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Thai Commerce Min handles oversupply of pineapples


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5 hours ago, Ulic said:

Last week I was buying Rambutan of the back of a truck for 20 baht a kilo.

What is the cost of pineapple now? I have been hunkered down in my condo

with a cold. I have just been stepping out to swim in the pool. 

I will venture forth to support the pineapple farmers tomorrow.

Well if you are near me Pranburi you can have them for free but factories are paying 1.5  baht a kilo round here....last year 12  baht kilo

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21 hours ago, kannot said:

Pineapples the easiest plant to take care of requires the least work but I guess you are  "fully  staffed" and have no problems finding staff eh?

Yep, no problem finding people but the only regulars are the tappers and they're all struggling with the low price of rubber.



Give back? give back what? to a country that doesnt really want me hahahaha

To the planet dude, the birds and bees aren't Thai.



Bamboo requires a lot of water as do Bananas I grow 4  different types inc red, a  very large one about 3  times the size of a Thai banana and also the very long  ones.

So you've got water then to grow your bananas. Deforestation might have something to do with drought and soil erosion. 


 In the last 3-4 years its been a drought in Prachuap only this year have we had normal rain, pineapples require no watering........... do you live in a  dry location?

No, not really.



Many palms  I grow are desert palms Medemia being one of those. If I planted  Teak Id  need a security guard as they would be nicked once they got to a decent  size

People steal teak trees???



I hope youve injected your  coconuts as if  you havent they will be destroyed by Holmaledra Moth larvae

No, they seem to do just fine. Try to avoid herbicides and don't ever use pesticides.


TBH I think what you are doing with your rare trees is a great idea, but do you include rare native species. Why not start encroaching into your pineapple with these trees? You'll notice the increase in diversity in years to come.


Lastly, did you not see the irony in your post about keeping the place tidy and not 'like a jungle'? Your reply was a bit OTT mate.

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2 hours ago, grollies said:

Yep, no problem finding people but the only regulars are the tappers and they're all struggling with the low price of rubber.


To the planet dude, the birds and bees aren't Thai.


So you've got water then to grow your bananas. Deforestation might have something to do with drought and soil erosion. 

No, not really.


People steal teak trees???


No, they seem to do just fine. Try to avoid herbicides and don't ever use pesticides.


TBH I think what you are doing with your rare trees is a great idea, but do you include rare native species. Why not start encroaching into your pineapple with these trees? You'll notice the increase in diversity in years to come.


Lastly, did you not see the irony in your post about keeping the place tidy and not 'like a jungle'? Your reply was a bit OTT mate.

People do steal teak trees, you will  definitely get a problem with the moth remember i told u so and you  will NOT stop it without cypermethrin look up Homaledra sabalella and I can tell you now  it  will kill your palm  trees , I grow just 4 clumps of bananas in other words very few I have 8 rai of pineapples and 7 rai of palms, let me know the phone number of whom ever you get staff from rubber  tappers  cannot be found at all, many people simply  cannot get them as no money in it, rare native PALMS only such as Kerriodoxa Elegans, Caryota kiriwongensis, I get plenty of bees and wildlife, I have  many different birds inc kingfishers, comorants etc The only reason I have some  erosion is im not yet finished planting, heres an aerial shot, bare soil is where trees  will be going very shortly and u can even see my irrigation pipe lines being dug by me as no staff,  that post got the response it deserved.


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Some of the palms  This is Copernicia Ekmanii  its no use trying to grow "rainforest" palms you have to grow whats suitable for the area you live in hence Medemia and Copernicias many arid  palms  such as Psuedophoenix,  Hyphaene Petersiana you wont find any of these easily here if at all in some cases especially Medemia and Tahina I grew them from seed, in many cases less than 100 trees  left in the wild



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On Tue Jun 12 2018 at 2:56 PM, kannot said:

well, its doesnt really work like that, its 12  months  from planting to getting at a  minimum, last year they didnt  have enough to go round, price 12 baht  a  kilo, price now 1.4  baht a kilo, costs almost 1  baht to buy the plant to start with, Ive just brought up 100 pineapples to Bangkok to give away for free to the folks in our condo building here, Id  rather give em away than let them rot on the ground. I dont grow  them for profit, I grow them to make the land look tidy and not a jungle.



palleese!! jungle is much nicer looking than kms and kms of pineapples, creating toxic land..


 i would say you cultivation that land so you can 'own' it..as is the case here..i see tens of thousands of rai being 'cultivated' when its obviously unproductive...


and of course plenty of productive land and the oversupply that ensues as we see here...

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On 6/12/2018 at 12:18 AM, webfact said:

More efforts are expected to be made to boost pineapple exports and consumption especially in provinces where pineapples are not a common fruit. 

Start giving them away to the poor and homeless for a start.....


