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Know It All Fallangs That That Get Pissed Up And Try To Ruin Everyone Elses Night

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Since its all gone off topic, ill have a go....

I knew a Scot who dropped a 50p coin.

He bent down to pick it up, and it hit him on the back of the head.

I know that guy - known as Bendoon PhilMcavity, an ex border's sheep herder now working in Casanova bar trying to get the loot to return to his beloved sheep and away from Thai wimin'!.

One of the funniest ever Scottish jokes / tales / folklore/ was told to me in all seriousness in Bavaria 25 years ago.

By an old Bavarian, naturally.

I have never forgotten it and Scots love it.

Anyway, that's nearly a week passed now - has our Marine friend gone and done a number on the divi or staying at home and making own sandwiches these days?.

Probably cheaper, actually. And you can train the RAF (Rent a Friend) to do them for you.

Gosh, I am full of money saving ideas - reckon the IMF should employ me. :o

I know that guy - known as Bendoon PhilMcavity,

aka BenDover PhilMacrakin

Ah-ha - he must be using an alias now following his failed attempts at 'English' language instruction, Boiler Rooms, and trying to sell shares in non existent bars.

If all all fails there is always the Grace Hotel and a pence to be made with Ali Ringpiece.

Hard times we live in, indeed!.



If all all fails there is always the Grace Hotel and a pence to be made with Ali Ringpiece

actually, he was making a shekel or three with his good habibi MustaphaShag

the uk marines i know,would of smashed his nose instantly.......p.s is your avatar your real body or is it a rubber suit? :o




you totally did the right thing mate. just because you can flog him, doesn't mean you have to. Ive been involved in similar circumstances as well, and low and behold, they have been in places where farang people frequent. Im a farang and i try to stay away from those places when im in thailand. funny isn't it?

Suk Soi 4

Finnagins (sp)

The club is huge and one of the cheapest around

The bread is like home made.

Plan on it being a bit messy

Best in town

Mr Slated..If that's a pic of you on your Avatar, you look like a fit young boy..

This clown obviously offended you and you would have loved to smash his face in,

Would only bring you trouble with the BiB..

Sounds like the Girls who worked there were used of it

they didn't seem to mind so why do you upset yourself over it??

Join a Gym go kick <deleted> out of a boxing bag,

pretend its his ugly head, that way you keep out of trouble..LBD

Suk Soi 4

Finnagins (sp)

The club is huge and one of the cheapest around

The bread is like home made.

Plan on it being a bit messy

Best in town

Mr Slated..If that's a pic of you on your Avatar, you look like a fit young boy..

This clown obviously offended you and you would have loved to smash his face in,

Would only bring you trouble with the BiB..

Sounds like the Girls who worked there were used of it

they didn't seem to mind so why do you upset yourself over it??

Join a Gym go kick <deleted> out of a boxing bag,

pretend its his ugly head, that way you keep out of trouble..LBD

Well, if the guy is a regular - the management should be on his case.

Driving custom away is a loss of profit.

Anyway, what a palaver over a bleedin' sandwich in Nana!.

Advice: Go supermarket: Buy ingredients. Find RAF. Buy DVD of choice.

Buy booze / drugs / whatever.

Go home.

Enjoy!!!! :o

I was at Bangkok's preimier Club Sandwich restraunt on soi 4 for an early evening dinner.

I don't often go to soi 4 anymore as I've moved further away, however on this evening, I was craving on of their Club Sandwiches.

As I sat awaiting my meal, I couldn't help but overhear one of the bar's regulars, absolutely ripping into a poor older fallang.

In short, the drunk fallang had learned that the man sitting near him had just married his Thai girlfriend a day or two prior. The drunk fallang's response was that the girl was likely a working girl and she was just using him, etc etc etc.

The poor Thai girl was balling her eyes out and keeping her sobs quiet in a napkin.

The drunk fallang (who's name I won't be forgetting anytime soon) then emerged from his stool, to stand closer to the other fallang and Thai woman. His language wass horrid, and he wass speaking so loudly that everyone at the bar/restraunt could hear what was happening.

As he drunkenly staggard towards my table, I leaned towards him and asked to please not make a scene, as I would like to enjoy my quite dinner (it was only 6pm).

At this, he was irate. He told me I should shut my face as I knew nothing of Thailand. I told him I live here, and have for 6 months. He then spun around and went back attacking the poor couple. As he again drunkenly staggard to my table, I again, this time more firmly told him to please settle down, as he was making a scene to everyone in the restraunt.

(I should mention that there were no male employees in the restraunt at the time)

At this, one of the waitresses addressed him by name and asked him to stop or they would call the police. He responded by saying that she was a bartender and should shut up and go back to pouring drinks.

He continued laying into me regarding how long he had lived here, and how he knew how everything works in this town. He jabbed his finger into my chest twice as I sat in my seat. I had had about enough and mentioned how I had reciently served in the Marines, and that it was in his best interest to calm down. I did not want a full confrontation, but I know the waitresses at the restraunt, and they seemed truly concerned with the way he was acting.

