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Line Toddler Sex Group Audience Broke No Laws: Police


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38 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:



I think you'll find that if the data is on your device and has been viewed, you are deemed to own it.


Might be wrong but I don't think so.

That data would just be a series of numbers though and a series of numbers would not be sufficient evidence in Court .

   If they had a copy of the video on their device, that would be sufficient evidence .

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21 hours ago, Denim said:

What a sad world we live in.


Parents should be arrested and charged too .Not fit to have a child in their custody.

Agreed. Their crime is arguably more heinous than that of the alleged trafficker. Reading this horror story, one can understand why many Thais are calling for the death penalty for rape.


The BIB decision not to track down the human filth that downloaded this degrading video is an opportunity missed to hit hard at a child pornography market which wouldn't exist without its depraved customer base.

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16 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Change your username!


It has been pointed out to you that a) there was a crime committed (possession and consuming of child porn/ viewing of pornographic content/ witnessing a heinous crime and NOT reporting it to the police)  and b ) that someone (especially the RTP) stating, no law has been broken and actually no laws has been broken, are two different things!

If you don't get it, you are beyond help! 

I do get what you are saying and I have replied to your points .

The Police were unable to prosecute the viewers because they were not in possession and its also not illegal not to report a crime .


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22 hours ago, robblok said:

Strange, the least they could do is accuse them of having downloaded child porn on their computer. The least that is and as far as I know that is illegal in Thailand, i believe even normal porn is illegal. Not long ago they caught a French guy with child porn on his computer and it was deemed illegal.


Maybe its just too hard for them to find the people in the chat group. 

To watch a "toddler" being rape?

I guess I could hardly sleep the following night being still so much furious and scandalized

There are really subhumans on this planet. 

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20 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Of course I sound racist, that's what all muppets say when they instinctively don't agree with something but can't quite articulate why or are embarrassed to do so.


Racist my eye. Everyone's racist. I never met a person who wasn't a racist in one form or another, or who didn't define 'non-racist' to fit their own self-image.


As to why I stay here? That's none of your business but it's not due to the availability of child porn. Why don't you wander off and find some other deserving minority to support.

You sound racist, probably,  but mainly also very pedantic at least with this kind of answer :coffee1:  

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There's a few countries where child porn isn't illegal. 


It certainly wasn't illegal to possess it in Thailand when I got here - but I think the laws changed. It was illegal to produce it and it was illegal to sell it but not to possess.


I don't think there was a conscious effort to keep it legal, although the countries where it's still legal may raise some eyebrows...


Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahrain, Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Kiribati, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Niger, North Korea, Pakistan, Palau, St. Lucia, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.


This is from this press release: https://www.icmec.org/press/despite-increase-in-global-child-protection-laws-many-countries-still-do-not-consider-child-pornography-a-crime/


Seems like Thailand banned it recently - the article is from 2012 and Thailand is in a list of countries that banned it within the past 7 years..


From what I can see then - this should be illegal unless they are deemed to not be in possession but to just have observed it - which seems to be a loophole.  Line itself is encrypted, so they might be having trouble tracing them.


It is a shame the defamation laws exist here because I think publishing their names/photos in National Press would be a great thing to do.



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35 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I do get what you are saying and I have replied to your points .

The Police were unable to prosecute the viewers because they were not in possession and its also not illegal not to report a crime .


Suppose i had child porn on my computer.. but deleted it before the police came. But the police can prove i downloaded it. Would I go free then because I no longer have it in my possession and they cannot find anything on the computer anymore. They could however see i downloaded it before. Its a tough one not sure how its done in other countries. 

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

That data would just be a series of numbers though and a series of numbers would not be sufficient evidence in Court .

   If they had a copy of the video on their device, that would be sufficient evidence .



All data stored on a computer is a series of 0's and 1's. It's how it is decoded that is important. Yours is a simplistic and almost completely uninformed view. Please go away and learn something about it before speculating - you'll be taken more seriously.

Edited by KiwiKiwi
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5 minutes ago, robblok said:

Suppose i had child porn on my computer.. but deleted it before the police came. But the police can prove i downloaded it. Would I go free then because I no longer have it in my possession and they cannot find anything on the computer anymore. They could however see i downloaded it before. Its a tough one not sure how its done in other countries. 

