggrin.png

Caught up Outlander today and enjoyed the 1st episode! Be interesting to see where this one goes. Could be one to watch with the GF/wife

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Watched Rob Roy again. What a beautiful movie. I like dark material and anti-hero stuff, but it's a refreshing change to see "honour" discussed and put forward as a theme of a modern (yet still wonderfully old fashioned) movie. Liam Neeson is perfect in that role, although Tim Roth pretty much steals the movie with his foppish villian, the "bastard" Cunningham. His best line..."Love is a dung heap, and I am the cock who crows atop it." Best sword fights since Erroll Flynn vs Basil Rathbone in The Adventures of Robin Hood.(1938!, and there will never be a greater remake.)

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I always think about the language issues with time travel films/programmes too. Having read some Shakespeare in my time - I would be totally lost in Elizabethan times - King Aurthur would have spoken mostly early German (Saxon), with some Breton, Celt and perhaps Frank too. English just didn't exist at that point in history - it was still brewing. 1800s would probably be passable - with some oddities (some words changed meaning completely - and in their uses) - Victorian times swearing was very common in all classes apparently! A hundred years before - mid 1700s - would have been much harder to unravel I think, although this was also the American/British (and almost the Australian/NZ) split in the language - and we can generally all understand each other (evolved along the same line????). I think English had a fair amount of French in it back then and I would think most Highlanders would have little English (mostly the Scottish lairds dealt with the English over lords - a lot via bribery and threat/extrotion - so last thing they wanted was low class people get in on the act!)

Shakespeare didn't write in plain English of the day.

It was a form of poetry.

But totally understandable by modern standards.

Before about 1450, no chance.


Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Customs & Border Reality style shows

I watched most of these on Youtube. I enjoy a binge on these types of shows every 6 months or so. There are more than these but here are some of the main ones.

Border Security Australia

Border Security Canada’s Frontline (i like the Canadian one best)

Border Security USA (Homeland Security USA)

Dog Squad (New Zealand)

Border Patrol (New Zealand)

UK Border Force

Customs UK

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Watched the new Luc Besson (Scarlett Johannsson/Morgan Freeman) Sci-Fi action movie Lucy. Provided you check your brain at the door, it is great fun. Mind you, I wasn't expecting the next Blade Runner, but there were moments you thought it just might develop into something great, then...no Replicants here.... However, it's good for a mindless popcorn munching sci-fi fix. thumbsup.gif

Kind of a faint echo of The Matrix with a roll-your-own Matrix. I could only half watch it while posting on Thaivisa. ;) Had to see ScarJo but disappointed not see more of her (cough). I'd say it's better than her other recent movie Under The Skin--gave up on that one 1/3 of the way through.

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Watched season 3 of "House of Lies" (in case, somebody already rated it, please let me know, so I can compare notes smile.png )

It is a "Wolf of Wall Street"-like comedy/drama but "House of Lies" came first. It shows some "lovable" and "loving" characters. I think the only reason why I like them is that they usually screw over the richest of the rich. Additionally, they seem to deliver some value for the money (investment consultants). But otherwise, it is everybody against everybody and few loyalties in a working environment with Byzantine structures. Amazingly, they all have a certain (sarcastic) sense of humor. And of course, there is the occasional sex and nudity. The ex-wife of Marty Kaan, the main character (perfectly played by Don Cheadle from "Hotel Rwanda"), is not only very, very attractive but also very, very crazy. Kristen Bell plays Jeannie, a co-worker of Marty, who is cold-hearted in business but a bit softer when it comes to Marty. Their relation ship issue enfolds over all three seasons but finds a romantic peak near the end of this season. It presents us with one of the most romantic moments I have seen in a long time (the following could be seen as a spoiler):

Finally, Marty and Jeannie end up in bed sober enough to remember what they were doing. Obviously they are both happy about this development. This is their morning talk in bed:

Marty: I love you.

Jeannie: Dummy! You were supposed to say that before, to get me into bed, not after.

Marty: Yeah, I <deleted> it up.

That is romance a decent man can relate to and not that kitschy romcom standard package when some loser says to Katherine Heigl: "I love you, because..." and I just think "Please shoot me! I can't take it any longer.". So, Jeannie, good answer! Please, continue with what you are doing! biggrin.png

Otherwise, no surprise, season 3 is about Marty Kaan who now has his own firm and about the former members of his team dealing with their now independent lives.

For those who have not seen it yet: I highly recommend the show.