Upon seeing that I was not going to be intimidated by him, he began to calm down and offered to buy my dinner, and drinks for the other people at the bar.

He then went and attempted to shake hands with everyone sitting there who had heard, as the drinks he had offered to buy were being served.

Then he walked out the door, without paying for his night of drinking, or the drinks he had ordered for everyone else.

Later that night, I learn that his gf/wife is a Thai woman who happens to work at another bar on soi 4

how ironic

I haven't been to soi 4 since. Knowing that people like him are there is reason enough not for me to eat or drink at the establishments there.

psssst ... "Farang"

Suk Soi 4

Finnagins (sp)

The club is huge and one of the cheapest around

The bread is like home made.

Plan on it being a bit messy

Best in town

Mr Slated..If that's a pic of you on your Avatar, you look like a fit young boy..

This clown obviously offended you and you would have loved to smash his face in,

Would only bring you trouble with the BiB..

Sounds like the Girls who worked there were used of it

they didn't seem to mind so why do you upset yourself over it??

Join a Gym go kick <deleted> out of a boxing bag,

pretend its his ugly head, that way you keep out of trouble..LBD

Well, if the guy is a regular - the management should be on his case.

Driving custom away is a loss of profit.

Anyway, what a palaver over a bleedin' sandwich in Nana!.

Advice: Go supermarket: Buy ingredients. Find RAF. Buy DVD of choice.

Buy booze / drugs / whatever.

Go home.

Enjoy!!!! :D

What wonderful words of wisdom from someone so young..

I like people who tell it as it should be...Dont like Club Sangers myself.. :o


What wonderful words of wisdom from someone so young..

I like people who tell it as it should be...Dont like Club Sangers myself.. :o

Ermm,...as a sprightly young pup of a mere 47 years of age I thank you for your kind thoughts.

However, if I want a sarnie, I shall make my own rather than travel to Nana for one at an exorbinant price.

And thus not need to listen to ex US Marines weeping into their milkshakes over the behaviour of drunken foreign folks.

Such a larf' innit?.

And what's wrong with catching the lady with Isaan sausage outsite your apartment for 5 Baht a stick with cabbage, ginger and prik kee nuu thrown in?.

Tasty like. :D

I was at Bangkok's preimier Club Sandwich restraunt on soi 4 for an early evening dinner.

I don't often go to soi 4 anymore as I've moved further away, however on this evening, I was craving on of their Club Sandwiches.

As I sat awaiting my meal, I couldn't help but overhear one of the bar's regulars, absolutely ripping into a poor older fallang.

In short, the drunk fallang had learned that the man sitting near him had just married his Thai girlfriend a day or two prior. The drunk fallang's response was that the girl was likely a working girl and she was just using him, etc etc etc.

The poor Thai girl was balling her eyes out and keeping her sobs quiet in a napkin.

The drunk fallang (who's name I won't be forgetting anytime soon) then emerged from his stool, to stand closer to the other fallang and Thai woman. His language wass horrid, and he wass speaking so loudly that everyone at the bar/restraunt could hear what was happening.

As he drunkenly staggard towards my table, I leaned towards him and asked to please not make a scene, as I would like to enjoy my quite dinner (it was only 6pm).

At this, he was irate. He told me I should shut my face as I knew nothing of Thailand. I told him I live here, and have for 6 months. He then spun around and went back attacking the poor couple. As he again drunkenly staggard to my table, I again, this time more firmly told him to please settle down, as he was making a scene to everyone in the restraunt.

(I should mention that there were no male employees in the restraunt at the time)

At this, one of the waitresses addressed him by name and asked him to stop or they would call the police. He responded by saying that she was a bartender and should shut up and go back to pouring drinks.

He continued laying into me regarding how long he had lived here, and how he knew how everything works in this town. He jabbed his finger into my chest twice as I sat in my seat. I had had about enough and mentioned how I had reciently served in the Marines, and that it was in his best interest to calm down. I did not want a full confrontation, but I know the waitresses at the restraunt, and they seemed truly concerned with the way he was acting.

Upon seeing that I was not going to be intimidated by him, he began to calm down and offered to buy my dinner, and drinks for the other people at the bar.

He then went and attempted to shake hands with everyone sitting there who had heard, as the drinks he had offered to buy were being served.

Then he walked out the door, without paying for his night of drinking, or the drinks he had ordered for everyone else.

Later that night, I learn that his gf/wife is a Thai woman who happens to work at another bar on soi 4

how ironic

I haven't been to soi 4 since. Knowing that people like him are there is reason enough not for me to eat or drink at the establishments there.

The Great sandwich has become less appetizing through changed conditions and you could find that reason enough to leave. No action on the part of management means that this is the type of place you are in. He is obviously a frequent customer and by definition a good one for the business, sadly. I expect that when he comes back he will be reminded of the bill he will have a dim recollection of events and be happy to be overcharged. It should never be a "one on one confrontation" and if it is, then more reason to leave, you are in a place where your values are not shared.

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