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I have a Laos partner who wishes to live in Thailand after he finishes University in July this year. He has been told he can have a one year visa (unsure of what type) by his contact in Laos, but has to leave every 30 days.

I have tried to find out info but I am getting mixed comments, from a Laos can stay here without a visa and work to, he has to have a work permit and visa!

Anyone help me out, or point me in the right direction? I thought he could get a non-imm 'O' at the least and leave every 90 days.


The visa situation for Lao nationals is the same for all others when it comes to long term stays.

So at the simplest level, they can enter Thailand, visa free, for 30 days. They can be married to a Thai via the non-immigrant O route, or they can go the non-immigrant visa B route if they have work lined up.


actaully its not the same as there is a concluded agreement between Lao & Thailand

Lao citizens can stay in Thailand for ever on 30 days arrivals, there is no 90 day limit in 180 etc etc


Smartcoss is right....no regulations on entry visa.......nice it seems!!!!!!!

BUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rule nr 1

Thailand will do its utmost best to keep laotians OUT.

I am married to a lao women we have 1 child

i have spend 2 years to figger out how to get my wife a legal staus her.

No one will tell you how except me, prepare yourself for a long struggle.

No NO NO....there will be No non 0 visas availeble in lao issued by the thai consulate.

reason is the above mentioned no entryvisas regulation

NO NO NO no touristvisas for the same reason

workingpermit.....tell me one.......i only know that all the girls who work in thailand do so illigally and underpaid.......usually with no visas at all.....but then send over the mekongriver 150 km from nongkhai(publicly known)

The only way is to marry in Laos get legalized in thailand......get yourself on your name not hers!!! a houseregistration like me........then thai law states

a family consisting of all non thai residence are permitted to stay on the husbands (NON 0 1 year visa) renewel of all family members at the same time the husband renews.

Yes.......thats Thailand too!!!!

and i am very gratefull for that.

hope you know enough.

o by the way....in case of emergencie................

for your Lao partner.....to act

TDS.co ltd



reliable but not cheap!!!

mr keovilay


I have a Laos partner who wishes to live in Thailand after he finishes University in July this year. He has been told he can have a one year visa (unsure of what type) by his contact in Laos, but has to leave every 30 days.

I have tried to find out info but I am getting mixed comments, from a Laos can stay here without a visa and work to, he has to have a work permit and visa!

Anyone help me out, or point me in the right direction? I thought he could get a non-imm 'O' at the least and leave every 90 days.


Laotians are allowed to stay visa free for up to 30days each time they enter .

There is no limit imposed for Laotians , but they do need to leave the Country every 30days , means do a regular Visa/Border Run.

Not heard of a Yearly Visa that you mentioned .

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