I suspect you'll find that proving download is deemed possession, albeit a transitory possession. If it is streamed data, it will be presumed you have viewed it. It really isn't as complex as some of the less informed posters here try to pretend it is.

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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

Agreed. Their crime is arguably more heinous than that of the alleged trafficker. Reading this horror story, one can understand why many Thais are calling for the death penalty for rape.


The BIB decision not to track down the human filth that downloaded this degrading video is an opportunity missed to hit hard at a child pornography market which wouldn't exist without its depraved customer base.


You're right of course. The really useful question to ask is why they have not pursued it, and there are several possible reasons for that.

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34 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

You sound racist, probably,  but mainly also very pedantic at least with this kind of answer :coffee1:  


Everybody's racist to one extent or another so the epithet lacks usefulness. Also, everybody is a pedant to one extent or another. But that isn't really what you mean. You use both labels as a broad-brush reason not to pay attention to what is being said. Baby with the bath-water.


But hey, it doesn't matter to me what verbal gymnastics you use to try and pretend you're right, you're still wrong anyway.

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2 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:

I suspect you'll find that proving download is deemed possession, albeit a transitory possession. If it is streamed data, it will be presumed you have viewed it. It really isn't as complex as some of the less informed posters here try to pretend it is.

I am not so sure, laws are often complex with loopholes. From your post you seem educated so you must know that. Because suppose I download en masse without looking pictures from newsgroups and some underage is downloaded by accident and I delete them as soon as i discover them in some countries that is enough not to be charged for it. There have been cases in my country like that (i know lax law enforcement). To say that everything is straight forward and now reading an English translation of a Thai law that is up for interpretation is not true IMHO. 

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19 hours ago, robblok said:

Most of the people prosecuted by the Thai courts are Thais. So to suggest that the police is not going after Thais..  is a bit crazy to say the least. 


The context of my comment was clear, you are a professional dissembler. Read Schopenhauer on 'The Art of Controversy' and you'll be better and less transparent at it.

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8 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


All data stored on a computer is a series of 0's and 1's. It's how it is decoded that is important. Yours is a simplistic and almost completely uninformed view. Please go away and learn something about it before speculating - you'll be taken more seriously.

We are talking about evidence that can be used in Court for a prosecution .

A video can be used as evidence , a series of 0's & 1's cannot be used as evidance

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11 minutes ago, robblok said:

I am not so sure, laws are often complex with loopholes. From your post you seem educated so you must know that. Because suppose I download en masse without looking pictures from newsgroups and some underage is downloaded by accident and I delete them as soon as i discover them in some countries that is enough not to be charged for it. There have been cases in my country like that (i know lax law enforcement). To say that everything is straight forward and now reading an English translation of a Thai law that is up for interpretation is not true IMHO. 


You suggest that you know I read an English translation of a aThai law.


You are wrong. Again. But hey, being wrong never stopped you before so press on regardless..

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6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

We are talking about evidence that can be used in Court for a prosecution .

A video can be used as evidence , a series of 0's & 1's cannot be used as evidance


Max, Max. A video is nothing but a series of 0's and 1's. The player contains the code to translate them into a moving picture on a screen.


I'm sorry my friend, but I should not have to be explaining this. Nobody should.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Yes but i fail to see what this has to do with that, to suggest that the police only goes after foreign criminals is laughable because it does not explain why jails are full with Thai criminals. That was what the poster said with racist statement. 


Dear God...


Obtuse much?

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23 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


The context of my comment was clear, you are a professional dissembler. Read Schopenhauer on 'The Art of Controversy' and you'll be better and less transparent at it.

No your remark was racist as usual and on par for you. 



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20 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


You suggest that you know I read an English translation of a aThai law.


You are wrong. Again. But hey, being wrong never stopped you before so press on regardless..

In this topic the English translation was posted. I assumed you could not read Thai well enough for Thai law text  but had read the English translation in this post. I doubt you read the Thai and and are good enough in Thai to interpret it. My opinion of course. 

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22 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

How in the hell could ANY parent sell their toddler to someone like that?  That just boggles my mind. 


This is Thailand dude ! Anything can happen here...

