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Trump lawyer Cohen vows to defend himself, puts family first -ABC News


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"Michael Cohen hires Clinton scandal veteran Lanny Davis. "As an attorney, I have talked to Michael many times in the last two weeks. Then I read his words published on July 2, and I recognized his sincerity. Michael Cohen deserves to tell his side of the story — subject, of course, to the advice of counsel." "


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On 7/3/2018 at 9:24 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

You think there is actually evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to influence the election? :cheesy:

If the Dems get a majority after November, they'd better have more than what has come out of Mueller's investigation if they impeach Trump for something.

If they don't win a majority in the Senate, impeachment will not result in conviction anyway, regardless of what the house does. 

I think the 5 convictions he has already got (to include George Papadoupolos, Michael Flyn and Rick Gates) coupled with the 15 indictments currently going on MIGHT suggest there is more than a passing chance that Trump (or people VERY close to him) colluded with Russia.

But hey, why let facts get in the way of your blind adoration to the Cheeto in Chief.  

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7 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

I think the 5 convictions he has already got (to include George Papadoupolos, Michael Flyn and Rick Gates) coupled with the 15 indictments currently going on MIGHT suggest there is more than a passing chance that Trump (or people VERY close to him) colluded with Russia.

But hey, why let facts get in the way of your blind adoration to the Cheeto in Chief.  

Far as I know, none of the convictions have anything to do with Russia. 

Perhaps you could indicate why you think they do.

If they did, do you not think Trump would have already been impeached?


BTW, not believing Trump colluded with Russia, does not mean that I have admiration for Trump, blind or otherwise. I would have voted for Bernie, as I said at the time. 

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Far as I know, none of the convictions have anything to do with Russia. 

Perhaps you could indicate why you think they do.

If they did, do you not think Trump would have already been impeached?


BTW, not believing Trump colluded with Russia, does not mean that I have admiration for Trump, blind or otherwise. I would have voted for Bernie, as I said at the time. 

Patience TBL.


Mueller has not yet filed his report.

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Far as I know, none of the convictions have anything to do with Russia. 

Perhaps you could indicate why you think they do.

If they did, do you not think Trump would have already been impeached?


BTW, not believing Trump colluded with Russia, does not mean that I have admiration for Trump, blind or otherwise. I would have voted for Bernie, as I said at the time. 

A journalist’s conscience leads her to reveal her source to the FBI. Here’s why.

It’s pretty much an inviolable rule of journalism: Protect your sources.

Reporters have gone to jail to keep that covenant.

But Marcy Wheeler, who writes a well-regarded national security blog, not only revealed a source — she did so to the FBI, eventually becoming a witness in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of President Trump’s possible connections to Russia.


The following is from her blog:


I’d like to put a human face — my own — to the risk posed by GOP gamesmanship on the Mueller investigation.

Sometime last year, I went to the FBI and provided information on a person whom I had come to believe had played a significant role in the Russian election attack on the US. Since that time, a number of public events have made it clear I was correct.


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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Far as I know, none of the convictions have anything to do with Russia. 

Perhaps you could indicate why you think they do.

If they did, do you not think Trump would have already been impeached?


BTW, not believing Trump colluded with Russia, does not mean that I have admiration for Trump, blind or otherwise. I would have voted for Bernie, as I said at the time. 

They have EVERYTHING to do with Russia:-

·       George Papadopoulos: Former Trump Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor, continued in that role after Trump became President. Convicted October 5, 2017 for lying to the FBI regarding communications, on behalf of and with the encouragement Trump Campaign, with Russians aimed at getting dirt on Hillary Clinton from Russian hacked emails.

·       Michael Flynn: Former Army General, Trump Campaign Advisor, led “lock her up chants” as a keynote speaker at the Republican National Convention, appointed by Trump as National Security Advisor and Director of National Intelligence, perhaps the most sensitive position related to national security in the Administration. Convicted (by guilty plea) on December 1, 2017 for lying to the FBI and regarding contacts and communications with Russians on behalf of the Trump transition team.

·       Richard Pinedo: California man convicted February 2, 2018 for helping the indicted Russian individuals and companies in their meddling in the Presidential election. Pinedo helped the Russians use dummy bank accounts to work around the security of companies like PayPal. Pinedo helped the Russians appear online as if they were Americans. Pinedo is now cooperating with Mueller’s team.

·       Alex Van der Zwaan: The son-in-law of a Russian oligarch pleads guilty on February 20, 2018 for lying to the FBI regarding his communications with Rick Gates and Paul Manafort on behalf of pro-Soviet elements in the Ukraine.

·       Rick Gates: As widely anticipated, on February 23, 2018 Rick Gates strikes a plea agreement and pleads guilty to multiple counts for conspiracy to defraud the United States and making false statements. Gates is Manafort’s long term right hand man who stayed with the Trump Campaign and the administration after Manafort left. Gates agrees that a government drafted Statement of Criminal Information spells out facts and allegations that are true. The Criminal Information Gates stipulates to completely sells out Manafort as it details wide ranging schemes to defraud the United States, money launder, bank fraud and tax fraud.


For the full list and ongoing indictments read https://medium.com/@KeithDB/a-running-tab-of-mueller-investigation-convictions-indictments-f518b9a72827

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