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Probably an old one, I just ran across it a couple of weeks ago though. ///


Sadly, President Obama passes away and goes straight to Hell, met at the rusty old gate by St. Lucifer himself. 


Satan told him Hell was fully booked but since Obama had to stay, he would be given 3 rooms of sinners to choose from, essentially taking someone's place.  Obama, realizing a pardon wasn't on the cards, agreed.


Devil opened the first room where Obama saw Ted Kennedy in a pool of hot water, diving under repeatedly but coming up empty handed.  Obama admitted he couldn't swim too well, and declined.   


Devil opened door 2 and Obama saw Al Gore breaking large rocks with a sledge hammer.  Obama grimaced, "No thanks, I have a shoulder injury and that looks like hard work". 


Devil opened door 3, revealing a very naked and rather "erect" Bill Clinton tied to a 4-post bed, a blushing Monica Lewinsky knelt next to him.   Obama laughed, "Bill!  You're here too?  I knew it!".  Obama grinned at the Devil, "I can handle this one, I'll take it."


Devil nodded in agreement and said, "It's your lucky day, Bill.  OK Monica, you can go now."

Edited by 55Jay
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