Image result for pineapple give away

Edited by flyingtlger
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/12/2018 at 3:08 PM, Bluespunk said:

Last year didn't have enough...so price was higher, then?


People then think, hmm...there's money in growing those things?


Said persons then plant pineapples?


Result... too many pineapples.


Solution...grow less pineapples.


Fair play to you, though. Giving them away rather than let them rot.


Same story as sugar cane 2 years ago. And rubber before that, and Cassava. And and and. Find a crop you can manage well and which pays the bills. Better than switching to try and chase the profits.

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7 hours ago, kannot said:

Here ya  go Ive just given the Hospital in BKK at Victory Monument this very morning  "Rajavithi"  several pick ups full of pineapples  for free which will be either sold there and any profit given to the the new hospital building fund or given to the patients, ...........cant say fairer than that.




which one is you in the top photo?

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1 hour ago, grollies said:

which one is you in the top photo?

I always specifically ask  never to be included in any photos I dont agree with this kind of publicity crap..................however....second photo u can just see my head top right

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On 6/14/2018 at 1:26 AM, kannot said:

Well if you are near me Pranburi you can have them for free but factories are paying 1.5  baht a kilo round here....last year 12  baht kilo

Interesting, big drop.

What does an average pineapple weigh, about 1 kg or not ?

The street side sellers are still asking 20 baht per sliced pineapple here in Pattaya so they are probably on a very good mark up.

I`ve noticed an increase in the number of pineapple vendors recently, with the buy cost so low not surprising I suppose.

Can be bought for 10 baht a piece in the stores though.

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8 hours ago, seasia said:

Interesting, big drop.

What does an average pineapple weigh, about 1 kg or not ?

The street side sellers are still asking 20 baht per sliced pineapple here in Pattaya so they are probably on a very good mark up.

I`ve noticed an increase in the number of pineapple vendors recently, with the buy cost so low not surprising I suppose.

Can be bought for 10 baht a piece in the stores though.

I dont put anything on my  pineapples to make them grow ie fertiliser so they arent as big as the melon sized ones  the locals produce, on average Id  say mine were less than 1  kg each,.

When you sell them they grade them into big and small and it seems to be done by "sight" big were getting 3-4  baht a  few  months back but its  less  now and small probably only getting 50satang each at the moment, certainly round by me in Pranburi.

Unfortunately they have a "system" where its hard to sell direct to the  canning factories here, you have to register with them, they only want about 10rai area and upwards, they dont want to be bothered with smaller  plots and before you plant they come and inspect your land

Im just under  their  limit so we have to sell to the moneygrabbing middlemen, last year 12 baht a kilo at the factory but we would only get 7 baht for BIG ones so middleman  makes 5 baht a pineapple......nice profit eh.

All the small growers come  and dump them with the middleman  and then they go up a conveyor into a big  lorry then onto the  canning  factory.................in this case 300 metres from the middle  man.

Wheter it  varies in other regions I dont know.


Edited by kannot
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2 hours ago, kannot said:

The  hospital sold this  pick load in one day for 2000baht 2-3  baht for one pineapple on site ( The woman in the photo called us to let us know) we  also gave them a 1000 baht for the new hospital building which is in the construction process right now.

This hospital is for the poorest people of  Thailand.


Ill be taking them another lot later in the week.


It is most gracious of you to do this. Considering the time and effort it takes you to get the fruit out of the field and into Bangkok I think you deserve a lot of credit for helping those that are less fortunate.

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On 6/13/2018 at 9:12 AM, Thian said:

They should hire some expert winemakers and make a great pineapple wine. Tourists can bring it home, drink it here and so on.



Exactly what I was thinking, but there seems to be a feeling against encouraging a wine industry.

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Find a crop that no-one else plants, compatible with the soil and climate.

I knew a farmer in Oz that planted canola in a district where none of the local farmers had seen it. They all thought he was crazy - until he made a huge profit on the harvest.

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

Find a crop that no-one else plants, compatible with the soil and climate.

I knew a farmer in Oz that planted canola in a district where none of the local farmers had seen it. They all thought he was crazy - until he made a huge profit on the harvest.

And then everyone copied him?

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12 minutes ago, grollies said:

And then everyone copied him?

Some did. With more supply, the price fell. They still did OK, but not as well as him.

He also sowed oats, another crop not known in the area. 15,000 acres. At harvest time, the price of oats was only $30 a tonne. So he paid a sharefarmer to harvest the crop, then buried it for 18 months. Sold it off when the price was $280 a tonne. Smart man.

A pity the Thais can't bury pineapples.

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2 hours ago, rott said:

Exactly what I was thinking, but there seems to be a feeling against encouraging a wine industry.

Thais simply don't have the expertise to make good wine. I'm not aware of any Thai universities that have degrees in oenology.

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