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Need To Translate


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Schizandra is a Chinese herb - so it might help to know the Chinese:

wu3wei5zi (五味子)

It literally means 'five flavour (thingy)' (the last character (子) gets tagged on some words, to clarify that they refer to objects)

It's also possible the Thai is a literal translation of 'five flavours' - particularly if Schizandra doesn't grow in Thailand...

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Hmm, that puts a new twist on things. Since the OP capitalized both words, I assumed a name and surname was needed, not an actual translation of a plant.

I googled the Latin name, Schisandra Chinensis, restricting the hits to only Thai webpages, and this is the result all the first 30 pages came up with (most of them online shops selling it as a health drug due to its antioxidant properties).

ผลชิซานดร้า (Schisandra Chinensis). [R]phon [H]chi [M]saan [F]draa

See for example:


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Hmm, that puts a new twist on things. Since the OP capitalized both words, I assumed a name and surname was needed, not an actual translation of a plant.

I googled the Latin name, Schisandra Chinensis, restricting the hits to only Thai webpages, and this is the result all the first 30 pages came up with (most of them online shops selling it as a health drug due to its antioxidant properties).

ผลชิซานดร้า (Schisandra Chinensis). [R]phon [H]chi [M]saan [F]draa

See for example:


Schizandra Berry - Halle's new daughter ;-)

The transliteration looks it's a representation of 'schizandra' in Thai - is that right? I'm a bit surprised by this, because Schizandra is totally different to the Chinese name & because it's a major medicinal herb I'd have thought Thai-Chinese would have brought the Chinese word with them... (Having said that, maybe Schizandra is what wuweizi sounds like in a southern Chinese dialect. Is there a Cantonese/Hakka speaker in the house?)

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