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Top brass raids in Chantaburi on foreigners look like a PR exercise - no arrests at all


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Top brass raids in Chantaburi on foreigners look like a PR exercise - no arrests at all



Pictures (2): INN


Raids conducted in Chantaburi in Thailand's east were meant to flush out overstaying foreigners, drug dealers, human traffickers and other illegals such as people without work permits.


Instead they resulted in precisely zero arrests.


The foreigners - who appeared to be mostly dark skinned - were instead given some lectures on getting on with Thais and understanding the culture.


And hotels and other residential accommodation were warned about registering guests.


The raids were conducted Tuesday by local immigration with deputy national police spokesman Pol Col Kritsana Ratanacharoen at the head of affairs.




The Pol Col said that they were working on important government policy to stem the drug trade and stop illegal foreigners from engaging in crimes like drugs and human trafficking.


But not a single person they spoke to was doing anything wrong, reported INN.


So they handed out some handy cultural advice about Thais and reiterated about the regulations and customs.


Hotels, guest houses, mansions, flats and apartment complexes were reminded to register all guests and continue to report the whereabouts of foreigners.


Source: INN

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-05-16
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1 hour ago, webfact said:

to flush out overstaying foreigners, drug dealers, human traffickers and o

I would have preferred to use the term flush down the gurgler it'll be more like it...

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The foreigners - who appeared to be mostly dark skinned - were instead given some lectures on getting on with Thais and understanding the culture

It's vely important to understand Thai culture.

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4 hours ago, ThorD72 said:

I don’t get how they have funds to support them selves these Africans, how long are they stays and which visas are they on? ?

What do you know about the African economy?  I suspect zero, likewise you awareness of African culture and development.  What nationality are you anyway?  I am British, just for the record and have been to Nigeria and Kenya.........and you?


53 minutes ago, Borzandy said:

It's vely important to understand Thai culture.


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4 hours ago, ThorD72 said:

I don’t get how they have funds to support them selves these Africans, how long are they stays and which visas are they on? ?

The numerous Africans in Chantaburi are there for the gem trade. My understanding is that the Africans come to have stones from Africa cut there and possibly traded on. It is a money spinner for the Thais.

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Yes understand & get along just fine. When in Rome do as the Romans do right. Tonight I'm going to Drink Whiskey, Drive Drunk, Smack my Mia Noi into next week (when I catch her cheating on me with another man), then go out Lock Dek (Corrupt Young People), Ginn Dek (Eat Children) , Dak Cow (Eat Dinner), Gamble on English Football (Illegal), Go to Poseidon on Ratchada (isn't prostitution illegal, how "does that" work?) then I'll delude myself I am superior & better educated than Black People who are obviously physically & spiritually superior & better than me, who beat me in all the sports including but not limited to Olympic Games, Football, Basketball, NFL, NBA, Music, Singing, Drumming, Dancing, Driving, Formula 1, Motorcycle Racing & pretty much everything and anything they decide to do, but I will continue to delude myself that I am superior culturally &/or socially to people with darker skin because that's what I was told in my superior indoctrination system they call school. Sometimes maybe I just use the biggest part of my brain, the chimpanzee part of my brain, & I'm Geng Jing Jing!


I also speak fluent sarcasm, the lowest form of wit because I am Farang, Inferior & Dumb, No? 

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