Edited by Raymonddiaz
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1 minute ago, robblok said:

No your remark was racist as usual and on par for you. 




Everyone is racist. Most try to pretend they're not, but it is a fact that everyone is. For example, your preference is for body-builders and you have a Dutch reference in your Nom-de-plume. Both are a form of tribal preference and tribalism is at the root of racism.

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4 minutes ago, robblok said:

In this topic the English translation was posted. I assumed you could not read Thai well enough for Thai law text  but had read the English translation in this post. I doubt you read the Thai and and are good enough in Thai to interpret it. My opinion of course. 


You 'assumed'. Better not to make assumptions. Everything after that assumption is worthless.

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Just now, KiwiKiwi said:


Everyone is racist. Most try to pretend they're not, but it is a fact that everyone is. For example, your preference is for body-builders and you have a Dutch reference in your Nom-de-plume. Both are a form of tribal preference and tribalism is at the root of racism.

Your so funny and so wrong on so many levels. 


First of my Dutch reference is to make fun of Dutch people.. not really racist at all shows I don't care much about nationality.

The bodybuilder pic is an inside joke that you only get if you workout, its poking fun of bodybuilders. 


Next time try harder. 

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35 minutes ago, robblok said:

I am not so sure, laws are often complex with loopholes. From your post you seem educated so you must know that. Because suppose I download en masse without looking pictures from newsgroups and some underage is downloaded by accident and I delete them as soon as i discover them in some countries that is enough not to be charged for it. There have been cases in my country like that (i know lax law enforcement). To say that everything is straight forward and now reading an English translation of a Thai law that is up for interpretation is not true IMHO. 



In your first sentence - see the words 'are often'. That's how you get away with talking nonsense and I didn't bother to read beyond that because it taints everything that follows. Most would not pick it up, I do. Must be the racism I expect.

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1 minute ago, KiwiKiwi said:


You 'assumed'. Better not to make assumptions. Everything after that assumption is worthless.

Not really, this is an assumption i can make because even when your Thai Thai law text is quite hard reading. I doubt that you studied Thai to that level. Its an assumption that has a really high probability. 

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19 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes but even the online providers outside of Thailand want some good requests maybe a court order or something like that and all in English. Maybe its just too much work for them. I really think they find it too much trouble to get all the required documents, as national providers cave in easier and things can be in Thai. That is the only logical explanation I can give.


Someone said a HiSo in the mix.. even if this was true, they could just ignore his data and go after the rest. I don't really think that would stop them. 

Dissembling for the exclusive purpose of dissembly. Nonsense from start to finish, as we have all come to love about your posts.

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1 minute ago, KiwiKiwi said:



In your first sentence - see the words 'are often'. That's how you get away with talking nonsense and I didn't bother to read beyond that because it taints everything that follows. Most would not pick it up, I do. Must be the racism I expect.

Its a true statement, i studied law, normal and fiscal law. 

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10 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Max, Max. A video is nothing but a series of 0's and 1's. The player contains the code to translate them into a moving picture on a screen.


I'm sorry my friend, but I should not have to be explaining this. Nobody should.

There is a difference between an actual video and the numeral code .

You can provide a video as evidence in Court , you cannot use 00100011 as evidence in Court .

   We are talking about providing evidence for a prosecution , had they downloaded the video , they could get charged with possession .

   If they just had 00001100010 on their computer , that wouldnt be enough evidence in Court 

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19 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Another more benign explanation, perhaps, could be that there is some legitimate technical or other reason why the Thai police can't at all, or can't easily, access the info they need to prosecute the viewers in this case.


They certainly would know what that reason is, but perhaps don't want to explain it in their public statements. Because, to do so would open the door to potentially all kinds of follow-on behavior that they might not like from people like democracy activists, mushroom pickers, Facebook likers etc. who might then turn to using the same method to avoid detection. And the police surely wouldn't want that.


I'm sure there are several perfectly good reasons why they could not access the user or the data. That's what LINE does for a living. Thepoint is they said instead that no Thai laws had been broken, which is clearly not the case unless Thailand is a haven for paedophiles (which Gary Glitter evidently discovered).


In this case, saving face just makes them look even more stupid.

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