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I'd say it's better than her other recent movie Under The Skin--gave up on that one 1/3 of the way through.

Oh really, because I'm just about to watch Under the Skin myself. Seems awesome. I hope Scarlett Johansson screws many guys in it.

Well, last night I saw Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani's L'étrange couleur des larmes de ton corps. Awesome giallo, I highly recommend it. So much excellent work has come out of the horror film industry of FR/IT/SP lately, in the past couple of years. It seems like we're finally on a rebound after a relative decline. We've also begun to embrace neo-surrealism.


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Rectify is down to one more crucial episode, the season, and (NO!!!) possibly series ender. I won't write about it now, since a lot of people following it might not be up to date. I'll just say I was wishing, as I have many times this series, to step into the action and advise a character against doing what he or she inevitably does. I'm pretty sure when the curtain falls on episode 10, season 2, a lot of us are going to be saying ...WHAT!!???

This show is a heart twister.

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Customs & Border Reality style shows

I watched most of these on Youtube. I enjoy a binge on these types of shows every 6 months or so. There are more than these but here are some of the main ones.

Border Security Australia

Border Security Canada’s Frontline (i like the Canadian one best)

Border Security USA (Homeland Security USA)

Dog Squad (New Zealand)

Border Patrol (New Zealand)

UK Border Force

Customs UK

If you ever have a real life run-in with the US "Homeland Security" CBP agents, you won't feel like watching any shows glorifying the "fine work" they do. (Cough, gag.) Maybe I'm getting paranoid but the true life accounts of their MANY abuses seem to have been systematically removed from youtube since last year. Really there were many pages of them, and now they are harder to find. To be fair, some of them were filmed by extreme libertarians hoping for a confrontation, but MANY innocent people are getting badly, unnecessarily hassled by these "officers" every day.

Welcome to the National Security State.

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Customs & Border Reality style shows

I watched most of these on Youtube. I enjoy a binge on these types of shows every 6 months or so. There are more than these but here are some of the main ones.

Border Security Australia

Border Security Canada’s Frontline (i like the Canadian one best)

Border Security USA (Homeland Security USA)

Dog Squad (New Zealand)

Border Patrol (New Zealand)

UK Border Force

Customs UK

If you ever have a real life run-in with the US "Homeland Security" CBP agents, you won't feel like watching any shows glorifying the "fine work" they do. (Cough, gag.) Maybe I'm getting paranoid but the true life accounts of their MANY abuses seem to have been systematically removed from youtube since last year. Really there were many pages of them, and now they are harder to find. To be fair, some of them were filmed by extreme libertarians hoping for a confrontation, but MANY innocent people are getting badly, unnecessarily hassled by these "officers" every day.

Welcome to the National Security State.

A lot of these shows are propaganda, but I enjoy them nevertheless. Something about uncovering smugglers and drugs and the always amusing people who get caught with not declaring a bag full of prohibited food.

I worry about law enforcement in America. Seems from the outside that personal freedoms are being lost under the guise of protection

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My ex-gf's brother is an Aussie CBP agent and has been in many episodes of the Aussie version, he's one of many agents that have their faces pixilated. He's concerned that criminal gangs will target him should his face be shown. Fair call too, some of the shit he's told me about made my head spin.

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Suits seems to be about at the end of its current run. Wish I could talk about the latest episode, because there were many critical surprises, twists and turns. But I won't put out any spoilers, because even if someone writes that warning in bold, some guys can't help themselves, and read on. (I always do, and then I blame the SpoilerMaker!)

It's all set up for a monster finale, and USA Network is thrilled to finally have such a major hit show in their lineup. I remember when they had all garbage re-runs and miscellaneous junk. They have announced that there will definitely be a 5th season...next summer. All of you fans of Rachel will have to wait a few months (after next week) to see that semi-teary-eyed look upwards at Stalwart Fake Lawyer Mike.

You've been Litt UP!

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I'd say it's better than her other recent movie Under The Skin--gave up on that one 1/3 of the way through.

Oh really, because I'm just about to watch Under the Skin myself. Seems awesome.

Yeah, seemed awesome to me, too, till I actually tried to watch it.

I hope Scarlett Johansson screws many guys in it.

That's what the guys hoped only to find out she was leading them on into a surreal pond of blackness where they gradually go under and disappear. But they don't even seem much to notice; just one o' them things. wink.png After a while the black pond seemed a metaphor for the movie itself.

Maybe she does some real screwing later. You can let us know.

Edited by JSixpack
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